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Will there ever be a 5200+?


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At the risk of sounding facetious, how about a Video Pinball+ or a Stunt Cycle+? As neither console uses cartridges, there should be minimal to no IP issues. (I am aware that this would be an extremely niche product with limited market appeal.) 

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1 hour ago, Defender_2600 said:


Thinking back, it's not that bad! :)



I don't mind the pastels either, but Atari would be better off making them a different color for a larger acceptance (darker grey maybe). I still say make games that are compatible with a two button controller. Something like this:



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42 minutes ago, pboland said:

I don't mind the pastels either, but Atari would be better off making them a different color for a larger acceptance (darker grey maybe). I still say make games that are compatible with a two button controller. Something like this:




The official Atari 8-bit games are designed to use joysticks with a single fire button, such as the CX40. I am assuming that creating new 8-bit games that use a two-button controller would make them incompatible with the entire original Atari 8-bit line, and in any case it would be a hassle to deal with. A XEGS+ could also be compatible with the CX78 gamepad, but it would still be used as a gamepad with a single fire button, as was the case with the 2600 Jr PAL (I'm attaching a picture).




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17 hours ago, pboland said:

I assume you mean Odyssey2. This would be a fantastic idea. O2 cart are cheap and I think somebody in the homebrew community just made molds for O2 carts. It would be interesting to see a membrane keyboard on a mini console.

No the first one, its design caught my eye. I have no experience of either.

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12 hours ago, Defender_2600 said:

The official Atari 8-bit games are designed to use joysticks with a single fire button, such as the CX40.

Yes, I'm aware of that. I own both an 800XL and an XEGS.


12 hours ago, Defender_2600 said:

I am assuming that creating new 8-bit games that use a two-button controller would make them incompatible with the entire original Atari 8-bit line,

I'm not an expert in the 8-bit computer hardware capabilities, but I didn't think there was anything special in the 7800 that made it see the two button controllers where the 8-bit computer line could not. My reason for suggesting the two button controller for a new XEGS+ was for a few reasons:


1) Any new games that are made for the computer line would now have an extra action button if a game needs it. This should be backwards compatible with all 8-bit computers (assuming there is nothing special hardware wise to read the extra button).


2) I also wasn't sure if any 5200 game (that might be ported over as a new release) had more than one action button used (and I don't mean the keypad). I know the 5200 controller has four action buttons on each controller, but I don't think any game uses them as four separated functions. I thought they are just two action buttons, but on both sides of the controller for left or right preferences (I could be wrong on that one. It's been a while since I've owned a 5200).


3) Finally the two button controller is already made, so why not make use of it. Now, if it breaks backward compatibility of the 8-bit computers, then yes I can see why Atari would not want to do that. I don't think it will.


On a side note. The truth is every Atari 8-bit computer is capable of supporting two analog controllers with two action buttons on each controller without any changes to the hardware. Think about it for a second. Each controller input can handle two potentiometer and two action buttons (this is exactly how the tennis paddles are made and used). There is nothing stopping anyone from using both potentiometers for single 5200 like controller (pot one is X and pot two is Y). I'm really surprised no one ever points this out. Of course there is no software that uses this set-up, but it does show that the computer line can hand a more direct port of a 5200 game than one would otherwise think. This is built in to all Atari 8-bit computers by default. Yes, a controller would need to be made and yes software would need to be made too, but it is possible if someone really wants a more 5200 like experience on the 8-bit line of computers. And it is because of this that I feel a 5200+ is not necessary.



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1 hour ago, pboland said:

Yes, I'm aware of that. I own both an 800XL and an XEGS.


I'm not an expert in the 8-bit computer hardware capabilities, but I didn't think there was anything special in the 7800 that made it see the two button controllers where the 8-bit computer line could not. My reason for suggesting the two button controller for a new XEGS+ was for a few reasons:


1) Any new games that are made for the computer line would now have an extra action button if a game needs it. This should be backwards compatible with all 8-bit computers (assuming there is nothing special hardware wise to read the extra button).


2) I also wasn't sure if any 5200 game (that might be ported over as a new release) had more than one action button used (and I don't mean the keypad). I know the 5200 controller has four action buttons on each controller, but I don't think any game uses them as four separated functions. I thought they are just two action buttons, but on both sides of the controller for left or right preferences (I could be wrong on that one. It's been a while since I've owned a 5200).


3) Finally the two button controller is already made, so why not make use of it. Now, if it breaks backward compatibility of the 8-bit computers, then yes I can see why Atari would not want to do that. I don't think it will.


On a side note. The truth is every Atari 8-bit computer is capable of supporting two analog controllers with two action buttons on each controller without any changes to the hardware. Think about it for a second. Each controller input can handle two potentiometer and two action buttons (this is exactly how the tennis paddles are made and used). There is nothing stopping anyone from using both potentiometers for single 5200 like controller (pot one is X and pot two is Y). I'm really surprised no one ever points this out. Of course there is no software that uses this set-up, but it does show that the computer line can hand a more direct port of a 5200 game than one would otherwise think. This is built in to all Atari 8-bit computers by default. Yes, a controller would need to be made and yes software would need to be made too, but it is possible if someone really wants a more 5200 like experience on the 8-bit line of computers. And it is because of this that I feel a 5200+ is not necessary.



My point is to keep the design "simple", as an incentive to make the project happen. So no new software, hardware or additional controllers, since it's already hard to get full compatibility with the entire library and original controllers on these emulation-based systems. And on the other hand, I wonder how many notable 8-bit homebrew games are already using two fire buttons controller.

As much as I might appreciate it, I'm just skeptical that Atari would want to invest resources in this kind of innovation. Just my opinion.



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I think an XEGS+ is a great idea.  Could even do this with the wireless CX-40's.  As much as I love the 5200, and I do, I think it makes more sense to go with the XEGS, even if it is produced without a 5200 cartridge slot.  Plenty of games available, and it uses the 2600 controllers...the wheel doesn't have to reinvented there.


Maybe, instead of a 5200+, since it is so niche, Atari/Plaion should just develop and sell reliable self-centering joysticks for the 5200, and leave it at that.  5200 users would need at least 2, and that could bring in revenue without developing a new system.

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24 minutes ago, Defender_2600 said:


My point is to keep the design "simple", as an incentive to make the project happen. So no new software, hardware or additional controllers, since it's already hard to get full compatibility with the entire library and original controllers on these emulation-based systems. And on the other hand, I wonder how many notable 8-bit homebrew games are already using two fire buttons.

As much as I might appreciate it, I'm just skeptical that Atari would want to invest resources in this kind of innovation. Just my opinion.

I agree with the "simple". I only wanted the two button controller included if no hardware changes are necessary to implement them (for backwards compatibility).


So I'm guessing special hardware is necessary for the two button controller to work? I'm asking because it isn't obvious. As I stated earlier, I'm not aware of any special hardware inside the 7800 that magically makes the two button controller work (unless it is a Bios thing). I was under the assumption that it was software only. Can someone point out what in the 7800 is special that makes it (and only it) see the two button controller?


Of course I don't want the two button controller with the XEGS+ if it truly requires altered hardware that would break backwards compatibility. I agree this would be bad.


I was only suggesting the two button controller if there is no hardware (in the case of emulation, software) to make it function. If it is truly software based, then they should be backwards compatible.


Added more:


After reading many posts from the link above it appears the 7800 does have some special hardware to read the two button controller (however no one really pointed out, it's just stated as fact). So, no two button controller with the XEGS+. I agree. :)

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How about a 5200+ that has a backward-compatible 5200 controller that is digital but uses the same case (or same externally) as the original 5200 controller? One with improved buttons that don't have such a high failure rate. Atari was working on one but never finished it. I can dream, can't I?

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On 8/29/2024 at 7:44 AM, Ben from Plaion said:

Personally I hope that Atari really crank up game releases, reissues are cool but newly developed games, that really gets people excited...

This is something I'd really like to see, treat it like an active console with quality new releases.

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Ofcourse it is possible to use 2 fire buttons in Atari 8-bit software. There are various projects out there, one of the biggest is this one: https://github.com/ascrnet/Joy2Bplus?tab=readme-ov-file And there is a big list of games that was adapted to use 2 fire buttons: https://github.com/ascrnet/Joy2Bplus/tree/master/games


Because the A+ platform is emulator based it should be possible to support 2 fire buttons.


But.... I am not going to be very popular here on AA. You guys are all dreamers 😀 The400 mini by Retro Games ltd/Plaion/Atari is (was?) not very succesful (very big price drops everywhere) and is (ofcourse) based on the Atari 8-bit computer series and the 5200. The Atari 2600 is an icon (which attracts buyers outside the AA-community too) and the 5200/Atari 8-bit were not (this hurts me as an Atari 8-bit fan, but it is reality). The 7800+ is a (very nice!) repackaged 2600+ and probably needed no big investment. Creating wireless controllers is fantastic, it uses existing wireless (cheap) technology (dongle) so these probably needed no big investment too. Developing a complete new (incompatible?) A+ platform is in my opinion not going to happen.


Be happy with the consoles and games that are now available and will become available in the future. Who had ever expected that in 2023/2024 new Atari consoles would be available? And even better, NEW 2600 and 7800 games are available. A 7800 conversion of Bounty Bob Strikes Back! That is a huge and impressive achievement! Ofcourse you guys can want more (and more) and can discuss your ideas. It is fun but I am happy that @MrChickenz created this topic:

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1 hour ago, Fred_M said:

Be happy with the consoles and games that are now available and will become available in the future. Who had ever expected that in 2023/2024 new Atari consoles would be available? And even better, NEW 2600 and 7800 games are available. A 7800 conversion of Bounty Bob Strikes Back! That is a huge and impressive achievement!

I agree! I am totally satisfied with the Atari 2600+ and all the products available for it and upcoming product releases.

I haven’t been using any of my other gaming consoles since I received the 2600+! I got bit by the Atari Bug!

But I’m a dreamer, nothing but a dreamer, I said, "Far out, what a day, a year, a life it is!" 🎼🎼🎼😄

Edited by MrChickenz
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Y'all realize that the XEGS+ w/o a 5200 port is just a "the 400" with a cart slot, but made by Plaion...

Making the CX78 controller compatible with 5200 games also makes sense. A Lot of sense.


A 5200+ with the keypad(s) on the console and use the CX78 controller, that also makes sense.

The biggest problem with 5200's are the controllers and the power supply/switchbox issue on 4-ports.


I will stand by my first post here about two cart slots. It's not like it hasn't been done...


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23 hours ago, pboland said:

I don't mind the pastels either, but Atari would be better off making them a different color for a larger acceptance (darker grey maybe). I still say make games that are compatible with a two button controller. Something like this:



I actually like this! 👍

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I personally would love to simply see more of the non-2600/7800 games along with those that were updates from the 2600 ported to carts for the current Atari+ platform. New games are great and yes, I will buy many of them: But most of the reason I ordered a 7800+ is the nostalgia of playing the old games, especially the ones that don’t play on my old 2600. That and the fact that my wife is comfortable with a cartridge-based console but not my emulation devices make this more useable for us. Oh, and yes the video looks a lot better. I understand there may be a small number of 5200 and other games where the CX78+, CX40+ or CX30+ controllers may not be sufficient, but from my experience, most of the Atari console and arcade games, including the 5200 games could play just fine with one of them.


If Atari wants to maximize their profits and sell more + consoles, then releasing new games AND re-releasing as many of the retro games as possible from their various platforms sounds like the best approach.

I understand this would break the approach of being able to use the original cartridges on the new system, however I can get over that frustration if I get to actually play the games.

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It would be so cool to be able to play some of the 5200 games on the Atari+ platform like Rescue on Fractalus, Qix, Space Dungeon, and The Dreadnaught Factor just to name a few.


If they could also provide a path to load and play any homebrew game desired, including newly developed games, then that would also be amazing. Perhaps they could provide a streamlined path for developers to sell homebrew games through an official channel so the devs can sell more games, and Atari would get a small portion of the sale. So long as the Atari cut stays reasonable (don’t get greedy), this would be a huge win-win scenario. Perhaps some type of partnership with a group like AtariAge????

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2 hours ago, tradyblix said:

I like pastels. I've always liked the design of that console. Pretty cool looking. 

Back in the day we (a lot of Dutch and German Atari 8-bit users) hated this design. It looked way too much as my first Sony stuff. No, the best Atari 8-bit home computer design is in my opinion the 800XL.




I still don't understand why Retro Games Limited chose the 400 for their mini release. 😟

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