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Vectrex HSC - Sep 2024 Space Frenzy

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Round 6 - September 2024 - Space Frenzy


This is the current round being played in the Vectrex High Score Club. Join in and submit your scores!


Closing date is 30 Sep 23:59 PST


Current scores & ranking:



Space Frenzy








An awesome clone of Space Fury, itself clearly inspired by Asteroids, this cool port by John Dondzila includes speech if you have a VecVox attached



Packrat Video Games is the best choice, but there are waiting times



There is a beta version available here: http://vide.malban.de/vectrex-programs/john-donzila which I'll be playing personally while I wait for my cart. I'm not sure if there are any gameplay differences, but this version is missing the talking alien altogether






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I only have the Public Beta Version 1.0, and yes... I remember this game now.  It ramps up very fast in a true frenzy!  It seems to pay to dock as fast as possible, and keep flying afterwards for bonus points.  Also some strategy on which one you dock in for the next level, so there's a good gun for the harder levels.  I can see where getting stuck with a weapon for the rest of the game might feel better.  I think you can also kind of learn which order to pick them in and keep practicing that way and get better.  But picking randomly will surely lead to more chaos :D 

11,170 Public Beta Version v1.0

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17 hours ago, TheCurlyBard said:

doesn't seem to be a way to predict where things will spawn?

Yeah, they seem random, but twice now I had one spawn directly under me.  I think the algorithm must decide not to spawn under you, but in some rare cases it still does.  If I wanted it to be really hard though, I would make it spawn them such that they keep closing in on you so you have to keep moving out of the death trap.  I haven't noticed it doing that though, even at the harder levels... so I think it's just random.

I really want to know what the full game looks like though :D Found a nice video of it... looks like maybe the game play is the same, but some cut scenes and voice support.


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