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SaveKey integration help?

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I am trying to include this file in my source code:

 * https://github.com/7800-devtools/7800basic/blob/master/includes/i2c7800.inc


I am doing so via:


        ; SaveKey / AtariVox functions
        include "hdr/savekey/i2c7800.inc"


However, I get strange compile errors.

bin/dasm/dasm src/main.asm -f3 -oout/output.bin -sout/output.symbol.txt -lout/output.annotated_source.txt
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
i2c_startwrite           0000 ????         (R )
i2c_startread            0000 ????         (R )
i2c_stopwrite            0000 ????         (R )
i2c_stopread             0000 ????         (R )
--- 7 Unresolved Symbols
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
char = '{' 123 (-1: 0)
char = '}' 125 (-1: 49)
--- Unresolved Symbol List
C                        10000 ????
i2c_startwrite           0000 ????         (R )
i2c_startread            0000 ????         (R )
i2c_rxbyte               0000 ????         (R )
i2c_txbyte               0000 ????         (R )
i2c_stopwrite            0000 ????         (R )
i2c_stopread             0000 ????         (R )
--- 7 Unresolved Symbols

i2c_startread            0000 ????         (R )
i2c_rxbyte               0000 ????         (R )
i2c_txbyte               0000 ????         (R )
i2c_stopwrite            0000 ????         (R )
i2c_stopread             0000 ????         (R )
--- 7 Unresolved Symbols

--- Unresolved Symbol List
C                        10000 ????
1.vbit                   100a0 ????         (R )
i2c_rxbyteloop           1007a ????         (R )
i2c_startwrite           10012 ????         (R )
i2c_startread            10000 ????         (R )
i2c_txbyteloop           10028 ????         (R )
i2c_rxbyte               10061 ????         (R )
i2c_rxskipack            1009d ????         (R )
i2c_txbyte               10022 ????         (R )
i2c_stopwrite            100b9 ????         (R )
i2c_stopread             100a2 ????         (R )
--- 11 Unresolved Symbols

src/main.asm (143): error: Not enough args passed to Macro.
src/main.asm (143): error: Illegal character '{1}'.
src/main.asm (143): error: Illegal character '}'.
src/main.asm (143): error: Not enough args passed to Macro.
src/main.asm (143): error: Illegal character '{1}'.
src/main.asm (143): error: Illegal character '}'.
src/main.asm (143): error: Not enough args passed to Macro.
src/main.asm (143): error: Illegal character '{1}'.
src/main.asm (143): error: Illegal character '}'.
src/main.asm (143): error: Not enough args passed to Macro.
src/main.asm (143): error: Illegal character '{1}'.
src/main.asm (143): error: Illegal character '}'.
src/main.asm (5887): error: Value in 'jsr i2c_txbyte' must be <$10000.
src/main.asm (5892): error: Value in 'jsr i2c_stopwrite' must be <$10000.
src/main.asm (5904): error: Value in 'jsr i2c_stopwrite' must be <$10000.
src/main.asm (5905): error: Value in 'jsr i2c_startread' must be <$10000.
src/main.asm (5910): error: Value in 'jsr i2c_rxbyte' must be <$10000.
src/main.asm (5920): error: Value in 'jsr i2c_stopread' must be <$10000.
src/main.asm (5928): error: Value in 'jsr i2c_startwrite' must be <$10000.
src/main.asm (5934): error: Value in 'jsr i2c_txbyte' must be <$10000.
src/main.asm (5936): error: Value in 'jmp i2c_txbyte' must be <$10000.

Fatal assembly error: Source is not resolvable.


I understand the "Value must be < $10000" errors because at the moment, I'm likely having a space collision somewhere.  I can solve that later, but as a starter, it seems really irritated about the "{" type characters, and that's confusing to me.


I am using DASM version, which I believe is pretty recent.  Any suggestions?


As a dumb question-- does `skBuffer` have to point to a zero-page memory address?  Or, would I be allowed to point to something like $1800?  I wasn't sure if there was a limitation due to fact that original AtariVox started on the 2600, and the default RAM there would typically have been Zero-Page.



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