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When you upgraded your TI-99/4A from cassette tape to disk drive back in the day, I assume it came with an interface/adapter that plugged into the expansion port.


On many contemporary machines the ROM didn't have support for the DOS or the FDC and either the controller came with a ROM or code was loaded from the disk's boot block, or both.


Which did the TI-99/4A have? Of course it may have had a GROM rather than a ROM. Is there a disassembly available? Googling hasn't led me to the answer yet.

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The TI has all device interface code in ROM - we call them DSRs "Device Service Routines". Every program that uses devices has code to search the ROMs for the one it wants.


Classic99's disk is a psuedo DSR - though you didn't look far enough to see where it ends. It starts with a completely valid DSR header that includes entry points for all the devices it supports (Classic99 supports both upper and lower case DSK names, and I believe CLIP and CLOCK are in the same DSR there). They jump to a 'magic' address that triggers the emulation to take over and parse the actual request.


Classic99 also does support the real TI controller, but bank switches it in automatically when a configured disk is accessed, so I don't think you can view it using mini memory. Same with the CF7 support.


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To be clear, every expansion device could contain its own DSR ROM. (Device Service Routine.) 

A utility routine like DSRLNK would search tables at the beginning of each ROM. These tables had a constant structure across cartridge ROM, GROM and expansion hardware.  This provided  compatibility between software (hopefully) and not-yet-invented hardware. 


A device ROM could provide several kinds of  table: power up initialization routine, programs for the  menu (sometimes), an interrupt handler. Table >8 defined the canonical names for devices like DSK1, with their handler for the common file opcodes, like OPEN, READ, CLOSE, etc. >A was weirder  and had  "subprograms" for lower level disk operations like FORMAT, READ SECTOR. 


Minicomputer Heritage


The DSR ideas in the 99/4 were borrowed from TI's minicomputer operating systems such as DX10, downsized as needed.  The key concepts were a standard pluggable table interface, shared file system concepts and common opcodes.*

This is not surprising, because TI employees in Home Computer software and hardware development would have used the 990 DX10 for their work.


* though DX10 required a new DSR to be linked into the operating system image by the sys admin. 

**TI-Writer and Hopper are known to have been written using a 99/4A. 

***There is sample DSR source in DX10 Vol 5, Systems Programmer Manual. 


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