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Drop-in replacement for the SN76494? SN76489??


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If I have a dead SN76494, what would it take to replace it with a SN76489?  I have a bunch of those.  I know there is something about the clock input on the '489 being 4MHz vs. 500KHz on the '494.


Is there some documentation on how to make this mod?


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22 minutes ago, cbmeeks said:

If I have a dead SN76494, what would it take to replace it with a SN76489?  I have a bunch of those.  I know there is something about the clock input on the '489 being 4MHz vs. 500KHz on the '494.


Is there some documentation on how to make this mod?


There should be a jumper on the ti99 motherboard to select either the CPUclk (3.58mhz) or the GROMclk (477khz / the default) both clock signals come from the VDP 9918.

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@Gary from OPA:)


Bit off-topic...




Shown in RED, I noticed that leaving W104, W502, connected, and with W500 removed, would provide the 3.58 MHz signal, to the GROMs. Wondering how\if this has any practicality.

Also curious what address ranges, U504's, unused outputs, might correspond to. Looks like Pin 14, was partially drawn.:ponder:


Observed that while the other end of W500, is shown as connected to Sheet 1, U100-pin 37. Sheet 1, shows  U100-pin 37, connected to Sheet 4, U101-pin 3! Which makes little or no sense.:P

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