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22 minutes ago, MrChickenz said:

I think it was a good observation. I was just wondering which paddle set you used. Like cartridges, original paddle sets need cleaning as well. I have a few paddle sets that I cleaned some years ago and still to this day have no jitter.

I absolutely agree that more than just the cartridges need to be cleaned every so often.  The paddles are clean and jitter free on the 7800 and do almost as well on the stella emulator.  The 2600+ is still a good machine.  Kaboom was not so much fun to play on the 2600+ but my other paddle games were playable.

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7 hours ago, Ben from Plaion said:

IO PCB can be made and will give some away, and posssibly offer them for sale.

I would like test such a new IO PCB  for the 2600+, once available🤗


Ordered a 7800+, therefore did not raise hand for the 7800+ prototype but want to keep both units running in different rooms  because of their different look.

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13 hours ago, MrChickenz said:

Why? The Atari 2600+ is a great retro gaming console, as I’m sure the 7800+ will be!

I remember when I purchased the Retron 77.

I thought it was awesome for the fact that it used original Atari cartridges. But there are many cartridges that won’t load on the 77.

Paddles won’t work at all with the DB9 connector with the latest Firmware update. You need a usb adapter to play paddle games. I was fortunate to purchase one adapter before production was stopped. So I can’t play four player paddle games on the 77.

I liked the look of the Retron 77, that is until the release of the Atari 2600+!

Yes, you can play almost any game off the sd card. But you find yourself not using cartridges anymore and it’s just not the same experience you get with the 2600+. 

I will never retire my 2600+, in just one short year it’s brought back Atari gaming like no other console or emulation! The 2600+ definitely brought back that nostalgia feel like it was yesteryear!


I never liked playing Atari games on PC emulation. It just doesn’t work for me.


The 2600+ is my go to gaming console since last year. I play Atari more now than ever! My 7800+ is going right next to my 2600+.

I might even buy a second monitor and have Pitfall! Loaded on both machines at once. So when Harry runs to the end of one monitor he can continue on to the other!😄


Well, I kind of grew up with a 7800 so I mean I did have both but I definitely had the 7800 during the NES phase early on. so it is kind of very nostalgic to me too and if it plays paddle games a bit better then yeah I might play it more.  and then just have the 2600 in the other room or something.


it’s really only super breakout that is kind of not playable at the moment for me and that’s the only game I really wanna play. I don’t really like kaboom too much. Maybe some video Olympics too, but so far that has seemed more playable. and I suppose Astro blast but I kind of got used to playing Astro blast with the joystick now lol.


We’ll see we’ll see how I feel when I get the other console. Also, I gotta upgrade this one too, so we’ll see how that goes with the old slot and Activision cart issue.


yes, I definitely consider this. An extremely minor minor issue and not really a huge deal at all but you know if there’s a way to fix it. There’s a way to fix it….

Edited by tradyblix
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1 hour ago, JetmanUK said:

@Ben from Plaion


Happy to help test anything as always Ben. I have a huge cart collection now.

I am glad that the 7800+ is getting improvements, regardless of the status of 2600+ updates, we must always move forwards.

Totally agree, this is how we get the ultimate Atari experience! 


The 2600+ VADER EDITION!!!   

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43 minutes ago, tradyblix said:

Well, I kind of grew up with a 7800 so I mean I did have both but I definitely had the 7800 during the NES phase early on. so it is kind of very nostalgic to me too

The 7800 was my first official Atari. I had the Coleco Gemini system, an Atari 2600 clone, which I really liked. So later when the 7800 was released I picked one up. Which I still have in my collection and still works like it was 1986!

Edited by MrChickenz
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4 minutes ago, MrChickenz said:

The 7800 was my first official Atari. I had the Coleco Gemini system, an Atari 2600 clone, which I really liked. So later when the 7800 was released I picked one up. Which I still have in my collection and still works like it was 1986!

Wow that's amazing it still works. They built things to last back then 

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20 hours ago, Ben from Plaion said:

Nah the position is clear, if advancements can be made we make them. The factory had an opportunity to improve the controller compatibilty (including improving the paddles) with the 7800+ so they did. However underpinning this advancement is a shared desire for a ecosystem between 2600+ and 7800+. The emulation firmware loaded to the 7800+ is basically the latest experimental 2600+ v6 provided by raz0red. I dont want any difference between 2600+ and 7800+, differnces cause problems.


However we are where we are and it maybe the case that implementing the changes to paddle resolution and additional compatibilty with controllers made on the 7800+ like the video keypad and driving controller on the 2600+ dont materialise. When I think about such scenarios I think of mitigation, like recent developments on the cart socket, where improvements have been made to the launch 2600+ design are subsequently introduced into the launch 7800+ and recent manufacture runs of the 2600+. Additionally, to pacify launch 2600+ owners Im sending out 40 x PCBs for the 2600+ with the updated cartridge socket for Atari Age posters and maybe we offer these PCBs to purchase in the future on AA.


If the advancements made in controller compatibility with the 7800+ arent matched by an update to the 2600+ I'll do something like what I did with the updated cartridge socket, I'll see if a new IO PCB can be made and will give some away, and posssibly offer them for sale.

Speaking only for myself, but I would be far more likely to buy a hardware device necessary to upgrade the 2600+ than I would to buy a replacement system (the 7800+ in this scenario).

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7 hours ago, tradyblix said:

Wow that's amazing it still works. They built things to last back then 

Agreed.  I still have my original VCS I got for Christmas in either late 70s or early 80s, and it still works fine.  I had it repaired once when it was a few years old, but since then, no problems.

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9 hours ago, tradyblix said:

There are 7800 paddle games ?

Along with the aforementioned Crazy Brix there are even more titles.


The Drone Bomber mini-game under Drone Patrol about to be released at PRGE by @Albert from developer @Atarius Maximus also features optional Paddle controls.


Additionally, @PacManPlus game, Super Circus AtariAge, features optional paddle controls.


Plink by @SmittyB is also a very cool paddle game, taking a hybrid pong/breakout concept to new (scrolling) depths.

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7 hours ago, Trebor said:

Along with the aforementioned Crazy Brix there are even more titles.


The Drone Bomber mini-game under Drone Patrol about to be released at PRGE by @Albert from developer @Atarius Maximus also features optional Paddle controls.


Additionally, @PacManPlus game, Super Circus AtariAge, features optional paddle controls.


Plink by @SmittyB is also a very cool paddle game, taking a hybrid pong/breakout concept to new (scrolling) depths.

I never heard of Plink. I just checked it out on YouTube, looks really good. I happened to notice the video I was watching was uploaded by trebor’s stuff. Coincidence? There are a lot of videos on that channel with great game picks.

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1 hour ago, MrChickenz said:

I never heard of Plink. I just checked it out on YouTube, looks really good. I happened to notice the video I was watching was uploaded by trebor’s stuff. Coincidence? There are a lot of videos on that channel with great game picks.

Yours truly :grin:


Along a similar vein, an overhead racer for the 7800 that is under development by @Ben_Larson, Super Pro Racer, has received Driving controller support.

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2 hours ago, Trebor said:

Yours truly :grin:


Along a similar vein, an overhead racer for the 7800 that is under development by @Ben_Larson, Super Pro Racer, has received Driving controller support.

That’s great! I love overhead racing games! I was just playing one on anrcade emulation.


Edit: I saw the video for Super Pro Racer it looks great!

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