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Is there a fancy way to get the distance between two objects?

Random Terrain

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Is there a better way to get the distance between two objects than using something like this?


   if player0y > missile0y then temp6 = player0y - missile0y
   if missile0y > player0y then temp6 = missile0y - player0y


Seems like there would be a fancy math way that doesn't require two if-thens.

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You might be thinking of the 'absolute value' math function found in most programming languages:

    temp = abs(player0y - missile0y)


Which in bBasic, would be:

    temp6 = player0y - missile0y

    if temp6{7} then temp6 = -temp6         ;-- IF value is negative, THEN make it positive.



NOTE:  If the distance is greater than 127, this doesn't work, since big values would be interpreted as negative values due to the byte range limit.


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