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What is the best bounding box code for two 8x8 sprites?

Random Terrain

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I'm working on a DPC+ program and can't rely on normal collision detection since there is a third sprite on the screen.


What is the fastest/smallest bounding box code for two 8x8 sprites that simply uses an if-then or two? I'd like to avoid using data. The code below seems to be working so far, but I don't know if it's the best code to use:


   if !collision(player0,player1) then goto __Skip_Player_Death

   if player1x < (player0x+8) && (player1x+8) > player0x && player1y < (player0y+8) && (player1y+8) > player0y then goto __P0_P1_Collision





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3 hours ago, Karl G said:

I'm afraid that your code is as simple as it gets for a box collision like this.  🙂 


RevEng posted an assembly "boxcollision" function for bB taken from 7800BASIC that you could use. I don't know if it would be less cycles or not since you also have the overhead of a function call if you use that code.


Thanks. I tried all kinds of things that didn't work, quit and played an Xbox game for a while, then that code popped into my head. I don't even know if it works right in all cases, but it seems to be working somehow. If nobody sees a problem with the code I posted, I guess I'll just stick with that.

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