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So the only TI computer I have physically setup is a Geneve with a tipi.
I've been meaning to make time to get up a working TI system out in the garage as a tester box.
I cleared some space, powered up console, pbox and memory expansion,
   first problem no disk controller.
Ok, what do I do?
reconnect everything, nada
swap disk controllers, nada
swap pbox interface (to>Shift838 Design), ok disk controller found
try to hook up new gotek.
  (Here is a pita, because I've not had this hooked up before, and corcomp controllers don't label pin 1)
disk error 0
flip disk cable error 0
swap floppy controller, disk controller not found.
  Guess that is one dead corcomp controller.
put in the disk controller that can be seen.
disk error 0
pull open gotek enclosure
  Cable inside old tape backup unit had become disconnnected.
reconnect internally, reconnect to disk controller.
put everything back together.
 Gotek - you may have your cable plugged in backwards.
   Nice - thanks gotek
Flip cable, Physically LABEL (TOP!) on the cable plugged in to corcomp controller.
  DIR - there is my floppy on the usb drive plugged in to the gotek.
Ok - Everything FINALLY working.
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5 hours ago, dhe said:

DC in question.




Can you get better pics of the adapter board, front and back. I'd like to compare it to some other adapters on the internet that change the 2793 to the 1773, I believe. This will help in adding the 1773 socket to my CC style pcb.

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