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Retro Computing Class Featuring the TI-99/4A


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Hello All,


Several times a year, my company sets aside time for classes put together by employeses covering various topics.  Generally the topics are technical an work related in nature, but they can really be about any topic in general.  One very popular class teaches lawn maintenance!


For a few years now I have been wanting to put together a retro computing class featuring the TI and I finally had the time to put it together!  The class was held this week and it was a big hit!  Most of the class were younger software engineers in their mid to late 20s and naturally had no clue of the TI's existence.


I brought in a console for demonstation and the you folks were simply amazed that we actually used cassette tapes for program storage back in the day!  It was a lot of fun and I plan to teach again at the next week of learning.


While doing research I came across some of the amazing development that is occuring in this community.  I'm especially blown away with some of the graphics and sound work!  @Tursi I started playing around with your tools and have had lots of fund converting images and videos.  


I have also ordered a FinalGROM99 and TIPI to beef up the hardware.  It seems my inner 11 year old has been awoken to the capabilities of this machine!


Anyway, to wanted to share that as an introduction to myself and I'll probably be hitting y'all up on various topics.





P.S.  I also happened to notice the news of the 42nd annual TI confernence in Chicago next week.  I'm planning to drive up to attend so hope to meet some of you!

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