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This is the code I used in Bubsy for blitting a map tile into a full screen map sprite

This will copy the tile either by data or by pattern if its empty

D1 = count in x and y  ( say its a 16x 16)

A2 = address in memory the tile is in the full screen bitmap sprite

The D2 is the command to clear with patten data

for a sprite then 


d6 = 0,0 , technically its the same as 1,-16 but as the width is 16 then i just used 0


A2_PIXEL = d6 , where the next pixel is after end of line


write out d0 to B_CMD

notice SRCEN ( Enables a source data read as part of the inner loop operation ) , UPDA1 ( Add the A1 step value to the A1 pointer between inner loop operations in the outer loop.)  i think LFU_A and LFU_AN  are both set to just do a copy



	move.l	#SRCEN|UPDA1|LFU_A|LFU_AN,d0
	move.l	#$00010001<<BLOCK_BITS,d1
	move.l	#UPDA1|PATDSEL,d2
	moveq	#0,d6
	bsr	do_a_map_square1
	moveq	#PLAYFIELD_WIDTH-1,d3
.lp	add.l	d5,a2
	bsr.s	do_a_map_square1
	dbf	d3,.lp
	add.l	d5,a2

	move.l	d6,A1_PIXEL-B_PATD(a5)
	move.l	a2,A1_BASE-B_PATD(a5)
	move.l	d1,B_COUNT-B_PATD(a5)
	moveq	#0,d7
	move.w	(a6)+,d7
	bne.s	.notclear
	move.l	d2,B_CMD-B_PATD(a5)				;set it going with a pattern
.notclear	lsl.l	#2,d7
	move.w	0(a4,d7.l),d7
	ext.l	d7
	lsl.l	#8,d7
	add.l	a0,d7
	move.l	d6,A2_PIXEL-B_PATD(a5)
	move.l	d7,A2_BASE-B_PATD(a5)				;set screen window bases
	move.l	d0,B_CMD-B_PATD(a5)				;set it going


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Because it was more a warning than a request for help : my copy block command doesn't work yet...


But .... why not ?  I tried many things and I don't understand the result so here we go.


Can someone help to understand what's wrong here?


What I'd like to do:

copy a 32x24 4bpp bitmap to a 128x128 4bpp gfxdata



What I've done:



static int     blitlist[10][16];
int layerCanvas = sprite[0].gfxbase;

blitlist[0][regA1_BASE] = layerCanvas; 
blitlist[0][regA1_FLAGS] = PIXEL4|XADDPIX|WID128|PITCH1; ////4bpp,  128pixels, x++
blitlist[0][regA1_PIXEL] = 0;

blitlist[0][regA2_BASE] = LOGO_U235SE;
blitlist[0][regA2_FLAGS] = PIXEL4|XADDPIX|WID32|PITCH1;	//4bpp, 32pixel, x++
blitlist[0][regA2_PIXEL] = 0;

blitlist[0][regB_COUNT] = (24<<16) | 32; //24 lines x 32 rows
blitlist[0][regB_CMD] = LFU_REPLACE|SRCEN;	//// get from SRC and replace/overwrite on DEST

//all others registers are zeroed

blitlist[1][regA1_BASE] = -1; //terminator




What I have on BigP



I don't understand what is happening (I don't care about the colors)


every row seems to be side by side and not one under another  :(



1111 2222 3333 4444

5555 6666 7777 8888

and not










What I did to create this ?




Edited by KanedaFr
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40 minutes ago, Seedy1812 said:

This is the code I used in Bubsy for blitting a map tile into a full screen map sprite

 No flags ?


I suspected my issue was on that side....but I just tried with same result this :

blitlist[0][regA1_FLAGS] = PIXEL4;
blitlist[0][regA2_FLAGS] = PIXEL4;
and so I'm more and more lost how to use the blitter :(
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18 minutes ago, KanedaFr said:

 No flags ?


I suspected my issue was on that side....but I just tried with same result this :

blitlist[0][regA1_FLAGS] = PIXEL4;
blitlist[0][regA2_FLAGS] = PIXEL4;
and so I'm more and more lost how to use the blitter :(

They get set up right start the start of the function

    move.l    #PITCH1|XADDPHR|WID16|PIXEL8,A2_FLAGS-B_PATD(a5)    ;a2 (Source)
    move.l    #PITCH1|XADDPHR|WID384|PIXEL8,A1_FLAGS-B_PATD(a5)    ;a1 (Dest)

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You need to set A1 step int register to (1<<16)|(-32&0xFFFF)


Then append UPDA1 to your CMD entry. 


This will set the inner loop pointer back to the start of the row after each line it draws. 


I dont think you need to do the same for A2 as it's graphics source is the same width as you are drawing. But if the above doesn't work, also try setting the A2 step register and append UPDA2 to the CMD

Edited by Sporadic
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Basically it's because the WID (window) size is larger than the image you are blitting. Therefore you need to tell it to return 32 pixels after each line. 


You could probably set the destination window to WID32 as well (and remove the A1 step) but you'd have to adjust the A1 pixel pointer to the exact location you want to draw. But I have never tried that so I could be wrong.


I did plan on adding more blitter examples to the next JagStudio release. The next release also has an enum for all the available registers to map the array. 

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I tried using the same WID on A1 and A2 without success...but I didn't ajusted the A1 Pixel pointer so I can't say


It's why there aren't many blitter examples on JS that I started this one...( and to learn by trying/falling) so be free to use anything you want, if interested by my very basic skill


For the enum, it's exactly what I did :)




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Yeah now I think about it, my assumption was wrong on that last bit. The window size needs to match the size of the area you are drawing in to as that's the size of the memory block. 


Well done on the enum idea too. No idea why I didn't add it previously 😄

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15 hours ago, KanedaFr said:


Because it was more a warning than a request for help : my copy block command doesn't work yet...


But .... why not ?  I tried many things and I don't understand the result so here we go.


Can someone help to understand what's wrong here?


What I'd like to do:

copy a 32x24 4bpp bitmap to a 128x128 4bpp gfxdata



What I've done:



static int     blitlist[10][16];
int layerCanvas = sprite[0].gfxbase;

blitlist[0][regA1_BASE] = layerCanvas; 
blitlist[0][regA1_FLAGS] = PIXEL4|XADDPIX|WID128|PITCH1; ////4bpp,  128pixels, x++
blitlist[0][regA1_PIXEL] = 0;

blitlist[0][regA2_BASE] = LOGO_U235SE;
blitlist[0][regA2_FLAGS] = PIXEL4|XADDPIX|WID32|PITCH1;	//4bpp, 32pixel, x++
blitlist[0][regA2_PIXEL] = 0;

blitlist[0][regB_COUNT] = (24<<16) | 32; //24 lines x 32 rows
blitlist[0][regB_CMD] = LFU_REPLACE|SRCEN;	//// get from SRC and replace/overwrite on DEST

//all others registers are zeroed

blitlist[1][regA1_BASE] = -1; //terminator




What I have on BigP



I don't understand what is happening (I don't care about the colors)


every row seems to be side by side and not one under another  :(



1111 2222 3333 4444

5555 6666 7777 8888

and not










What I did to create this ?




You are missing the update to A1 after copying a line and before you start the next line.

If you miss the update you are copying 24*32 pixels one after another . As the destination is 128 pixels - thats  4 * 32 in the x and that leaves 8 in the Y.

What you need to do is  say after we done a line of pixels  we need to move the current position down 1 pixel (high word  ) and to the left 32 pixels (low word )

A1 Step Value = [1][-32]  ( [] indicates each word ) or 0x0001ffe0 

So after the first line you are at 0,32 but before the next line you ned to be at 1,0



Edited by Seedy1812
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I added scale but there is something strange :



Enlarged bitmap (top one) starts to read data 1 pixel earlier

Shrinked bitmap (bottom one) starts to draw data 1 pixel earlier

at least on bigPEmu


x2 enlarge commands:

	srcx = 0;
	srcy = 0;

	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA2_BASE] = layerCanvas;
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA2_FLAGS] = PIXEL4|XADDPIX|WID128|PITCH1;
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regB_PATD] = 0; //we don"t care
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA2_PIXEL] = ( (destY&0xFFFF)<<16) | (destX&0xFFFF); //to (x,y)
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA2_STEP] = (1<<16)|(-64&0xFFFF);

	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_BASE] = source; 
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_FLAGS] = PIXEL4|XADDINC|WID32|PITCH1; ////4bpp,  32pix, x+=0.5
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_CLIP] = 0;
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_PIXEL] =  ((srcy&0xFFFF)<<16)|(srcx&0xFFFF);
	//we read line 0.5 by 0.5
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_STEP_INT] = (0<<16)|(-32&0xFFFF); 
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_STEP_FRAC] = 0x7FFF0000; //((scaleY&0xFFFF)<<16)|(scaleX&0xFFFF);;
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_PIXEL_POINTER] = 0; 
	//we inc X by 0.5 every draw
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_INC_INT] = (0<<16)|(0&0xFFFF); 
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_INC_FRACT] = 0x00007FFF;

	blitlist[cmdIdx][regB_COUNT] = (48<<16) | 64; //24x2 lines vs 32x2 row
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regB_CMD] = DSTA2|LFU_REPLACE|SRCEN|UPDA1F|UPDA1|UPDA2;	//// get from SRC and replace/overwrite on DEST



/2 shrink commands:


	srcx = 0;
	srcy = 0;

	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_BASE] = layerCanvas; 
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_FLAGS] = PIXEL4|XADDINC|WID128|PITCH1; ////4bpp,  128pixels, x+=0.5
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_CLIP] = 0;
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_PIXEL] =  ((destY&0xFFFF)<<16)|(destX&0xFFFF);
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_STEP_INT] = (0<<16)|(-16&0xFFFF); 
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_STEP_FRAC] = 0x7FFF0000; // y+= 0.5
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_PIXEL_POINTER] = 0; 
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_INC_INT] = 0;
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA1_INC_FRACT] = 0x00007FFF; //x+=0.5

	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA2_BASE] = source;
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA2_FLAGS] = PIXEL4|XADDPIX|WID32|PITCH1;
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regB_PATD] = 0; //we don"t care
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA2_PIXEL] = ( (srcy&0xFFFF)<<16) | (srcx&0xFFFF); //from (0,0)
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regA2_STEP] = 0;

	blitlist[cmdIdx][regB_COUNT] = (24<<16) | 32; //24 lines vs 32 row
	blitlist[cmdIdx][regB_CMD] = LFU_REPLACE|SRCEN|UPDA1F|UPDA1;	//// get from SRC and replace/overwrite on DEST




If I try to enlarge x3, I have the same 1 pixel issue so it seems to be not related to the scale value




code updated on repo

rom available on repo


something related to XADDINC ?


Any hint is welcome ...and if someone can confirm it's the same on real Hardware, I'm interested too!


Edited by KanedaFr
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I finally found a VJ version where input are working, so I tried and...

I have another problem on VJ but the scale issue is the same...so it's definetly on my side 😭






I also tried on ROM and RAM, same issue so not related on source type

data is dphrase aligned by JS so not this one too



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Consider this , you only want to draw each pixel once.


So if you are scaling up a 160x120 to 320x240 then you need to blit 320*240 pixels. If you go the other way you only need to blit 160*120 pixels. Each way means you step the destination every pixel but the instead of stepping the source every 1/2 a pixel you step every 2 pixels. This is done by using DSTA2 in B_CMD

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