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5200 roms, 16k vs. 32k?

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This is a result of how the cartridge was originally dumped. 5200 carts have space for 2 ROM chips in them, 16K each. So if a cartridge had only a 16K ROM in one slot then the remaining 16K would either be blank of contain garbage. From what I have seen there were a couple different combinations of chips that where used in the 5200 cartridges.



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Hey there. I'm new to this board. I looked to see if this was answered anywhere else first, but I didn't find anything so...

Does anyone know why, for most of the 5200 games, there are 16k dumps and 32k dumps? Was this an error on the part of the dumper, or are there actually 16k and 32k carts for many of the games? Is there any difference in the code, or do the 32k carts simply have a mirror of the first 16k, or even just garbage data? Does anyone know for sure? Just curious. Thanks.

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Originally posted by Tempest:

In my prototypes I've seen 2, 3, and 4 EPROM's. They're usually labeled Lo, HI, Mid-Lo, Mid-HI.




So are you suggesting that the eproms are 16k each? Or that the 32k is total memory, but with up to 4, 8k eproms?

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