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7800 Needs... Anyone?


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hi all,


well, i used the most excellent rarity list here on atariage and came up with a rather short list of 7800 games i need to complete my collection. can anyone help a fellow atarian out? if anyone has any extra's, just let me know the asking price...



ikari warriors

mean 18 golf


sentinal (can this be played on ntsc?)


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Xenophobe and Commando can be found on ebay fairly frequently. However, they can run into some money. Xeno can actually be bought from some vendors new in the box for about 10 bucks. Commando on the other hand can and usually does go for higher as a loose cart.


Sentinel can be played in NTSC 7800s but you have to get a modified Bios installed first. The encyption scheme used in the NTSC 7800s will not allow the game to access the Maria portion of the system hence the 7800 mode will disable and go to 2600 mode.


As for Ikari and Rampage, I have seen these also on Ebay but they aren't nearly as common as Xeno and Commando are.


I know that helps little. But this is what I have gathered based on Observation. I too need to get a Commando and F-14 tomcat and a few others before I will consider my 7800 collection complete.

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My problem is I'm only going for boxed games right now since my 7800 collection is already almost complete anyway. I still need:


Alien Brigade (Cart Only)

Planet Smashers (Cart Only)


Kung-Fu Master

Pro Westling



Impossible Mission (Box)

BasketBrawl (Instructions)

F-14 Tomcat (Box and Instructions)



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Originally posted by d8thstar:

if anyone has any extra's, just let me know the asking price...



ikari warriors

mean 18 golf


sentinal (can this be played on ntsc?)



You are very close! Congratulations! The short answer to your question: No, Sentinel will not play on your NTSC Console. The long answer is YES! but will need to be handy with programming eproms and using a soldering iron.


As for the games you need. They are pretty rare but not too bad, if you don't care about boxes and instructions. In case you nobody here has extras:


Video Games Connections has a new sealed Xenophobe for $15. http://www.videogameconnections.com/catalog/7800.htm


There is also a Commando, Ikari Warriors, and Xenophobe on ebay right now. Rampage carts show up on ebay from time to time, but boxed they are pretty tough to find. The hardest to find is gonna be mean 18 golf, ebay will probably be your best bet, but you are going to have to be patient, even on ebay. Hope this Helps!

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hi all, thanks so much for the feedback! cross one off my list (xenophobe) and take off sentinal (just looking for ntsc released games). and i'm not looking for boxes or instructions really, call me a bit collector i guess. as long as i can play the game, i'm happy. so, if anyone has any of the following, please let me know... oh yeah, and i am keeping my eye on ebay, just thought a fellow atarian might be able to help me out!



ikari warriors

mean 18 golf



oh so close! thanks for listening!


p.s. gotta say that i love this site! is there anything along the lines of this place for the sega master system? thats another system i am so close to closing off!

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No 7800 owner should be without Commando or Ikari Warriors, these games are the tops, and so are the 7800 versions! Pick them up even if you have to pay upwards of $30.00, they are worth it!!! I may soon have two copies of Commando (neither one has the box though), I'm still waiting on some more of my stuff to be shipped to me from California, Commando being one of the games that I haven't gotten yet (my ex-roommate is sending a few things at a time as he gets time to pack em' up and ship em' out). I couldn't wait on the shipment with Commando, so I bought another copy off of E-bay. I'll ask anyone if they want the other copy if and when it arrives (my ex-roomie is a great guy, but he's not real dependable sometimes).

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Originally posted by d8thstar:

hi all, my updated need list since i just won the commando on ebay


ikari warriors

mean 18 golf



oh so closer!


Wow, you work fast! In the span of seven hours you halved your list! I actually need most of those games, along with several others. I haven't been too aggressive about completing my 7800 collection, although now that I've obtained most of the 5200 tites (just need Bounty Bob Strikes Back, as well as the Diagnostic and Cram carts) I may have to set my sights on the 7800.


Good luck obtaining the remaining three carts without getting robbed too much on eBay..



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Does anyone have an extra Basketbrawl that they want to sell (I have nothing to trade)


For years I thought I had a complete 7800 collection and only recently I discovered that I didn't own Basketbrawl (even though I thought I did).


Leonard Herman

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I currently have 40 PAL 7800 games, was wondering how many in total were not released outside US (ie. only NTSC) so I know realistically how many more I have to get? Presumably the Froggo games weren't, but after that...? Just not sure. I heard Robotron wasn't either...

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