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2 Un-listed Atari 2600 games???


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The Digital Price Press guide has Glacier Patrol being released by both Sunrise and Telegames.. The telegames version is a 12$ (3) and The Sunrise version is a $30 (6). I don't have a copy of the Sunrise version, so I can't verify it's existence personally.

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Glacier Patrol by Sunrise simply does not exist. It's an error that's been repeated by many sources, including the DP Guide. I would love to be proved wrong (show me a cart!). Ask around, *nobody* has this title, because it doesn't exist.

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I would humbly submit that our list is the most complete by far, except for the label variation list that Tempest maintains. If you see something in another list that we don't have, it's either just been discovered, it's a minor label variation, or it's probably wrong. We take great pains to update our list as quickly as possible, and we always invite people to submit corrections/additions.

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What do you consider a "minor" label variation? I've seen Zellers end-label variations that you don't have.. mainly that some Zellers games come with the end label written in a "wide" and a "narrow" font... it's pretty instantly recognizable.. I can send a pic if you'd like.



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"Challenge" is the only label variation I own, but I've seen others. I'll try and get pics of them from other people's collections (I only recently started collecting label variations). Note how one of the labels is upsidedown as well. Here's some pics I took:













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Personally, I consider font size a minor label variation. I don't think most people want to have every game in every font that it was made. I'm always for including more stuff on the site, but I prefer to get entirely new listings before I go after font/copyright/printing type variations. There are lots of PAL games that I'll make an effort to add in the future.


Major variations are like Atari silver label vs. red label. Or Activision normal labels vs. blue labels. When you get into fonts etc, the list will just get incredibly huge. Could you imagine the Giant List that Tempest has, but in the format that we have (scans, etc.)? Ack!

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I prefer the really "obvious" differences too, like the Activision blue vs. color or Atari text vs. silver vs. red, etc. I think the Zellers one almost fits into this definition, tho, becuase the difference in the end labels is rather dramatic.


My rule of thumb is, if a "non-collector" can easily spot the difference between two carts, then it counts. Differences like © 1987 and © 1988 don't interest me that much.



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Chess by Sears

Submarine Commander by Atari


I have been using a rarity list I got from: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcad...883/rarity.html


That list contains those two carts but they aren't listed here. The other list could very well be wrong but just wanted to bring it up in the message board to see if anyone knew. Unfortunately, I don't own either so I can't say whether they exist or not.

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Submarine Commander was never released by Atari, instead they gave it to Sears to release as an exclusive (along with Steeplechase and Stellar Track). The Sears version of Chess is called Video Chess.



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It's interesting that the creator of the rarity list at http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcad...883/rarity.html must really believe that Submarine Commander was made by Atari and Sears. He has Sear's version with an estimated value of $35 and Atari's version with an estimated value of $75!!! I'll email him and let him know of the error on his list.

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Wow, I really have sparked off quite the conversation here!


I don't think I'd ever buy a game off eBay just because it has a different label than the game I have has. But when I'm lucky enough to see games at a garage sale (and I haven't been in about a month now), I want to buy them all regardless of whether I have the exact game already. But then when I'd go to sell/trade my duplicates, I'd definitely lean towards getting rid of exact duplicates and would lean towards saving games with different label versions. Just a thought.


I have been collecting Atari games since I was a kid (I'm 26 now). I'm the original owner of many of my games. As the stores in the early 90's slowly stopped carrying the games, I started going to garage sales and picking them up. Then I stopped collecting them from about 93 thru 98 (my college years) and I've been back in the swing of things in the last couple years now. For my 2600, I have 233 non-duplicate games and 63 duplicates. I know that's not nearly the impressive collections that many have today but I just love playing the old games!


Not sure why I just launched into this rambling but I think it's just really great being able to talk to so many other retrogaming fans at the same time.....somebody who will appreciate when I say I have about 300 atari games.


And for the record, I'd say my favorite games for the 2600 would be Midnight Magic, Golf and Adventure! :)

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Golf??? You actually list Golf as one of your favorite games? I always thought it was poor even for 1977, it's right up there with Football. Your chracter is a blob with a severe beer gut and the mechanics with the swinging make it play more like croquet. Yuck!


Mini-golf on the other hand wasn't that bad. Graphics suck, but it was interesting...



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Oops! I did mean Mini-golf. Thanks for jogging my memory so I could set the record straight!


But I don't think Golf was as bad of a game as you make it out to be! What's a good sports game made in the early Atari days? Homerun? Football? Golf? Video Olympics? Basketball? I guess they'd all be pretty bad from a neutral standpoint. Maybe I would prefer Realsports Football to Football today, but I definitely have spent time enjoying all those games when it was their time.

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And by the way, the famous Robsterman gave the game a 70/100 with the indepth comment: "Not a bad game of golf, if you like the sport, that is, which I don’t." So come on! How can you ignore that!!!


Not to give the guy too much crap, he's put effort into a web page to promote retrogaming. Does everyone know about his website?

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That may not be a name you want to mention around here...



I actually thought most of the early sports games were ok. Basketball is the best of the lot I think, it's still kind of fun to plug in for a few mintues every now and then. Mini-Golf doesn't ever get mentioned, it's like most people don't know it exists. Of course since Atari stopped distributing it in 79 that may contribute to that.



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I just came across his website one day and didn't really understand what he was trying to do. They weren't really reviews, just weird comments....I thought he was making fun of people who write reviews or something.


I haven't been on these message boards other than recently so I probably haven't heard everything that went on. I'd like to find some message board archives to get myself up to date on the whole thing which sounds interesting. I'm way out of the loop on this one!


Oh, and I definitely agree that mini golf doesn't get the attention that it should.

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