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Cuttle Cart 2 Discussion Thread


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Hi everyone,


I threw this together a while back on request, but don't think anything every actually got done with it. (Probably didn't help that I was very slow getting it done.)


Anyway, it's a version of the 78SCLOW banking file that has the serial port active. It was requested for debugging purposes. I figure some of the developers out there may be interested.


Details on the serial port are in the tech docs in the zip file.


Look for the section that starts like this:


Serial Port:

The FPGA in OS mode emulates an RS-232 serial port. It provides a 16 byte

circular RX buffer and a 1 byte TX Buffer (in addition to the shift register of

data currently being transmitted).


Please note that this is essentially UNTESTED. I loaded it onto the cart and Aces of Aces ran, but I didn't try the serial port at all.


So if anyone is interested, enjoy. Let me know if it works for you.




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The CC2ROMDB is there a way to safely edit that so that "(PAL)" at the end = "P: " at the begining so that all the PAL games are in a group, likewise the non protos, (proto) = "Proto: " , Hack/Home = "Hk: " or "Hb: " and the alternate required controlers "C:(ctrl type) "


((conversly all the NTSC games could have an "N:" instead, depending on region))


(ctrl type)

2B -two button

BG -booster grip

KC -kids controller

KB -key board

PK -pokey

AV -Atarivox

FC -footcraz

TP -touchpad

Pl -paddel

DC -driving controler

ML- mindlink

TF- Track and Feild controller


with the hierarchy being Proto/pal/7800/H/controler not normal (name of game)

= "Proto: P: 78: (Hk:or Hb:) C(xy): " or a total of 20 being the longest possible string if we leave in spaces... if its a proto pal 7800 hack/homebrew that uses alternate controlers... (not likely to be a released hack/homebrew that is also a proto)



of coruse you could have it omit spaces that would save room also.


...just cuz I'm lazy and run the menu generator frequently.

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The CC2ROMDB is there a way to safely edit that so that "(PAL)" at the end = "P: " at the begining so that all the PAL games are in a group, likewise the non protos, (proto) = "Proto: " , Hack/Home = "Hk: " or "Hb: " and the alternate required controlers "C:(ctrl type) "


((conversly all the NTSC games could have an "N:" instead, depending on region))

In the DB that I created I have company as one of the attributes this takes care of "Hacks" as this is listed as Hacks as the company.


I was thinking of putting a check box in my Java Menu gen program, to filter by removing all (PAL) roms but you can always just take out the PAL (or NTSC) from the input directory.


(ctrl type)

2B -two button

BG -booster grip

KC -kids controller

KB -key board

PK -pokey

AV -Atarivox

FC -footcraz

TP -touchpad

Pl -paddel

DC -driving controler

ML- mindlink

TF- Track and Feild controller


with the hierarchy being Proto/pal/7800/H/controler not normal (name of game)

= "Proto: P: 78: (Hk:or Hb:) C(xy): " or a total of 20 being the longest possible string if we leave in spaces... if its a proto pal 7800 hack/homebrew that uses alternate controlers... (not likely to be a released hack/homebrew that is also a proto)



of coruse you could have it omit spaces that would save room also.


...just cuz I'm lazy and run the menu generator frequently.


In the CC2ROMDB.TXT that I created I put in this as one of the attributes and here are all of them:

  private static final String[][] CONTROLLS =
        {"2", "2-Btn"},
        {"K", "Keypad"},
        {"P", "Paddles"},
        {"D", "Drive"},
        {"C", "CosmicCmd"},
        {"B", "BoostrGrp"},
        {"F", "FootCraz"},
        {"I", "KidCtrl"},
        {"V", "Joy+TPad"},
        {"L", "LGun"},
        {"JL", "Joy/LGun"},
        {"J2L", "2BJoy/LGun"},
        {"KV", "KidVid"},
        {"TB", "Trackball"}

and I wrote the Java menu gen to go with this data so it will sort the games in controler order. So I can plug my paddles in and go to the paddle part of the menu and play these at one time.


Sample output menu is:

7800: Asteroids
7800: Ballblazer
7800: Centipede
Astroblast                       Paddles
Bachelorette Party               Paddles
Backgammon                       Paddles



This is the program page

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I changed some of my prefixes...


that's seems to be just about what I'm looking for, so the protos and pal titles are the only things not grouped up with your current code.


my fiance knows some programming... hummm...

I'm thinking about asking him to see if he can get something that can do this:


Game type 78 or 26/compleate or proto/Pal?/controller if 2600


I would want all of my 7800's together (allowing the exclusion of protos to that area)


How did you get the breaks in your menu file? I want some of those.


...I'll play around with that one see what happens. :)


Thanks for the lead.


here's from my txt file


3D Tic-Tac-Toe    	3DTIC  2K  78BIOS	
7800: Ace Of Aces                  2-Btn	ACE78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Alien Brigade             Joy/LGun	ALIEN782	78SC_BIG	78BIOS	
7800: Asteroids    	ASTR78  HSC_16K  HSC	
.....(all other 7800 games here)
7800: Water Ski                    2-Btn	WATER78  78SC_SM  78BIOS	
7800: Winter Games    WINTER78	78SC_R16	78BIOS	
7800: Xenophobe                    2-Btn	XENO78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Xevious    	XEV78  HSC_32K  HSC
7800: PX: Gato    	GATO  7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: PX: GATO    	GATO78  7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: PX: Klax                  2-Btn	KLAX78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: PX: Pitfighter            2-Btn	PITFIT78	78SC_SM  78BIOS	
7800: PX: Rescue on Fractalus  	RSFRCTLS	7800_ROF	78BIOS	
7800: PX: Sentinel    	SENT78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS
.... (all other joystick 2600titles here)
Word Zapper    	WORDZAPR	4K  78BIOS	
Worm War I    	WORMWAR1	4K  78BIOS	
Xenophobe    	XENOPHBE	F6  78BIOS	
X-Man      XMAN  4K  78BIOS	
Yahtzee      YAHTZEE  4K  78BIOS	
Yars' Revenge    	YAREVNGE	4K  78BIOS	
Zaxxon      ZAXXON  F8  78BIOS	
Z-Tack      ZTACK  4K  78BIOS	
CBg: Omega Race                      OMEGA  FA  78BIOS	
CBg: Thrust (v 1.2)    	THRUST2  F6  78BIOS	
CCC: Survival Run                    SURVRUN  4K  78BIOS	
CDc: Indy 500                            INDY500  2K  78BIOS	
CFc: Video Jogger                    	VIDJOGGR	4K  78BIOS	
CFc: Video Reflex                    	VIDRFLX  4K  78BIOS
CKc: Alpha-Beam with Ernie            	ALPHABEM	F8  78BIOS	
CKc: Big Bird's Egg Catch              BIGBIRD  F8  78BIOS	
CKc: Cookie Monster Munch              COOKIE  F8  78BIOS	
CKc: Oscar's Trash Race                OSCAR  F8  78BIOS	
CKp: BASIC Programming                  BASPROG  4K  78BIOS	
CKp: Brain Games                        BRAIN  2K  78BIOS	
CKp: Code Breaker                      	CODEBRKR	2K  78BIOS	
CKp: Concentration                      CONCENT  2K  78BIOS	
CKp: MagiCard                          	MAGICARD	CV  78BIOS	
CLg: Sentinel  	SENTINEL	F6  78BIOS
CPd: Astroblast                        ASTRBLST	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Bachelor Party                    BACHPRTY	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Bachelorette Party                BACHLTTE	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Backgammon                        BACKGMN  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Beat 'em and Eat 'em              BEATEM  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Blackjack                        	BLACKJK  2K  78BIOS	
CPd: Breakout                          BREAKOUT	2K  78BIOS	
CPd: Bugs                              BUGS  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Bumper Bash                      	BUMPBASH	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Canyon Bomber                    	CANBOMB  2K  78BIOS	
CPd: Casino                            CASINO  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Circus Atari                      CIRCUS  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Demons to Diamonds                DEMNSDIA	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Eggomania                        	EGGO  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Encounter at L-5                  ENCNTRL5	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: G.I. Joe: Cobra Strike            GIJOE  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Guardian                          GUARDIAN	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Kaboom                            KABOOM  2K  78BIOS	
CPd: Marble Craze                      MARBLE  F4  78BIOS	
CPd: Mondo Pong                        MONDOPNG	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Music Machine                    	MUSICMAC	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Night Driver                      NITEDRVR	2K  78BIOS	
CPd: Philly Flasher                    PHILLY  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Picnic                            PICNIC  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Piece 'o Cake                    	PIECECAK	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: SCSIcide                          SCSICIDE	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: SCSIcide2                          SCSICID2	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Solar Storm                      	SOLARSTM	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Star Wars: Jedi Arena            	SWJA  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Steeple Chase (Video Gems)        STPLCHSE	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Steeplechase (Sears)              STEEPLE  2K  78BIOS	
CPd: Street Racer                      STRTRCR  2K  78BIOS	
CPd: Super Breakout                    SBRKOUT  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Tac-Scan                          TACSCAN  4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Video Olympics                    VIDOLY  2K  78BIOS	
CPd: Warlords                          WARLORDS	4K  78BIOS	
CPd: Warplock                          WARPLOCK	4K  78BIOS	
O: Atari Salt 2.6 diagnostic  	ATARSALT	4K  78BIOS	
O: Colourbar Generator    COLORBAR	4K  78BIOS	
O: Diagnostic Test Cartridge  	DIAGTEST	2K  78BIOS	
PX: Aquaventure    	AQUAVEN  F8  78BIOS	
PX: A-Team    ATEAM1  F8  78BIOS	
PX: Bugs Bunny    	BUGSBUNY	F8  78BIOS  
PX: CatTrax      CATTRAX  4K  78BIOS	
PX: Combat II    	COMBAT2  F8  78BIOS	
PX: Computer Chess    	COMCHESS	4K  78BIOS	
PX: Donald Duck's Speedboat    DONALDUK	F8  78BIOS	
PX: Dumbo's Flying Circus    DUMBO  F8  78BIOS	
PX: Elevator Action    	ELEVATOR	F8SC  F8BANK1	
PX: Frog Pond    	FROGPOND	F8  78BIOS	
PX: Garfield    	GARFIELD	F6  78BIOS	
PX: Kabobber    	KABOBER  4K  78BIOS	
PX: Lord of the Rings    LORDRING	E0  78BIOS	
PX: Millipede    	MILPROTO	F6SC  78BIOS	
PX: Miss Piggy's Wedding    MISSPIG  F8  78BIOS	
PX: Off your Rocker    	OFFROCK  4K  78BIOS	
PX: P: Realsports Basketball    RSBSKBLP	F8  78BIOS	
PX: P: Star Wars: Ewok    	SWEWOKP  E0  78BIOS	
PX: Pengo      PENGO1  F8  78BIOS	
PX: Planet of the Apes    PLANAPES	4K  78BIOS	
PX: Polo      POLO  2K  78BIOS	
PX: Pompeii      POMPEII  4K  78BIOS	
PX: Rabbit Transit  	RABBIT  F8  78BIOS	
PX: Realsports Basketball    RSBSKBAL	F8  78BIOS	
PX: Saboteur    	SABOTUER	F8  78BIOS	
PX: Sinistar    	SINISTAR	F8  78BIOS	
PX: Sky Patrol    	SKYPTRL2	F8  F8BANK1	
PX: Squoosh      SQUOOSH  4K  78BIOS	
PX: Star Wars: Ewok    	SWEWOK  E0  78BIOS	
PX: Surf's Up    	SURFSUP  F8  78BIOS	
PX: Telepathy    	TELPATHY	F8  78BIOS	
PX: Tempest      TEMPEST  F8  78BIOS	
PX: Thwocker    	THWOKER  FE  78BIOS	
PX: Wizard      WIZARD2  4K  78BIOS	
PX: Xevious      XEVIOUS  F8  78BIOS
PX: CKc: Grover's Music Maker      	GROVER  F8  78BIOS	
PX: CKc: Holy Moley                	HOLYMOLY	F8  78BIOS	
PX: CKc: Monstercise                MNSTRCSE	F8  78BIOS	
PX: CKc: Peek-A-Boo                	PEEKBOO  4K  78BIOS	
PX: CLg: Shooting Arcade              	SHOOTARC	F6SC  78BIOS	
PX: CPd: Dukes of Hazzard          	DUKES  F6  78BIOS	
PX: CPd: Dukes of Hazzard2          DUKES2  2K  78BIOS	
PX: CPd: Secret Agent              	SECRETAG	4K  78BIOS	
PX: CPd: Super Stunt Cycle          STNTCYCL	2K  78BIOS
P: Acid Drop      ACIDDROP	F8  78BIOS	
P: Adventures on GX-12  	ADONGXP  4K  78BIOS	
P: Aliens Return    	ALIENRTP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Angriff der Luftflotten    ANGRIFFP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Base Attack (Z-Tack)  	BASEATTK	4K  78BIOS	
P: BI! BI!    	BIBIP  4K  78BIOS	
P: Bobby is Going Home    BOBBYHMP	4K  78BIOS  
P: Challenge      CHALENGP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Clown Down Town    	CLOWNDWN	4K  78BIOS	
P: Col 'N'      COL_N  4K  78BIOS	
P: Dancing Plate    DANCEPLP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Double Dragon    	DBLDRGNP	F6  78BIOS	
P: Dragon Defender    	DRGDFND2	4K  78BIOS	
P: Duck Shot      DUCKSHOT	4K  78BIOS	
P: Farmyard Fun    	FARMYARD	4K  78BIOS	
P: Fatal Run      FATALRNP	F4SC  78BIOS	
P: Fighter Pilot    	FIGHTERP	F6  78BIOS	
P: Fire Birds    	FIREBDSP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Forest      FOREST  4K  78BIOS	
P: General Retreat    	GENRLRET	4K  78BIOS	
P: Ghostbusters II    	GHOST2P  F6  78BIOS	
P: Gunfight      GUNPAL  4K  26QUICK	
P: Ikari Warriors    	IKARIP  F6  78BIOS	
P: Inca Gold      INCAGOLD	4K  78BIOS	
P: Laser Base    	LASRBSEP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Marineflieger    	MARINEFP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Meteor Defense    	METEORDP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Miner 2049'er Volume 2    MINER2  3F  78BIOS	
P: Missile Control    	MSCNTRLP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Mission 3000 AD    	MIS3000  4K  78BIOS	
P: Mission Survive    	MISURVIP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Motocross      MOTOCRSS	4K  78BIOS	
P: Motorodeo      MOTORODE	F6  78BIOS	
P: Mr. Postman    	MRPOST  4K  78BIOS	
P: Night Stalker    	NITSTLKP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Open Sesame    	OPENSMEP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Parachute      PARACHUT	4K  78BIOS	
P: Pele's Soccer    	PELESCRP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Phantom Tank    	PHTMTNKP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Pick 'N' Pile    	PICKPILE	F6  78BIOS	
P: Polaris      POLARISP	3F  26QUICK	
P: Pyramid War    PYRMDWAR	4K  78BIOS	
P: Save Our Ship      SOS  4K  78BIOS	
P: Schnecke und Eichhoernchen  	SCHNECKP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Sea Hawk      SEAHAWKP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Sea Monster    	SEAMON2  4K  78BIOS	
P: Ski Hunt      SKIHUNT  4K  78BIOS	
P: Space Canyon    	SPCAECAN	4K  78BIOS	
P: Space Tunnel    	SPCTUNLP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Spider Kong    	SPIDKNGP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Surfer's Paradise    	SURFPARD	4K  78BIOS	
P: Time Warp      TIMEWARP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Treasure Below    	TRESRBLP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Tuby Bird      TUBYBRDP	4K  78BIOS	
P: Westward Ho    	WESTHO  4K  78BIOS	
P: Wing War    WINGWAR  F8  78BIOS	
P: Zoo Fun      ZOOFUN  4K  78BIOS 
P: CPd: Steeple Chase  STPLCHSP	4K  78BIOS

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I guess a script to add the stuff you want could be done using the CC2ROMDB.TXT that I wrote.


The hard part of what you want is sorting the game name while ignoring the prefix.


I think only a few people seem to want to sort their CC2 menu in different ways other than just game name around here. ?


One thing I would like to have a 2 level menu on the cc2 so the top level would be:





Once you select one of these choices, the sub menu would appear with a list of the games in that order.


That would be realy spiffy dude!

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@mot: That would be awesome!


BTW I just ran the java applet just like I would the menu generator, with a copy of all of my roms in a folder with the cc2romdb that you provided. I selected all three methods of ordering the roms... ran the program and got the memu.txt, menu.cc2 and GAMES folder as expected nice little progress list, but no format change when running in the cc2...the alternate controler games were still all mixed in there was no grouping by company or anything, did I do something wrong?

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@mot: That would be awesome!


BTW I just ran the java applet just like I would the menu generator, with a copy of all of my roms in a folder with the cc2romdb that you provided. I selected all three methods of ordering the roms... ran the program and got the memu.txt, menu.cc2 and GAMES folder as expected nice little progress list, but no format change when running in the cc2...the alternate controler games were still all mixed in there was no grouping by company or anything, did I do something wrong?


If you selected all three check boxes, then you will have to go past all the usual entries sorted by game name to the part that has them sorted by company name then then to the part where it is sorted by controller type.




go backwards to see the controller type section.

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It didn't have it...


I copied and pasted to word the menu file txt generated and there is only entries for names.


no companies no controllers.


just renamed my other cc2 file and games GAMESold and Menu.old and put the new generated file in but it only had the names,


when I ran it without names checked I got nothing but the GAMES folder, nothing in the txt file... (nothing in the cc2 file either!)

Edited by FireTiger
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It didn't have it...


I copied and pasted to word the menu file txt generated and there is only entries for names.


no companies no controllers.


just renamed my other cc2 file and games GAESold and Menu.old and put the new generated file in but it only had the names,


when I ran it without names checked I got nothing but the GAMES folder, nothing in the txt file... (nothing in the cc2 file either!)


OK, I'll look into it and get back to you.

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OK there is something wrong with the new CCROMDB.TXT and this program when it comes to company order.


The program will gen with controller order and/or game name order.


The program is getting an error in the Company order part and will not go on to the controller order section after this error. I will need to fix and replace the program, maybe this weekend.


Soory :(

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ok so I can do it for controler type just not company name...


its ok don't mind helping debug.


883 roms found, seems to work.


Program missed one of the two versions of SCSIcide: ((see edit))


"SCSIcide Paddles" is still under joystick, but SCSIcide (paddles) appers also in the normal Paddles area???



If you already set up to allow filtering for or aginst pal, could you implament that?




If you don't its ok as I just copied and pasted the grouping menu That I did to the end of this java generated one and then when back and manualy reomved the protos and pal titles.


THe accaepted ROM afwer cc2 has it is SCICIDE = paddles but the program didn't pick it up, it picked up SCICID2 for paddles.


attached is my current played around with java and hand edited menu txt file.


Edited by FireTiger
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Hi everyone,


I've put together CC2 OS Ver 2.00 today. (You can think of it as a treat for all of those who didn't make it to one of the gaming conventions this weekend. :) )


It rolls in the improved speed performance of the earlier beta that I think 2 people actually used.


But the big change is that it now allow multiple menus. Here's the blurb I wrote to describe it.







Update notes for Version 2.00 of Cuttle Cart 2 OS.


Minor Update:

Slight speed improvement for MMC access over version 1.01.


Major Update:

Multiple Menus!


The CC2 Menu system now supports multiple menu files, as opposed

to the single flat menu of the previous system. Now all menus

can contain other menus.



All menus follow the same format as the original MENU.TXT/MENU.CC2



They must be placed in the root directory of the MMC.


They must have the file extension ".CC2".


Otherwise they can be named whatever you want, but MENU.CC2 is

reserved as the default menu. (BOOTROM.CC2 and EMGBOOT.CC2 also

have special meanings and should not be used for menus.)


After creating a new "submenu", to load it create an entry in your

current menu whose BANKING file is "MENU " (four spaces at the

end.) This tells the CC2 that this entry isn't a game, but another



When you select the "submenu" and press the button or reset, the

"submenu" will be loaded and replace the current menu.


Why is "submenu" in quotes you ask? Because they aren't really

submenus, but rather alternate menus. There is no structure to

how the menus connect to one another. All menus must contain

menu entries for any menu you want to go to.


Confused? Here's any example:


You start the CC2 and it loads the default "MENU.CC2" file.

MENU.CC2 contains the entry (shown here in MENU.TXT format)




Parsing that out, the entries are:

Display Name: "New Menu"

File Name: "NEWMENU"

Banking: "MENU"

Startup: Any non-blank value <= 8 characters in length


Just like a game entry.


When "New Menu" is selected, the CC2 sees that the banking entry

is "MENU ", and attempts to load the file "NEWMENU.CC2" from

the root directory of the MMC. If it finds it, the new menu

becomes the active menu, and the old menu is forgotten. If it

doesn't find it, the old menu remains in place and an error

message is printed on the screen.


Now if you want to be able to go back to MENU.CC2 from NEWMENU.CC2,

you have to have the following entry somewhere in NEWMENU.CC2




Selecting this line would tell the CC2 to reload MENU.CC2 in place

of NEWMENU.CC2. (By the way, you don't have to make the display

entry Root Menu, you can call it whatever you want as long as it's

legal for a standard menu entry.)


If you forget to add a line like the one above, you will not be able

to get back to the original MENU.CC2 file. (At least not through

the menu system.)


Menus can link to as many other menus as you want. (Subject to the

limit of 512 (? or 256, I forget) files allowed in a root directory

on a FAT file system.)


Menus can even link to themselves. (When a new menu is loaded, it

always starts at the top of the menu. A menu entry linking a menu

to itself could be used as a shortcut to automatically jump back to

the top of menu. Cool eh?)


Some more Details:


If you have "Remember Last Menu Position" set to yes in the utilities screen,

the CC2 will attempt to load the last opened menu, and move to the last game

in that menu that was loaded or manual that was read. If nothing was

loaded from the last menu, it will go to the start of that menu.


If it can't find the last menu loaded, it will fall back to loading the

default MENU.CC2 file. This is one way to get back to it if you forget

to make an entry. (The other way is to edit the active menu to include

the link, you can add entries to any menu just like adding them to



If you have "Remember Last Menu Position" set to no, the CC2 will always

start at the top of MENU.CC2 regardless of what other menu was last active.


The new multiple menus option has no effect on anything else. All games are

still stored in the GAMES directory, and all manuals in the MANUALS directory.

You can have as many entries point to a game as you want. You still need

only one copy of that game and manual.







I've had requests for something along these lines for a while now, so I hope people enjoy it.


It was quite the overhaul to make this work. But my testing shows everything to be ok. Of course bugs might crop up when more people start to use it. (At worst case the emergency boot is alway there to let you flash back to an older version.)


I do not intend to provide new PC menu tools to make taking advantage of this easy. That's just not my strong suit. Fortunately it looks like Mot's program is pretty close, and there's always editing of .txt files and passing them through the menu converter.


It requires updates to the HSC, SC, and 3E3F512K startup files. Those are included in the zip. The new versions work only with OS Ver 2.00.


If you don't know how to upgrade the OS on the CC2, please read the manual. I've done my best to explain it there. (It's really easy.)


Edit: See lower post for version 2.01 which fixes the clear screen bug.




Edited by cschell
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ok, now I need something that will maintain the file name....




instead of MENUPD.txt->MENU.CC2


I guess it would be called Menunewcc2.exe ???


input filename *.txt -> *.CC@ in 8 character capital letter format, error iforiginal file nem too long.



I have now 12 folders with 12 copies of the cc2menu.exe (just cuz I'm being lazy)


and have to keep each newly created CC2 menu in its own folder till I rename them.



...still not sure it works yet, had to update the boot twice, the first time I got a "corrupted NVRAM" error...

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(dblpost bad me!)



um... it kept the stuff I brought up when I returned the MEUN.cc2... ;)





Menu 2600	MENU2600	MENU    	IGNORE
Menu 7800	MENU7800	MENU    	IGNORE
Menu Favorites	MENUFAV	MENU    	IGNORE


then I choose 7800...


it displayed the cc2 format of this:


7800: Ace Of Aces                  2-Btn	ACE78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Alien Brigade             Joy/LGun	ALIEN782	78SC_BIG	78BIOS	
7800: Asteroids    	ASTR78  HSC_16K  HSC	
7800: Ballblazer (uses Pokey)  	BALLBLZR	78POKEY  78BIOS	
7800: Barnyard Blaster              LGun	BARNYD  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Basketbrawl                  2-Btn	BSKTBRWL	78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Centipede    	CENT78  HSC_16K  HSC	
7800: Choplifter!                  2-Btn	CHOPLFTR	7800_32K	78BIOS	
7800: Color (Demo)    COLOR78  7800_8K  78BIOS	
7800: Commando (uses Pokey)        2-Btn	COMM78  78SC_POK	78BIOS	
7800: Cracked                      2-Btn	CRACK78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Crossbow                  Joy/LGun	CRSBW782	78SC_BIG	78BIOS	
7800: Dark Chambers    DRKCH78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Desert Falcon    DESRT78  7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: Dig Dug    	DIGDUG78	HSC_16K  HSC	
7800: Donkey Kong Junior  	DKJR78  7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: Donkey Kong    DK78  7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: Double Dragon                2-Btn	DOUBLE78	ACT78  78BIOS	
7800: F-18 Hornet                  2-Btn	F18_78  ABS78  78BIOS	
7800: Fatal Run                    2-Btn	FATAL78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Fight Night    FIGHT78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Food Fight    FOOD78  HSC_32K  HSC	
7800: Galaga    	GALAGA78	HSC_32K  HSC	
7800: Hat Trick                    2-Btn	HAT78  7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: Ikari Warriors               2-Btn	IKARI78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Impossible Mission John Harvey fix	POSSMS78	78SC_R8K	78BIOS	
7800: Impossible Mission  	IMPOSS78	78SC_R8K	78BIOS	
7800: Jinks                        2-Btn	JINKS78  78SC_R8K	78BIOS	
7800: Joust    	JOUST78  HSC_32K  HSC	
7800: Karateka                     2-Btn	KARTKA78	7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: Kung-Fu Master    KUNGFU78	7800_32K	78BIOS	
7800: Mario Brothers    MARIO78  7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: Mat Mania                    2-Btn	MATMAN78	78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Mean 18 Ultimate Golf        2-Btn	MEAN18  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Meltdown                      LGun	MELTDN78	78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Midnight Mutants             2-Btn	MIDMUT78	78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Motor Psycho                 2-Btn	MOTOR78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Ms. Pac-Man    MSPAC78  HSC_16K  HSC	
7800: Ninja Golf                   2-Btn	NINJA78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: One-on-One                   2-Btn	ONE78  7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: Pete Rose Baseball  	PETE78  7800_32K	78BIOS	
7800: Planet Smashers              2-Btn	PLANET78	78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Pole Position II    POLE278  7800_32K	78BIOS  	
7800: Rampage                      2-Btn	RAM78  ACT78  78BIOS	
7800: RealSports Baseball          2-Btn	RSB78  78SC_SM  78BIOS	
7800: Robotron: 2084    ROBO78  HSC_32K  HSC	
7800: Scrapyard Dog                2-Btn	SCRAP78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Summer Games    SUMMR78  78SC_R16	78BIOS	
7800: Super Huey                   2-Btn	HUEY78  7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: Super Skateboardin'  	SKATE78  7800_32K	78BIOS	
7800: Tank Command                 2-Btn	TANK78  78SC_SM  78BIOS	
7800: Test Cart    	TEST78  7800_32K	78BIOS	
7800: TitleMatch Pro Wrestling  	WRESTL78	7800_32K	78BIOS	
7800: Tomcat: F14                  2-Btn	F14_78  7800_32K	78BIOS	
7800: Touchdown Football  	TDFOOT78	78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Tower Toppler    TOWER78  78SCR8SM	78BIOS	
7800: Water Ski                    2-Btn	WATER78  78SC_SM  78BIOS	
7800: Winter Games    WINTER78	78SC_R16	78BIOS	
7800: Xenophobe                    2-Btn	XENO78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Xevious    	XEV78  HSC_32K  HSC
7800: PX: Gato    	GATO  7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: PX: GATO    	GATO78  7800_48K	78BIOS	
7800: PX: Klax                  2-Btn	KLAX78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: PX: Pitfighter            2-Btn	PITFIT78	78SC_SM  78BIOS	
7800: PX: Rescue on Fractalus  	RSFRCTLS	7800_ROF	78BIOS	
7800: PX: Sentinel    	SENT78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS


which is exactly what I expected, howver when I choose Root Menu


I expected:

Menu 2600	MENU2600	MENU    	IGNORE
Menu 7800	MENU7800	MENU    	IGNORE
Menu Favorites	MENUFAV	MENU    	IGNORE


I had displayed the cc2 format of this:


Menu 2600	MENU2600	MENU    	IGNORE
Menu 7800	MENU7800	MENU    	IGNORE
Menu Favorites	MENUFAV	MENU    	IGNORE
7800: Ace Of Aces                  2-Btn	ACE78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Alien Brigade             Joy/LGun	ALIEN782	78SC_BIG	78BIOS	
7800: Asteroids    	ASTR78  HSC_16K  HSC	
7800: Ballblazer (uses Pokey)  	BALLBLZR	78POKEY  78BIOS	
7800: Barnyard Blaster              LGun	BARNYD  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Basketbrawl                  2-Btn	BSKTBRWL	78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Centipede    	CENT78  HSC_16K  HSC	
7800: Choplifter!                  2-Btn	CHOPLFTR	7800_32K	78BIOS	
7800: Color (Demo)    COLOR78  7800_8K  78BIOS	
7800: Commando (uses Pokey)        2-Btn	COMM78  78SC_POK	78BIOS	
7800: Cracked                      2-Btn	CRACK78  78SC_LOW	78BIOS	
7800: Crossbow                  Joy/LGun	CRSBW782	78SC_BIG	78BIOS	



you however could NOT select the 7800 menu items still displyed, its just that they were not, "cleaned" out?


However the error code worked perfectly AND cleaned out the leftover stuff. (had a error menu on purpose)





Other then that it works just fine, although as said in my previous post kinda annoying to keep track of which cc2 menu is which one to be named what. Can't wait till someone codes that lovely thing. :twisted:


I didn't choose to have the menus multilink, they can all go back to the root menu.



Its beautiful! Simply beautiful...thanks sooo much



now for anyone that wants to make an easy PC submenucc2


Print: Input the directery of the file to be converted
<input> *.txt file

Print: Enter name in capital letters, 8 standard character or less *.(newname)
<check lenghth, force caiptal letters, check to make sure not names bootrom/embootrom ect>

Print: Please select directery to output CC2 file <fetch name of file>, no input will put the file in this folder. 

[button create file]

<out put error / succesful>

Edited by FireTiger
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Hi, thanks for reminding me about the NVRAM issues.


Here's an important note I forgot:


When upgrading to OS Ver 2.00, the NVRAM format has changed. Therefore the first time you start after upgrading it will post the NVRAM warning and reset everything to the default values. Don't worry about it, just ignore it.


However, if you have custom colors you may want to write them down before you upgrade as the colors will get reset to the defaults.


Very sorry I forgot to put that in the notes.


As for the garbage, I didn't try a menu smalller than one screen. I'm guessing it's as simple as needing to clear the menu before I redraw it.


Looks like it's time for 2.01.



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Here's version 2.01. It clears the menu when loading a new one, so smaller ones will no longer leave garbage lying around.


Also changed it so that the menu bar will wrap from top to bottom / bottom to top when scrolling through a menu smaller than one screen.




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I have updated the W32 Menu Converter to simply take XXXXXXXX.TXT and create XXXXXXXX.CC2 in the same directory as the original file.


It's up to the user to ensure that the original name is less than 8 characters.


New utility is available on the CC2 updates page at schells.com



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Here's version 2.01.  It clears the menu when loading a new one, so smaller ones will no longer leave garbage lying around.


Also changed it so that the menu bar will wrap from top to bottom / bottom to top when scrolling through a menu smaller than one screen.






One minor thing: When you come back to the menu after powering off and back on, it is no longer in the menu but at the top menu, with –select- highlighted.


Did you want that to happen, because with the old menus, it didn’t do that?

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Really? I have in utlities


"save last menu position" = no,

"Start in Select mode" = no


So mine always boots to "Menu" allowing anthing at the top to be selected.


Sorry, didn't see that option. This must have changed while up-grading?


OK, I put in sub-menu into that program of mine:

Java CC2Menu Gen version 02


It does put in a sub menu for each company and each controller, so this will go 3 levels deep and make a lot of files to put on your MMC card.


This still is/maybe buggy, so be warned. I can try to fix everything. (maybe I should start a new thread for bugs and enhancements.)


Here is what it looks like now:



Have fun :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
OK, I put in sub-menu into that program of mine:

Java CC2Menu Gen version 02


It does put in a sub menu for each company and each controller, so this will go 3 levels deep and make a lot of files to put on your MMC card.


This still is/maybe buggy, so be warned.  I can try to fix everything.  (maybe I should start a new thread for bugs and enhancements.)


Here is what it looks like now:



Have fun :)



Now it will sub menu at different levels. So if a company has more then 20 items:

it will put in a entry like this in the COMPANY.CC2:

----20th Century Fox (Menu 22 itms)-----


and will create a sub-menu like this:

Alligator People (Proto)  
Bank Heist    
Beany Bopper    
Crash Dive    
Crypts of Chaos    
Deadly Duck    
Earth Dies Screaming  	
Entity (Proto)    
Fantastic Voyage  	
Fast Eddie    
Flash Gordon    
Mega Force    
Pick Up (Proto)    
Planet of the Apes (Proto)  
Revenge of the BS Tomatoes  
Save The Whales    
Spacemaster X-7    
Worm War I    
Return to COMPANY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



Here is my controller menu:

----------2-Btn (Menu 29 itms)----------
Omega Race                     BoostrGrp
Survival Run                   CosmicCmd
Indy 500                           Drive
Stell-a-Sketch                     Drive
Video Jogger                    FootCraz
Video Reflex                    FootCraz
Star Raiders                    Joy+TPad
--------Joystick (Menu 641 itms)--------
BASIC Programming                 Keypad
Brain Games                       Keypad
Code Breaker                      Keypad
Concentration                     Keypad
MagiCard                          Keypad
SynthCart (Paul Slocum)           Keypad
Alpha-Beam with Ernie            KidCtrl
Big Bird's Egg Catch             KidCtrl
Cookie Monster Munch             KidCtrl
Grover's Music Maker (Proto)     KidCtrl
Holy Moley (Proto)               KidCtrl
Monstercise (Proto)              KidCtrl
Oscar's Trash Race               KidCtrl
Peek-A-Boo (Proto)               KidCtrl
Berenstein Bears  	
Smurfs Save the Day  	
7800: Barnyard Blaster              LGun
7800: Meltdown                      LGun
Sentinel                            LGun
Shooting Arcade (Proto)             LGun
---------Paddles (Menu 45 itms)---------
Return to ROOT MENU <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


In here there are sub-menu's for:

2-Btn, Joystick, and Paddles


If you can think of a better way to put these sub-menus items in please let me know.



Happy CC2-ing.

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