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Hard to answer really. Basically the 4 port is the original run of the 5200 but it has some flaws. For one they had to be modified to work with the 5200-2600 adapter or else risk shorting out the 5200 and the adapter.


Also the 4 port required that combo RF switch/Power box adapter that is so difficult to come by.


Personally I don't have a 5200 yet...but when the time comes...I will probably go for the 2 port model.


I can tell you that ANY 5200 model with two actual working controllers will usually fetch some decent prices off Ebay. Much more so than I could afford readily...hehe.

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It's not a flaw in the 4 port model, it's just that the power line is in a different place that's all.


Any truth to the rumor that some games won't work on the 2 port model? I heard that Pitfall won't work for instance.


I like the four port model. It's what I remember seeing in the stores back in the day. Of course I got a 400 instead (which was probably better in the long run).



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To answer your question, unless the 2 switch is boxed with two working controllers, the 4 switch will be worth more simply because it's mint and sounds complete. If you're into collecting boxed hardware I'd say go for it.


However, if you want to play games on a 5200, I would go for a 2-port model instead. That funky combo power-rf switchbox on the 4-port is hard to come by, so even if you do find a 4-port 5200 with a working adapter, good luck if it ever gives up the ghost!


As Cro§Bow said, it's difficult to find a 5200 with working controllers, especially two of them. I would concentrate my efforts on that part of the equation. People often auction working 5200 controllers by themselves on eBay, so it's not too hard to come by then. Or you can buy a third-part controller, or the Electra Concepts MasterPlay interface that lets you use 2600 joysticks, but those are usually pretty expensive given their rarity and desirability



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hey tizoc,


i understand that but there isnt much info there on those items and i dont feel comfortable goign with like 40 to 60 on it. i was wondering which would be worth more how much more ( one of the other ) and i know the controlers arent in need of fixing or is the system all you need is a rf switch and your set is there a 2 different rf switches one fo r the 52000 2 port and 5200 4 port?

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Originally posted by atari70s:

i was wondering which would be worth more how much more ( one of the other )


I think you are asking which is a better investment? If so, I would think that the four-port is more valuable. Especially if it is one with the asterik in the serial number. This particular four-port version can use the 2600 adapter without the modification, and it by far the most rare 5200.


is there a 2 different rf switches one fo r the 52000 2 port and 5200 4 port?


Yes, there are two rf switches. The rf switch for the four-port is a 'special' switch. It can only be used on the four-port. BTW, if you are not careful hooking it up, they have a tendency to 'burn' out. And finding another is not always easy or cheap.


The two-port version on the other hand, uses the same rf switch as the 7800/2600. I like this version of the 5200 because I can use the same rf, and I never have to go through switching out rf switces. If you are used to changing the rf switches for your other systems it probably won't be a big deal. Another thing, there is truth to the rumor that pitfall won't work on the two-port. But being realistic, it's not like activision changed it very much from the 2600 version. So your not really missing out on a whole lot there.

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Why change a classic?


Are there another games that won't work with the 2 port? Pitfall was the only one I could remeber off the top of my head.


And why won't it work? Does it check for something at ports 3 and 4 (in a one player game that makes no sense) or did Atari do something to the OS as well?



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Are there another games that won't work with the 2 port? Pitfall was the only one I could remeber off the top of my head.


Mountain King and one other I can't remember. However not all 2 ports have this problem. Mine is one of the fully compatible 2 ports.


Were there actually any games that used the 3rd and 4th joystick ports?  


Well, let's see. I think Super Breakout, RS Tennis and the Asteroids proto are the only ones.





[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Mitch ]

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Originally posted by Tempest:

Why change a classic?


I agree.



Are there another games that won't work with the 2 port? Pitfall was the only one I could remeber off the top of my head.


Mitch has the right answer, Mountain King is one other game that will not work on the 5200. The third game is K-Razy Shootout.



And why won't it work? Does it check for something at ports 3 and 4 (in a one player game that makes no sense) or did Atari do something to the OS as well?


The newer two port models feature a

motherboard upgrade, which is the reason why some games will not work on

different models. Also, the 2600 game adapter does not work on most of the

four port models due to this change. Furthermore, three pins on the cartridge

connector have changed. This was done to accomodate the 2600 adapter, and I suspect may have caused these three games not to work.



Originally posted by Mitch:

However not all 2 ports have this problem. Mine is one of the fully compatible 2 ports.


Yes, I can also verify this. I had many 5200s pass through my hands. I ended keeping a two-port that played everything. The other two-port machines had a blank black screen with the three games. I wonder if these fully compatible 5200s are hard to find?

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Originally posted by atari70s:

So how much you think for a comletely boxed 5200 4 port 2 mint brandy new controlers that work excellent


As with most collectible items, an item is only worh as much as a person is willing to pay. If you are looking at these items on auction then the items are worth only as much as you and involved bidders are willing to pay. Ultimately the highest bidder determines that of course.


If these are in the wild, say goodwill. Then you can probably haggle your way down to a price you like. On some occasions I've been succesful with this approach at the goodwill. (I got a new 7800 xenophobe for $1 !)


The 5200 is common enough though that if you want to get a rough idea on price, you could search ebay's completed auctions. They should give you a good idea as to what are the reasonable high and low prices. From there you should be able to determine what YOU want to pay.


Remember, these are not new items, so they won't have a set price. You have to take into consideration the condition; does it work?; how much more money will you have to spend to fix it?, etc to determine *worth*. Hope this helps. Completed items search, IMO, is your best bet.

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Originally posted by atari70s:

is there any 4 ports that may run all 2600 games?


Yes, if it has a serial number with an asterisk, then it should work with the 2600 without any modification. If it does not have the asterisk, you might have to buy the kit from Best Electronics.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Originally posted by Ze_ro:

Were there actually any games that used the 3rd and 4th joystick ports? I've got a 2-port model coming to me in the mail, but still have no games or controllers




Super Breakout is the only game that I can think of that has can have 3 or 4 players on the 5200.

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