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Launch of new NES and SNES rarity guides


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damn, looks like i've been outta the loop for way too long. Glad i am almost done with finals. I will be adding TONS of photos this spring break.


Also, I will be working up a variation portion of the NES section if anyone is interested in helping me out let me know here or over on gamerzuniverse.net or even digitpress.com/forums.


I am not sure how in depth people think the variations should go or not? I mean we could be REALLY picky or just sorta picky. What do people think?



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damn, looks like i've been outta the loop for way too long. Glad i am almost done with finals. I will be adding TONS of photos this spring break.


Also, I will be working up a variation portion of the NES section if anyone is interested in helping me out let me know here or over on gamerzuniverse.net or even digitpress.com/forums.


I am not sure how in depth people think the variations should go or not? I mean we could be REALLY picky or just sorta picky. What do people think?

I would suggest ignoring screw variations and seal of quality variations, but covering everything else. Have you contacted Dave2236 of the DP forums? He's just started a nes variations project himself.

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