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Should atari make more games and a new system

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I'm kinda glad that the 2600 is no longer in the hands of soulless corporations.  


Ditto that!


Our little community has it pretty good as it is. Previously unreleased protos are popping up all of the time. The homebrew scene is amazing, and most of the games are far better than we could have expected from the video game companies because much more time, work, and fine tuning goes into them. I think the more that the bigger companies turn their heads and try to forget about us, the better off we are.

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Yup...always a good business move to reach out to a smaller audience ;)


Myself, I bought Atari 2600 pack for windows from years ago and I enjoyed it.


Like it or not, games made for modern systems sell better than games made for antiques.  I'm kinda glad that the 2600 is no longer in the hands of soulless corporations.


I agree. The kids are enjoying playing a new Pokémon game than playing

a 2600 Pitfall.




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Serguei2 said: The kids are enjoying a new PokeMon game more than playing a game of Pitfall!


Not me! beleive me im not very old yet and given the choice between most

of the trash games out there on the shelf now id rather have the opportunity

to play a classic game that i have never tried before! Yes i know im much different to most people of my age but it's just the way i am!



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Classic games can be played from time to time but not always.


Some classic games like combat can't be played over 2-3 minutes because

the game stops after 2, 2:20 minutes.


Pitfall! is a great game but it only has 20 minutes to complete it vs Pokémon or Final Fantasy you need weeks or even months to complete them.


And some gameboy advance games, you can hear songs like Warioland 4.




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Gameplay is what matters though not how long it takes to finish a game!


for example in Ms. Pac-Man (or most other high score games!) you can try to rack up a massive score while seeing how far you can go!


not that im saying Final Fantasy is trash as i am a fan of the series but video games these days have tended to stray from the "have a go for fun"

style and branched out into "save your game" and this is where the problem lies!

you see if you are not allowed to save the game may be shorter but it's a damn sight harder (EG Kangaroo) while in say TEKKEN to unlock the characters is very easy and some newer games

only offer about 5 days tops before it's shelved and not played for a long time!


but games like didg-dug, pac-man etc.. always keep you coming back for more!


and as for the music yeah the music is good on newer games BUT surely this is why the games are so pricey these days!

the only true exception ill make with getting good music with a game is if it's a dancing game! 8)


(what happened to £1 budget games? :roll: ($0.50)) :)

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