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Bad Visuals On Acid


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I've just got Acid Drop from a seller on Ebay, thing is when the game starts the screen starts rolling at a constant rate.


I understand that this would be the case with an NTSC cart on my PAL system and all the signs indicate that this version is NTSC however was Acid Drop ever released as an NTSC version, I thought this was a European game (french I think) and only released in PAL.


Please, someone, anyone, make me stand corrected and tell me I'm wrong. This is a real arse because it has to be the best non-shooter for the 2600.




P.S. I will fight with anyone that thinks Acid Drop is crap, however I'm not that strong and can be a bit of a coward.

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Just been checking this game out against the emulator, as well as the screen rolling, the colours are out of kilter as well on my system, green is blue, orange is brown, which would ring true if it was an NTSC cart on a PAL system, the colour subcarrier is different for systems so colours are translated different.


What a downer, anyone want to swap a NTSC version for a PAL version? I'm just curious how this got around as this must have originated from here then judging from the previous post.



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This sure smells like NTSC to me! The same sympthoms as all my NTSC carts I can't play because my TV won't let me. :sad: Heh, I actually like the change of colors in Solaris on the other TV downstairs that does accept the NTSC signal, it even makes the game look better that it already is!

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Acid Drop is programmed badly. It displays 342 scanlines per frame in the game screen. A normal PAL game is supposed to have 312 scanlines per frame. This means that Acid Drop is only displaying at about 46 Hz instead of the normal 50 Hz for PAL television. It might be possible that your TV can't sync to such a low rate anymore.


BTW, which emulator did you use for testing? On some of them you need to specifically select the PAL palette to get correct colours for PAL games. Acid Drop's title screen is supposed to be blue. Your post indicates that you saw the title screen in green instead.



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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That's interesting, the colour I'm seeing is Blue so it must be a PAL cart after all, my television is a modern Sony, so it must be a case that it can't sync to 46Hz, I'll try it with one of my other tellys an older model and see what the outcome is. Thanks for that.

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