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Trouble with Robot Tank


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OK. . . now I have three copies of Robot Tank, and I still can't get any to work. I have cleaned them. . . nothing. Does this game nototriously give people trouble? At first, I thought my copy just died (it used to work in my original sysem), so I bought a replacement. . . that didn't work either. I bought a third copy over the weekend, and still nothing. This is the only game that I have trouble with, all my other games work fine. I am using a heavy-sixer, if that makes any difference. Anyone got any suggestions?

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It might be a matter of getting it seat just right. I have this problem on my Dragster cart. More often than not, I get a black screen. I have to wiggle it, or try multiple inserts, to get it to work. Usually after about 10 tries I have some sucess. Then I play it forever 'cause it takes so damn long to get it to work!


My Robot Tank works just fine...hmm, dont know. I hope the wiggle method works for you.

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Have you tried it with a different console and/or power supply?


I wish I could, but I have neither. I've tried the wiggle method, as every now and then, an Activision game will need that, but nothing changes. Just Black Screen after Black Screen.


Would the power supply cause this? I hadn't given that theory much thought. If I could only track down someone with a console, I would toss it in their system, and give it a go!


Its such a good game, and I've missed playing it for too long.


Thanks for your input!!!!

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I have certain carts that have to sit "just right" in certain consoles.

I'd be willing to bet if you fiddle around with the cart itself you'll find that it does work but has to be in the sweet spot. Ive even had to put something to keep a cart in place to get it to work. One other thing would be to pick up a cheap spare console off ebay or from a flea market and try it out.

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Robot Tank uses a bankswitching scheme that is sensitive to timing issues. That's why it doesn't work on many 7800s. It's possible that your 2600 is getting too far out of spec and that's why it won't work with it.



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Robot Tank uses a bankswitching scheme that is sensitive to timing issues. That's why it doesn't work on many 7800s. It's possible that your 2600 is getting too far out of spec and that's why it won't work with it.




This is also probly why it doesn't work with game switchers like the game brain or the game-selex. I also think Double dragon is the same way.

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Hmm, I don't think Double Dragon uses the same bankswitching method. I think Decathalon was another game that used it and maybe Space Shuttle. Though DD could have problems for different reasons, I suppose.



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