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I'm going to try to start programing... but I'm both to lazy to look it up and don't have a clue on what to do, any help/tips/links/advice would be helpful.


My advice: don't bother. If you don't have the will to look up the links, you will never have the perserverence necessary to code for Stella.

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I tried pointing him in the right direction. Apparently, even that was too much work. :ponder:



OK...how to create a game:


Step 1-

Think of a game concept. This can be something like a current best-seller for modern consoles, a television show, etc. Try to flesh out the plotline of the game as completely as possible.


Step 2-

Set a deadline for the finished product. You want to keep your audience rivited.


Step 3-

Make a lot of conceptual drawings or mock screenshots.


Step 4-

Recognise the limitations of the 2600 controllers. Then realize that technology has come a long way since then. So controllers specifically made for the game should be no problem to make.


Step 5-

Make conceptual drawings of the controller design.


Step 6-

Post up your concepts if you haven't already done so. Playing video games fries long-term memory, so you need to keep talking about your project or people will forget all about it.


Step 7-

Find somebody that can help with little things, like writing your game, burning it to eproms, designing the controllers, assembling the carts, etc. No sense in getting stuck doing all the mundane boring tasks yourself ;)


Step 8-

Collect $$$

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You are in the forum with almost all the answers, just so a search through all the threads. Though lazziness and programmers coinside, it doesn't lend itself to getting a project done. Especially a self motivated project.


For the record Im a programmer so I can vouch for the laziness part. :sleep:

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