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Help applying friction

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Been messing around with 16 bit math and sub-pixel sprite movements and I ran into a problem when trying to apply friction to a given sprites speed.


I've attached the entire code below but the relevant section is this:

; Friction (broken )


.xfriction  lda xspeed+1

 bmi .doNegFrict

 lda xspeed

 bmi .doNegFrict


.checkPosFrict  lda xspeed+1 ;check if 0

 beq .checkLow

 jmp .doPosFrict

.checkLow	lda xspeed

 beq .yfriction

.doPosFrict;positive speed, subtract friction from speed


 lda xspeed

 sbc #FrictionLow

 sta xspeed

 lda xspeed+1

 sbc #0

 sta xspeed+1


 jmp .yfriction


;negative speed, add friction to speed

.doNegFrict	clc

 lda xspeed

 adc #FrictionLow

 sta xspeed

 lda xspeed+1

 adc #0

 sta xspeed+1


;Not done yet


It would seem it works as I expect when the xspeed is negative (sprite moving left) but when positive xspeed+1 > 0 friction no longer applies.


2 thoughts


1) this is probably a simple bug, but I cant seem to see it.

2) there is probably a much easier way of applying friction to a given speed than the method I am using above :)


Any suggestions?


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:idea: BTW: Instead of two separate routines for adding and subtracting the friction values, you can use a more general routine and add negative values. E.g.

 lda #FrictionLow; #-FrictionLow

 ldy #0          ; #-1


 adc xspeed 

 sta xspeed 


 adc xspeed+1 

 sta xspeed+1

And since you probably need more than one 16-bit addition in your code, you can define a subroutine:

 lda #FrictionLow; #-FrictionLow

 ldy #0          ; #-1

 ldx #<xspeed    ; or e.g. <xpos, <yspeed ...

 jsr Add16




 adc $00,x

 sta $00,x


 adc $01,x

 sta $01,x


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:idea: BTW: Instead of two separate routines for adding and subtracting the friction values, you can use a more general routine and add negative values. E.g.

 lda #FrictionLow; #-FrictionLow

 ldy #0          ; #-1


 adc xspeed 

 sta xspeed 


 adc xspeed+1 

 sta xspeed+1

And since you probably need more than one 16-bit addition in your code, you can define a subroutine:

 lda #FrictionLow; #-FrictionLow

 ldy #0          ; #-1

 ldx #<xspeed    ; or e.g. <xpos, <yspeed ...

 jsr Add16




 adc $00,x

 sta $00,x


 adc $01,x

 sta $01,x



Thanks thomas! I saw code similar to this in your cave 1k source, but didn't fully understand it at the time, I think because you were applying friction based on relative speed of the object(?). This makes much more sense now :)

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I think because you were applying friction based on relative speed of the object(?)...

Yup, the faster the vertical speed, the more opposite friction (1/8th of the current yspeed). This makes flying the helicopter much easier.


The physics are still not very exact, since air-friction isn't linear but quadratic to speed. But it works quite well for the game. :)

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