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2600 Jr. Video Problem


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Just got a 2600 Jr, which had very fuzzy video. Seemed a good candidate for the composite mod. I followed the instructions found on this site. After completing the mod, the video is no longer fuzzy, but has developed a new problem.




I've tried adjusting the pot under the power switch, but this is as good as I can get it. Results vary from game to game, but I'm getting a wavy picture with inconsistant color there's almost always a grey area across the center. Also when you change rooms in a multi screen game like Adventure it will usually start to roll when the screen changes.


My first guess is that the pot may be dirty and need replacing. Does this seem logical or am I barking up the wrong tree? Any help is appreciated.



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Forgot to mention in my first post, the audio is working fine.


To illustrate that results vary from game to game:




Pitfall, not wavy, but picture is way off center with the very bottom showing at the top of the screen. Picture is stable and not rolling. Color is good and no grey bar through the center.




Yar's Revenge, very wavy. Rolls quite a bit. Color is so-so.




Moon Patrol, super wavy, picture rolls constantly diagonally across the screen.


Different results for every game I've tried. These pictures are as good as I can get their respective games by adjusting the pot.



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I followed the directions here:




It's very straightforward, but yes I did double, triple and quadruple check to make sure everything was connected to the proper points and solidily soldered.


I suppose I can undo it and see what happens if I have to.



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Have you tried it with a different telly? Different boxes react differently to mods like this...


Edit: Just looked at the mod there - I think that's the most basic form of mod, try the one on www.classicgaming.com/vcsp/ (in the archive section) - it's a bit more resilient.

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Hmm in the link you posted it doesn't say it will only work with SOME Jr.'s, it does say that in the very same article in the FAQ section of AtariAge, so this mod might not work with a Jr. A. http://www.atariage.com/2600/faq/index.htm...=2600#composite


Perhaps you could try this mod

http://www.classicgaming.com/vcsp/Question3.htm I haven't done it myself (yet ;) ) but I have heard good things about it. The only drawback someone mentioned is that it can be a bit dark, but that depends on how picky you are I guess.

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I'm still a bit scared of soldering directly onto TIA's pins  :|  as Jr's aren't socketed (as far as I know).


So don't do it then. :)


I've never soldered onto an IC - too risky, especially when there's usually a perfectly good resistor joint somewhere which is connected directly to the pin in question...

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I think so...

Having said that, I just realised I lied a little - I did solder to the TIA sometimes - I've not done a 2600 for a while, and it was the other side of the PCB, so I forgot there was a chip there! But you don't have to, just use a multimeter to find out a path with no resistance, that'll do the trick.

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I'm still a bit scared of soldering directly onto TIA's pins  


I guess I just don't have enough sense to be worried. I don't have a problem with ripping stuff apart to see what I can tweak inside. And hey, it's just a Jr., it's not as if I'm screwing around inside my six switcher. Now that would make me nervous. ;)



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Hmm a quick question, a 1k pot-meter, is that a 1k to ~ or a 0 to 1k pot meter? I just asked the guy in the store for "two 1k pot meters please" and the pot's say "1k 10 1M" on them like a sort of scale. I have no idea if these are the right ones as I have no ways of measuring them.

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I can't help you there. I just bought twopots and they were just labeled "1 k potentiometer". I'd guess 0-1k, but that's all it is, a guess.


I do have a related question of my own though. The pots I bought have three feet (electrical connection points). I assume only two are used for this mod. I re-read the vcsp mod page to see if this was mentioned, but it wasn't. Which one is unused?



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Heh, I had the same question and Spirantho answered that the you need to connect one wire to one of the 2 pins (doesn't matter which one) that are closer together and the other wire to the single pin. I'm a dummy on this field too. :roll:



              1k   o---------out---------


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Not really. I still have to get some wires, cables and plugs. I think I'm going to mod my Vader system as the image is very distorted, could also be TIA itself or a bad capacitor or something, then the mod won't work. Oh well, we'll see. I'm planning on making this:



A   |---s-video-------[  -]----------------|'|

   |---audio---------[  -]----------------|_|  <- SCART



A = Atari

[ = female RCA plug

-] = male RCA plug


So I'll have 2 short female plugged wires (video and audio) coming from the Vaders RF cable hole and I can either connect standard RCA cables for s-video or connect it through a self made SCART cable. My tv upstairs doesn't have the RCA s-video connection, only SCART. The nice thing is that I can unplug it and I don't have to drag a long cord like the RF cord behind me when moving the console. I can also use my self-made SCART cable on other consoles I might mod.


I'm off to a friend who has a multi-meter to go measure my pot-meters.

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Nice to hear that this worked, makes me even more confident I'm doing the right thing by messing around in places the warranty tells you to stay out ;) I may do mine tonight depending if I have the time and if I can get all the cables, plugs and wires I need when I walk by the electronics store after work. Just need the RCA cable, some thin wires for soldering and a SCART plug.

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Just need the RCA cable, some thin wires for soldering and a SCART plug.


Unless you're pretty sure you're quite deft with a soldering iron, I strongly recommend you get hold of the cheapest SCART cable you can find and hack it up. Soldering SCART plugs isn't a pleasant task and it's never as good as a factory-soldered one anyway - so just solder the wires direct to your mod or just to some wires connected to the mod.

Also, for the wires, I suggest getting some standard networking cable (CAT-5, not 10base2 - the stuff that usually has what looks like a phone plug) as it's got lots of nice stranded cable. Avoid telephone cable as this is solid and much harder to get a nice joint without it snapping.

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I take they sell SCART plugs loose. I just lookop the pinout somewhere and attatch the composite and audio wire. That doesn't seem to produce such a signla loss, does it? It's not that I have to solder 21 scart pins :P From the mod board there will only be 2 joints, 1 with male/female RCA plugs like above and one of the solderings to the SCART cable. For the RCA plugs I'll just use pre-fabricated plugs. Anyhow, I'm off.

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