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Any interest in a "High Score Club"?


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I am in! Can we use the Emu to play the games?  



I only have one 2600 game: yars revenge, maybe more on the way but I am not sure


No. Actual hardware only.


BUt, if you had a 2600 emulator on a laptop or handheld, and played it in an airplane, then you could be a member of the MILE High score club!

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Will it be online? will you just have to post in the picture of the score or will more need to be done? :?


It would all take place right here in the 2600 Forum. For example, I'd post a topic like "High Score Club Week 1: Kaboom!"... in the first post, I'd provide whatever information was necessary (ie, who picked the game, which game mode to play on, who is in line to pick the next game, current high scores and so on)... then all you'd need to do is reply to that thread with any high scores or strategy that you'd like to submit. After seven days are up, the thread would be done, I'd tally up all the scores, award points, and we'd move on to the next game.


I think we would all be comfortable within the confines of the honor system here. I'd like to think that everyone here is honest enough that we don't generally need to worry about posting pictures of scores or anything like that. However, if someone posts a completely ludicrous score that is 20x the highest score, or continuously one-ups the previous high score by 100 points or something, then we might need to ask for proof. Keep in mind that there is no actual prize to be won aside from bragging rights and personal pride, so please don't cheat.


I don't see any problem with including emulators in the competition... as long as people don't use features of their emulator to cheat (save state, slow motion, etc). Again, we'd have to go by the honor system here. I don't want anyone to have to miss a week of the High Score Club because they didn't happen to have the cartridge. Perhaps it would be a good idea when posting a high score to say whether it was achieved on an emulator (and which emulator) or on real hardware.


You would, however, have to play the 2600 version of the game. If Kaboom is the game of the week, the 5200 version is off-limits as far as high scores are concerned. Also, there are a lot of 2600 games that likely wouldn't fit into a contest like this very well... specifically 2-player-only games like Combat, and games that don't keep score like Adventure (although I suppose we could compete for time in a game like that, it would be tricky). Hopefully people will keep this in mind when it comes their time to choose a game.


You would be allowed to post more than once, so if you got a nice score on monday, and then thoroughly beat that score on wednesday, feel free to submit that one too. Of course, only your highest score will be recorded... you can't get 1st AND 2nd place at the same time. Please be reasonable though... don't spam us with 10 scores in a row when each score is only a few points higher than the last. Play the game for an hour or so, keeping track of your high score on a piece of paper, and then let us know.


Also, you'd have to actually get the score within the week that the competition was open. You may have rolled the score on Berzerk back in the 80's, but you'll have to do it again within the 7-day limit for it to count. One of the fun parts of this will be seeing how much you can increase your score over the course of a week.



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BUt, if you had a 2600 emulator on a laptop or handheld, and played it in an airplane, then you could be a member of the MILE High score club!

LOL! :-D


It would all take place right here in the 2600 Forum. For example, I'd post a topic like "High Score Club Week 1: Kaboom!"... in the first post, I'd provide whatever information was necessary (ie, who picked the game, which game mode to play on, who is in line to pick the next game, current high scores and so on)... then all you'd need to do is reply to that thread with any high scores or strategy that you'd like to submit. After seven days are up, the thread would be done, I'd tally up all the scores, award points, and we'd move on to the next game.  


I think we would all be comfortable within the confines of the honor system here. I'd like to think that everyone here is honest enough that we don't generally need to worry about posting pictures of scores or anything like that. However, if someone posts a completely ludicrous score that is 20x the highest score, or continuously one-ups the previous high score by 100 points or something, then we might need to ask for proof. Keep in mind that there is no actual prize to be won aside from bragging rights and personal pride, so please don't cheat.  


I don't see any problem with including emulators in the competition... as long as people don't use features of their emulator to cheat (save state, slow motion, etc). Again, we'd have to go by the honor system here. I don't want anyone to have to miss a week of the High Score Club because they didn't happen to have the cartridge. Perhaps it would be a good idea when posting a high score to say whether it was achieved on an emulator (and which emulator) or on real hardware.  


You would, however, have to play the 2600 version of the game. If Kaboom is the game of the week, the 5200 version is off-limits as far as high scores are concerned. Also, there are a lot of 2600 games that likely wouldn't fit into a contest like this very well... specifically 2-player-only games like Combat, and games that don't keep score like Adventure (although I suppose we could compete for time in a game like that, it would be tricky). Hopefully people will keep this in mind when it comes their time to choose a game.  


You would be allowed to post more than once, so if you got a nice score on monday, and then thoroughly beat that score on wednesday, feel free to submit that one too. Of course, only your highest score will be recorded... you can't get 1st AND 2nd place at the same time. Please be reasonable though... don't spam us with 10 scores in a row when each score is only a few points higher than the last. Play the game for an hour or so, keeping track of your high score on a piece of paper, and then let us know.  


Also, you'd have to actually get the score within the week that the competition was open. You may have rolled the score on Berzerk back in the 80's, but you'll have to do it again within the 7-day limit for it to count. One of the fun parts of this will be seeing how much you can increase your score over the course of a week.  




I think that this has been thoughtfully planned and can't wait to get started! :wink:


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: (d'oh! where'd that 3rd thumb come from?!)

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Im down for a 2600 game of the week club/contest/competition/etc...


Here is my suggestion. Play up until midnight friday and the winner for that week picks the game for the next week.


Or if you wanted to get really serious you could get some custom patches made up? Maybe an Atariage high score patch?

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Im down for a 2600 game of the week club/contest/competition/etc...  


Here is my suggestion. Play up until midnight friday and the winner for that week picks the game for the next week.


Or if you wanted to get really serious you could get some custom patches made up? Maybe an Atariage high score patch?


Maybe loser of week gets to pick?

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It sounds like a great idea. However, I think it might be better if players' high scores were NOT posted during the course of the week. There are many advanced players on this forum who will put up extermely high scores right out of the gate. After seeing a very high score posted, many players may loose their interest in the competition, feeling that it's no longer worth their time and effort to attempt to beat a score they know is out of reach, i.e., why bother?


I'm pretty sure this is what happened the last time this idea was brought up, when the game was Phoenix. Someone posted an extremely high score on that game and the thread immediately died.

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Well you could simply be required to post scores during a certain time period. Say Friday lunch to Saturday, or simply post scores on saturday??


Sounds good. :ponder: I've never actually played games on the emulator, but I'm fine with using that. I'll have to get a stelladapter soon. :D

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Jeepnut24 wrote:
Here is my suggestion. Play up until midnight friday and the winner for that week picks the game for the next week.


It might also be cool to have an added challenge along with high score. For example, say Jeepnut is posts the highest score and in turn picks the game for the week and says:


High Score Club game of the week: Yars Revenge

Challenge: Play a game of Yars Revenge while standing on your head


The challenge would not have any bearing on who wins - only the high score would count. It might add a bit of a twist and make it a little more silly and fun for those who expect to lose every week - like me. :-)


Others might be:

Play a game using your feet

Close your eyes and have your friends give you blind directions

Play a game using the opposite hand than you usually use etc.


It wouldn't have to be weird as this, but it would open up different gaming possibilities - maybe even add more playability to a game that you gave up long ago. Use your imagination! :-D


Do you mean maybe differant strategies? Some of us have a hard enough time without an extra challenge. ;) The more I think about this, Id really like to see it go somewhere.

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Count me in. I find that a little competition always make me try harder and do better. Also it may open my eyes to games I previously overlooked (as long as we can use emu's).


Can't wait to show some of you old fellas who is the boss! :P


Also, how about occasionlly raising the stakes..Say one guy gets a great score on a game and wins the weeks competition. But YOU! YOU just know it was a fluke and you can beat him. I think it would be cool if each member had ONE chance to challenge a weeks winner to an old fashioned dual. You would only get one of these challenges (maybe 1 a year, or maybe you earn them with the point system mentioned ealier) either way the dual would last only 2 days. Best score at the end of two gets bragging rights.


Just An Idea



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Im still in. Do we need to start a new thread with the game in it? I say, we pick a game. Play for a week and post friday. The winner as of saturday picks next weeks game and any "special" techniques. Im down especially if I actually have the game.

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Emu's should be allowed especially as i dont have a digital camera!


Uhh and Mojofltr Im afraid your idea sucks! how are we supposed to know

who's done the challenge this way or not?


also as for standing on your head..etc well like i said not every one has a digi cam and second of all they could simply take one shot and thats it!


see what i mean!? :)

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...and the winner for that week picks the game for the next week.

Maybe loser of week gets to pick?


I've been trying to think of the best way to handle this too. I was a bit worried that if whoever won was allowed to pick the next game, then they'd just consistently pick games that they knew there were amazing with, and dominate the high score club until someone got lucky and beat them... Ultimately, I think the best way is just to keep a list of everyone in the club, and whenever someone picks a game for their week, they're moved to the end of the list. The problem with this is that if we have, say, 20 members, then it'll be about 5 months before you get a second turn (Although that's likely what will happen no matter how pickers are determined).


However, getting to pick a game is really a fairly small part of this whole thing. After all, if you want to talk about a specific game, there's nothing stopping you from starting a new topic about it.


It sounds like a great idea. However, I think it might be better if players' high scores were NOT posted during the course of the week.


Actually, I think it would be a good idea for people to post scores as soon as possible, so that other people have something to shoot for. In fact, I was actually thinking that it might get bad with people "sniping" scores by waiting until 11:59 before posting their score just so they can be sure that no one else has time to beat it or something like that.


Besides, points would still be awarded for 2nd place, 3rd place etc (Still not sure how many total points would be made available... I guess it depends on how many people end up in the club). Plus, I was thinking it would also be a good idea to have a "Mr. Congeniality" award that would go towards whoever provided the most useful tips for the game. So even if you can't beat the highest score, there would still be room for contribution. Hopefully that would keep people from losing interest.


It might also be cool to have an added challenge along with high score.
I think it would be cool if each member had ONE chance to challenge a weeks winner to an old fashioned dual.


Interesting ideas, but I'd rather keep things fairly simple... however, if you feel like issuing a challenge within a week ("Hey guys! I broke 100,000 playing only with my feet! Beat that!"), or "calling someone out" after the week ends, then feel free to do so... it would likely be outside of the actual Club though.



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The game should be chosen via a voting system whatever game gets the most

votes is the next game!


Cool idea huh? :)


The only problem with that would be the same games getting the most votes all the time without any love for the more obscure titles. Sure it would be great to play Kaboom for competition, but it would also be nice to some of the lesser loved titles for competition too.

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Keep it simple. I'm not playing Miner 2049 while standing in my toilet with a fish in my ear. The end.



Winner picks. the end. Just because I think I'm God at Pole Positiion doesn't mean that someone else out there won't crush me. So I pick PP, I get trashed, someone else picks.


Post scores as soon as you get them. Why not? Scores get too high for you? Keep trying or wait until next week. No big.


Point system? Each week somebody wins. They get one point. the end.



There should be a year end prize for the person who won the most weeks. maybe Albert could put a homebrew as the prize or store credit?



When do we start? :)

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