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Is this true?


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Ok , a friend of mine told me a while ago that the ET game did so poorly saleswise that they ended up burying like 50,000 carts in a desert somewhere. Is this true or not? I can understand if it was true -- ET is probably the most unplayable game ever. I own a copy myself and still haven't figured out the pupose of the game.

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...according to the corporation ;) Who knows...if they wanted to write off inventory from the bottom line, they might have made the whole thing up. According to HSW who programmed ET and worked at Atari at the time, the story is complete bunk.


Anyway, IF the story is true, the games would not be playable. They've been steamrolled and mixed with concrete (to write off dead inventory, it must be rendered completely unusable).

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The game is not that bad. Find the pieces of the phone, call the ship, and get picked up. It had some pretty cool sounds too.


I never did like the 8-bit version of the game though. Terrible graphics and what happened to the wells???


Stephen Anderson

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what was with those wells!!! i hate those damn things.  It seemed to me like sometimes you would just randomly drop into those holes. so dumb.


You can save yourself in midair, you know. Just press the fire button while in midair and you can pull yourself up or you can land safely. BTW, don't press up or down while getting out.


Those two little things made me actually like the game instead of hating it like everyone else.

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