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First Gen Homebrewers, where did they go?


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I mean where are these guys now?


Brian Prescott (Crazy Valet)

Greg Troutman (Dark Mage, This Planet Sucks)

Ed Federmeyer (Edtris 2600)

Bob Colbert (Okie Dokie)

Piero Cavina (Oystron)

Colin Hughes (Tetris 2600)

Russell Babylon (Yatzee 2600)


Did they just give up, lose interest, take a nap, piss somebody off, somebody piss them off? They laid some VERY important foundations for what is modern programming for classic systems, and with all the innovations and advancements in homebrewing, I'd LOVE to see what these cats could turn out now-a-days.


Where did they go, and why did they go there? :sad: :?

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Bob Colbert (Okie Dokie) lives in the same city as I do (Omaha). I visited him several times and he's a great guy! After putting out Okie Dokie, Bob and his wife had a little girl. That took a LOT of his time, but he was still able to get a prototype of a new 2600 homebrew going (Sabotage). Bob and his wife had a second baby and this limited his time even further. From personal experience (my son just turned 16 months old), a baby takes a lot of time and attention, so priorities change.


Both Megamanfan and I have had a chance to play Bob's work in progress game. It was fairly complete but was missing scoring and sound/music as I recall. It was kind of like the US Game Commando, but with some interesting twists. Supposedly it was more like an Apple II game of the same or similar name (Sabotage). It would be cool if he ever finished it.


Bob put out Okie Dokie before the likes of AtariAge were around to help out with production of the carts. Bob's web page detailing his efforts is still up and can be viewed at http://www.atari2600collector.com/.

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Hi there!


Brian is still living :D I've had e-mail conversations with him not too long ago. I don't think he's working on anything 2600 related :sad:


According to his webpage he wrote some Tool called "CC2 Commander" recently.


Bob Colbert is still a [stella] memeber, were we get annual mails from him, mostly around CGE time ;)




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