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Vanguard - Continue or play for score?


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This game is so easy to "get into", sometimes I sacrifice my score to keep going just to see how far I can get before my attention span goes away. As a kid I was convinced that if I kept going just to one more tunnel there would be some kind of fantastic ending.


So, do you usually play just to see how far you get and sacifice your current score, or do you play for your high score and not continue given the chance?

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Some of us don't need to use no damn continues on Vanguard. I just made it to the 7th round during my work break before I had to turn it off.


I play with the fire OFF unless I press the button, how about you kids? Most seem to keep the fire on.


Tip for killing Gond (the boss): shoot him once.

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Love the game, not a fan of "continue" on almost ANY game... To me, it takes a lot of the suspense and fun out of a game to be able to keep going anyway, regardless of how you play. I've gotta go with the high score route, and just act like there's no contiinue.

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