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Stellar Track


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Anybody ever beat this?

Anybody even play this?


I remember being FASCINATED by this game as a kid. It was text adventure for the VCS, but it was also a mission sim. As far as I was concerned that was the bees knees. I may have even beat it back then, but I do not recall.


All I know now, is that its hard as balls to complete, and the awe of my childhood is pretty much replaced with yawns.


Any fans of this out there? I'm getting the itch to pop in it and play it until I beat it.... Anybody got any tips?


Stellar Stan :)

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Shoot, I remember playing (and beating) ST regularly over at my friend's house. I remember thinking how cool of a Star Trek game it was (which was just like the computer version circulating on mainframes back in '82.) I've been trying to get a copy for awhile, but no luck.


As for tips... #1, learn the joystick positions by heart! We always had to stare at the manual to figure it out.


Phasers are a waste of time to use. Just line yourself up with the Klingons and shoot photorps at them.


If you warp out of a sector, be sure you're not lined up with a star.


Dock with the starbases often.

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Yes, it's basically a straight port of the old mainframe Star Trek games. It is possible to beat, but it's very hard. You have to make almost nothing but perfect moves to wipe out all the Klingons under the time limit.


I remember playing Star Trek on a minicomputer in the late 1970s .. so I knew what Stellar Track was from the moment I picked it up some 4 years ago. I've tried it out a few times and I get beat up every time! Pretty cool! Only if you are expecting live action is it a yawner!


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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Yep, I've beat it (I have "Admiral" written down as the final score/rank).


I really liked the game, since I was a fan of the mainframe version (or a variation of it anyway). I still think it's one of the underrated 2600 titles out there, and a likely candidate for some homebrew variation. I remember I had to search for some time before I found a copy back-in-the-day.


I know it was a Sears-only release, but was it something Sears commissioned Atari to make for them, or did Atari make it for themselves, and decide it wasn't worth releasing, so Sears picked it up instead?

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I can beat it, but only because of all the time I spent playing "Star Trek" on PCs. I love this game, as essential to video game history as Pong and Space War.


I know it was a Sears-only release, but was it something Sears commissioned Atari to make for them, or did Atari make it for themselves, and decide it wasn't worth releasing, so Sears picked it up instead?

It's assumed that Atari dumped their least appealing carts on Sears to fulfill the "exclusive" contract (Super Breakout was quickly released everywhere after Sears held the exclusive for just a couple months).

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