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Six Switch Vision Problems


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I've just picked up a second six switch woody and the vision has a couple of problems, plain background colours look (in the best way I can describe it) similar to the macro blocking of Jpeg compression also moving elements have a slight ghost image to the right of them.


I'm guessing it is probably to do with the RF modulator. The RF lead though is pretty long about three times normal length, I've opened the system up and the lead that connects to the RF unit looks like a genuine Atari one at both ends but there again it doesn't seem standard. I am going to swap the leads with another system in case it is RF interference on the lead but I doubt that though.


Any ideas? Anyone else had this problem is it likely to be graphical related or RF related?


This is a PAL system by the way.

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The artefacts in the screen happen with all games after about 1985 on all my non-junior PAL machines. I have accepted it as there doesn't seem to be an explaination for it. Put in any older game and it works fine. With the game Fatal Run it's particularly bad.

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That also includes re-issues of older games. I have a © 1988 black pic label Yar's revenge that has the artefacts and an original 1st edition one that has flawless visuals. The same with my re-issue of River Raid. I think they used different media for the game at a later stage (?).


I have not tested it on a 6-switch as I don't own one, but the same sympthoms appear on my woody 4-switch and my 2 Vaders, so I think I can rule coincidence out. And it's not the power supply Thomas ;) I tested it on all machines using the original 9V 500mA power supply.

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