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Does Anyone Sell 2600s with video mods?


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Ok, so I'm a new poster (though not new to collecting), and I'm an electronics nimwit. I did solder new caps onto my Donkey Kong video board successfully once, but that was a breeze compared to the carnage I inflicted on a 2600 JR last weekend trying to do the composite video mod... :sad:


I doubt seriously I'll be able to perform the mod successfully, yet I can't bear to play with this crappy-ass picture anymore.


So, I'll resort to my usual solution - Outsourcing.


Does anyone know of anyone of us (or otherwise) who sells pre-modded 2600s or who will mod my 2600 for a fee? I'm in the market...


My apologies if I should have posted in the Hardware or Marketplace areas...This forum seems to be the most helpful (to me anyway).


Many thanks,





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Ive seen a few on ebay. I wouldn't trust that to much though. There is an atari site that sells them too. Don't remember which one of the top of my head though. It would be cheaper to just do the mod yourself though. Someone here might actually sell you one too.

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