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Reset Button


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Actually, sometimes I hit the ON/OFF switch when my game starts off bad. Better than getting frustrated a lobbing the game a the window... :ponder:


But yeah, I'm a reset junkie if its a game I know I should do better at. If I lose a life on the first of maze of Jr. Pac-man, there goes the reset button.

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I know a lot of people who have this habit, including myself. My sister was the worst! We would be playing a two-person game (rotating turns) and she would get 7 levels in and die. Almost involuntarily, she'd reach up and flip the reset switch as she screamed her favorite nonsense/obscenity: "PISSPOD!" Of course, she always had the first player controller, so I was stuck watching her play the game through over and over again without ever getting a turn myself! Sometimes it sucks being the younger brother. :-P

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More often than not, I'd get off to a bad start on a particular game because I am not prepared. For example, I plug in my Circus Atari cart, hit reset, settle down on my couch, only to inadvertently press the paddle button and lose a life on the very first play. It's a timing thing with some Atari games as they often start the action with little to no warning.

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I reset a lot...sometimes within seconds. :D


Better than one habit I used to have:

When playing a game on my GameBoy Colour, if I got mad, I'd spin it up into the air and catch it. Well, I was having the game of my life, 3 lives left and 4 times my best score...And I lost a life. Flipped it, it did a few barrel rolls (Like normal) then came down, hit the side of my hand, bounced off, and hit the floor. I picked it up...And the game was frozen. I'll never do THAT again. :ponder: :roll: :D



Chase Hermsen

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There is one of Thomas's games in-particular that had me playing the game with one finger on the reset button the whole time. And of course it was Sadoom (his insane kaboom hack) Lots of resets on that one. :D I also do it alot for other games too if I screw up on my first guy.

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There is one of Thomas's games in-particular that had me playing the game with one finger on the reset button the whole time. And of course it was Sadoom (his insane kaboom hack) Lots of resets on that one. :D I also do it alot for other games too if I screw up on my first guy.


Hehe. I thought you were referencing Thrust+ at first. :P

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