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New Activision title found


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I would love to see both of these things!


By the sounds of it, if it was "published" by activision and the name of the cart is "You are a winner" it could have been a prize for some sort of In House contest. Like, who had the Hottest Secretary, longest a programmer went without sex, how much acid you could drop and still write a good game........


I dont know just what it sounds like...




Hmmm..that sounds more like something the pre-tramiel Atari would do than Activision (the partying that is, not the game). Hopefully we will get some screens to see what the game looks like.

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In any event, maybe he is referring to Steven Jobs. Perhaps he wants to get back into the Atari scene  ;)  


Could be that this proto is actually one of his that he wrote back at Atari and when the Activision guys defected, they took it with them. Now Mr Jobs wants it back.  :D  Just pure speculation on my part though.


Sounds plausible... except that Woz would have actually written the code for it, and Jobs would have taken the credit.


Maybe that's precisely what he's trying to cover up! Now it all makes perfect sense. Here's what happened...


Ken was contacted at Activision by a mysterious person known only as "Deep Woz", who met him in a parking garage and told him to "follow the prototypes".


When he did, he discovered some old VAX back-up tapes from Atari, but there was an eighteen and a half kilobyte gap on one of them.


The mystery deepened - what was on that tape? Who erased it? Who authorized the break-in at Mattel headquarters? What was Atari thinking with Math Gran Prix? Is there really an E.T. landfill in New Mexico? Will a Turbo prototype ever be found? Will Bob get the operation he needs in time to save his life, or will Mary run off with Carl, leaving Susan to...


Sorry. Got sidetracked there.


Anyway, at the heart of the conspiracy, Steve Jobs is trying to stop the release of:




The truth can at last be told!


Or maybe it's just some guy in San Jose... :roll:

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