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Donkey Kong Jr.... Oh my


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Pulled out and tried to play Donkey Kong Jr. for the first time the other night. I very frequently see E.T. and Pac-Man mentioned as the worst games for the 2600, but after trying this sucker I don't know why DK Jr. isn't on more lists.


On the title screen, Mario looked pretty good and I was pleasantly surprised at the tune that played. So I hit reset and then attempted to play my first round of the game and was shocked at how terrible the control was on this sucker. I can't begin to count the times I died just trying to get the brown blob off the rope onto the first ledge. Navigating the pits in E.T. is pure bliss compared to the ropes in DK Jr. After many, many, many frustrating deaths, I finally cleared the first screen.


Only three lock's on Screen Two? Birdies at the bottom of the screen instead of the top? Birdies don't navigate the screen but just fly straight across the bottom? Oh my! But if nothing else it was a snap to clear compared with Screen One and I accomplished it on the first attempt.


Screen 3 pleasantly surprised me in that it was even included. I had figured that Jr. would be a two screen game like DK itself and thought it was cool when it appeared. But after attempting to just move Jr. from the left side of the screen to the right, I wished they hadn't included #3 at all. If I thought trying to navigate around Screen One was bad, this was even worse as I couldn't even seem to drop off the poles at all except by accident.


After 30min of playing(?), Donkey Kong Jr. is back in its box and will join those few games that are part of my collection but that are never to be played again.


Anyone else have comments on the game?



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At first I thought it was just me, but I'm sort of pleased to hear other people have trouble playing this game too :P At least now I can blame the game and not myself. I only tried to play it once... I don't have much spare time to play Atari games and when I do I pick the ones that are worth my time :)

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Hurray - it's not just me!


God this game annoys me. When you turn it off and look at the static, I find the gameplay improves!!


The control is THE worst, gimme Keystone Kapers any day.


So if this game is the pits, which is tops? Lets balance the universe with worst and best. I'm goona go with SI. No wait, Asteroids. Nope Atlantis. Oh well - I tried.

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Hurray - it's not just me!


God this game annoys me. When you turn it off and look at the static, I find the gameplay improves!!


The control is THE worst, gimme Keystone Kapers any day.


So if this game is the pits, which is tops? Lets balance the universe with worst and best. I'm goona go with SI. No wait, Asteroids. Nope Atlantis. Oh well - I tried.

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I recentally talked to the programmer of DK jr. (who admits was not his best work). He put an easter egg in the game, but was forced to take it out by management. His initials *May* still be in the game though. Some skilled at disassembling code (Thomas, I'm looking in your direction) should see if they're still in there.



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I'm surprised that the Intellivision version of DK Junior is more faithful to the arcade original than the 2600 version.

Well you shouldn't be. The Intellivision supports an arbitrarily tiled display, which means it doesn't have any problem reproducing the playfield. All the fine vertical detail in the first two screens of DK Jr. fly in the face of how the 2600 likes to build its playfields. It's a wonder they were able to implement them in a relatively flicker-free fashion at all.

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If there's no fruit, how do you score anything on the first screen? I've been playing 7800 DK Jr., and can't get past the second screen. Never did like DK or DK Jr. in the arcades to begin with; my 7800 Jr. came as part of a 10-game lot off eBay.


I betcha the 2600 version sounds better than the atrocious sounds of the 7800!

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I've had this game for a long time, but have never played it. I saw this thread today and popped it in and I have to say that I enjoy it as well. :) I have no problems with the two vine levels, but the third level I can't get yet. On the third level you can't move Jr. to one side of the rope only and thus he always seems to get hit right when you are trying to jump off onto the blue platform. It's a pattern to it I see and I'll eventually get the hang of it(I don't think the controls are a problem, just my playing).

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I like to play DK jr on the Atari 2600 and yes its on were near as good as the Coleco version, but look at the amount of power they were working with at the time and how Atari management wanted the games made a certain way and that was it.


:) :roll: :(

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