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High Score Club Week 7: Missile Command!


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First off, remember to play game 16! :D


Try to protect the 2 cities closest to your base so you won't have too far to move to defend them. Remember, if your base gets hit, you lose your current stack of missiles, so don't stray too far.


Don't go crazy on the shots, conserve ammo. You still get points for unused missiles.


It will take a little practice to get the timing down for the cruise missiles. If you shoot too early and it backs up, wait a moment and shoot again just a little higher than your last shot.


Knowing which incoming missiles are dangerous and which ones aren't helps a lot, so try to pay attention to those angles.


If you do lose your last city try to score as much as possible but make sure your shots count. Unused missiles are worth more than a missed shot.


Hope that helps.



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I was doing pretty well until all of a sudden I missed a couple shots and it was all over. :(


My high so far is 168450.


Those smart missiles are pretty aggresive in game 16 so it usually only takes 2 shots max to get them. Just watch those angles so they don't sneak around your explosion.




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I don't believe it after playing games on the emu for 6 weeks in row

I can finally play on a real 2600. (I have Missile command cart)

woo hoo 8)


That's part of the reason why I picked it. Missile command is one of those games just about everyone has. 8)


But how many play game 16? :ponder:



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score of 999' date='995.


I guess my 59,8550 isn't good enough...


BTW, is that 59855, 59850, or 598550? Either way, nice job. :)




You must have asked that, like, two seconds after I corrected myself.



I love Missle Command, and it was going to be my choice when my turn to pick the game came around, but now that its been picked I'll find us something else entertaining.


As I recall, it was my first favorite Atari game, that is, until I discovered Midnight Magic, Space Invaders, Pitfall!, and one of the greatest games ever... YAR'S REVENGE!!!!!




So yeah, Im pretty good at Missle Command.

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Tip : Pretty much the same method as "Hommerwannabe's" but i protect the city to the exact right of the ammo base if you get into a pinch you make sure your explosions blanket both your ammo base and your city. For the smart missiles you just time your shots a little more precise then with the on comming missiles. You can last longer if you play the game with the idea of, If your cities are being destroyed and you cannot protect all of them all of the time just protect the one thats easiest you for to defend with your ammo bases safety in mind. It may take longer to make your goal score but in the long run youll be where you want to be anyways if you dont get distracted by trying to defend all cities. Dont get caught up just blasting away in a panic because its all to easty to run out of your ammo and you dont want that to happen when you are down to your last city.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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Ah, I finally managed to get caught up on all this... for a little while anyways. Now I guess it's time to see how bad I am at Missile Command :roll:


Are Trakball versions allowed? ;)


Good question... Using a trakball on the normal version is completely fine with me... but would using a trakball on your specially modified version provide an unfair advantage? To some extent, being good at an Atari game is playing within the confines of the system.


this is a really great idea. Unfortunately, this is the first game that I actually own, but I'm readt to get started.


By all means, join in at any time. Keep in mind that even if you don't own the actual cartridge version of a game, you can always play it on an emulator instead.



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... but would using a trakball on your specially modified version provide an unfair advantage? To some extent, being good at an Atari game is playing within the confines of the system.

100% agreed. Actually I was j/k. :)


BTW: My score was achieved by using the joystick, with the Trak Ball version I am doing much better. There should be a variation without new cities and shuffling the remaining ones after each wave. :evil:

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Has anyone saved all 6 cities on the first wave? My best is 3.


Great game!


Way long time ago in another lifetime I used to be able to keep 4 or 5 cities alive at a time for small periods. In fact I used to be able to flip the score.


This time I'll be lucky to break 300,000.


Although I may do better with a real atari joystick instead of a pad.

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I had no idea what smart missiles were till this contest. Man are those things pesky. Gone are the days of leading your shots and letting them fall into your blast.


My tip for hitting the smart missiles is to time your shot so that it makes a direct hit with the smart missile. This way it gets destroyed on contact and does not have a chance to jump up and down to avoid the blast. I wait until the smart missile is roughly an inch above the targeting device and shoot.


This takes timing but with practice you will get a feel for the timing.


Good luck!

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