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Finally getting the hang of Frostbite


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I got Frostbite in a lot of 10 Activision games back in February (thanks, Mock), never having played it before. Last night, I managed over 70,000 on it. It's getting to me now, I find myself reaching for the reset button on my 7800 over and over again 8)


This was an HSC game a few weeks ago, wasn't it? I recall seeing all those scores of 500,000+ and thinking it was impossible...

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Frostbite is an amazing game, and once you get to the higher levels where your player movement is more fluid, you can jump farther and get out of the way of baddies faster. That is where you will grab the truly high scores!


Enjoy this amazing game! HSC or not, post your score!

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You may see a few scores in the 300-400k range in the HSC contest. You've really got to practice to get higher. The difficulty is at its max at this point, so it's a matter of consistency, stamina, and eliminating mistakes! I'd like to see this in the contest and see how everyone does. (My score is much higher than my listing on Twin Galaxies...Just haven't sent in my latest tapes for a while. ;) )

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