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2004 ATARILYMPICS - Closing Ceremonies


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Scores updated.

Go XYPE :!:


Incidentally, I wonder how these scores actually line up with REAL Olympic records and such... I might add in more info on stuff like that later on.

:idea: Most scores are way off (or the event is not Olympic at all), except maybe for the non-Todd Decathlon scores. :)

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Winter Games  

Slalom 32.1  


Im really starting to hate this game.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers


I too.


I have hoped, that I have a better time then you and now this. This is unbeatable for me I think. But in the moment its enough for the third place. :)



Winter Games

Slalom - 0:37.0


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Today, I received the following in an email:


I have invested some time into the code of CG Surfing...


The scoring works like this:

There are six major moves, with different base scores:

1. jump: 200

2. turn: 200

3. in/out the tube: 400

4. "hang 10": 800

5. up/down the wave: 100

6. turn during jump: 300 (added to jump points)


After each move, the score value is reduced by 10% of the base score,

thus you can e.g. 200, 180, 160, ...20 points for turns.


So maximum scores for each event are:


1. 1,100

2. 1,100

3. 2,200

4. 4,400

5.   550

6. 1,650




There are a few other opportunities for scoring (In fact, the email also lists them, but I'm avoiding posting an absolute number for these for the moment), but suffice to say, it's certainly NOT possible to get a score even half as high as Rocko has claimed. The only possibilities I can fall back on, are 1) Rocko has discovered a trick or bug in the game that has somehow gone unnoticed for 20 years by everyone else, or 2) the screenshot has been altered.


In light of this, I'll have to disqualify Rocko's score for surfing. I'll allow a few days for Rocko to explain his actions (in case there IS a bug in the game, I'd certainly like to hear it!). If no such explanation is posted, or I am unsatisfied with it, I'll have no choice but to remove him from the Atarilympics entirely.



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Hi there!


I have to report a very severe problem for team Xype. Even though we're doing reasonably well in the competition so far, one will notice that we have only have score submissions from four out of five team members.


We tried several times to contact our fifth member, Luigi30, asking him what's up and when/if he's participating in the olympics, but no reply so far.


So basically I guess we can give up right now, because we get disqualified in the end anyway, regardless how well the other four members of the team are trying.


Anyone have an idea to resolve this?




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Hi there!


I have to report a very severe problem for team Xype. Even though we're doing reasonably well in the competition so far, one will notice that we have only have score submissions from four out of five team members.


We tried several times to contact our fifth member, Luigi30, asking him what's up and when/if he's participating in the olympics, but no reply so far.


So basically I guess we can give up right now, because we get disqualified in the end anyway, regardless how well the other four members of the team are trying.


Anyone have an idea to resolve this?





Judging from a quick look at the current scoreboard you're not the only team in trouble at the moment. In fact, if the competition were stopped right now I think the only team who wouldn't be disqualified is Team Canada. Every other team either has missing members or members who haven't posted enough scores.


Maybe a lot of people are busy. Maybe a lot of people are waiting until the last moment to upload their scores. I have to say, though, I'll be pretty pissed off if some players appear on the last day and knock everyone else's scores out of the water. As Ze_ro has said before, the whole point of this endeavour is to encourage competition amongst the various players, not to encourage sniping at the last minute.


With hindsight, it probably would have been a good idea to have had a rule stating that everyone should upload scores for at least 5 different events by the midpoint of the Atarilympics - with any individuals not doing this being removed from the competition (without harm to their team). As it is, we have several people who have yet to post any scores at all, and all but one team facing disqualification at the present moment.


As for Xype's problem, I guess it's up to Ze_ro to make the final decision but, hey, if Luigi301 has dropped off the face of the earth then it's not Xype's fault. I wouldn't have any problem with him being disqualified and Xype carrying on with 4 members.

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