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2004 ATARILYMPICS - Closing Ceremonies


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I have to report a very severe problem for team Xype. Even though we're doing reasonably well in the competition so far, one will notice that we have only have score submissions from four out of five team members.


We tried several times to contact our fifth member, Luigi30, asking him what's up and when/if he's participating in the olympics, but no reply so far.

You're not the only one... Todd has also had trouble contacting some of the members of his team too, so he's in the same boat...


The way I figure it, there are two ways to resolve this in the end:

  • Anyone who hasn't reached their 4-event minimum could theoretically just enter "zero" scores for events until the minimum is reached... by this I mean that you could enter a time of 99:99.99 for some event that would count as his score. This would help for players who only need maybe one or two scores, and you could just enter them in events where the rest of your team has been unable to reach the top 3 anyways. If the person isn't around at all, I'll accept zero score submissions from teammates on their behalf.

[*]In the event that the person doesn't enter ANY event, and is completely unreachable, I could simply remove them from the team entirely, and the other people on the team could just submit scores for whatever events his absense leaves.

In any case, don't worry... I won't let any whole teams be disqualified unless something really weird or stupid happens. In case you assigned events to someone and they haven't posted anything, you might want to give that event a run though so that you at least have a score to submit by the end, just in case.


It would be very helpful if anyone who hasn't submitted a score, but still plans to, to at least post a message here letting us know that you're still alive and haven't decided to quit or something like that.


Maybe a lot of people are busy. Maybe a lot of people are waiting until the last moment to upload their scores. I have to say, though, I'll be pretty pissed off if some players appear on the last day and knock everyone else's scores out of the water.

Yeah, I'm really not looking forward to that last day when I have to sort through 5 pages of posts, especially since it'll be ending on a sunday along with a normal High Score Club :roll: Please guys, submit your scores as you get them, if at all possible. It really will make things a lot easier and smoother for everyone...


Oh well, I guess this is one aspect where it sort of helps that a lot of the events are already maxed out... hard to snipe out T&F Hammer Throw now!




PS - Note to self. You were too lazy to do the updates last night, so there are scores ABOVE this post that you still need to add into the list.

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Please guys, submit your scores as you get them, if at all possible. It really will make things a lot easier and smoother for everyone...

Especially much more fun for us competitors. :)


Maybe you should set a limit for updates during the last 24/48 hours, e.g. each team is only allowed to update/submit a limited number of events. But then I really hope this is not neccessary at all and nobody uses those sniping tactics.


Oh well, I guess this is one aspect where it sort of helps that a lot of the events are already maxed out... hard to snipe out T&F Hammer Throw now!

Yup, I expect 10 gold medals there. :D

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Hi there!


You're not the only one... Todd has also had trouble contacting some of the members of his team too, so he's in the same boat...


Not quite, as all 5 Activision guys have already posted 4 scores or more. If one of their members gets lost they (unlike us) have at least a chance to pick a valid selection of scores.


The way I figure it, there are two ways to resolve this in the end


Hm... just had an idea of a "replacement" player. What if we'd (theoretically) find someone to replace our MIA team mate?


In any case, don't worry... I won't let any whole teams be disqualified unless something really weird or stupid happens.


Thanks, that's great news for our team! So we're still in the game! :wink:




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Hm... just had an idea of a "replacement" player. What if we'd (theoretically) find someone to replace our MIA team mate?

Hmm... well, I was hoping that we could hold out and wait to see if Luigi301 is actually going to show up or not. He was fairly active in the High Score Club for Midnight Magic, and he seemed pretty interested in the Atarilympics, so it's likely just a matter that he hasn't checked AtariAge in a while or something. If he does check back and finds he's been "bumped", that would certainly suck...


Oh well, I guess this is one aspect where it sort of helps that a lot of the events are already maxed out... hard to snipe out T&F Hammer Throw now!

Yup, I expect 10 gold medals there.

Actually, I'm really surprised I haven't seen more entries in Skeet Shooting.... Only four teams have a gold from that one so far. Heck, your team hasn't even done the 25/25 yet! Are some teams actually having a hard time with this one? I think I got 25/25 on my second or third try...


Oh, and I managed to get a better score on Surfing myself: 10,130



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If he does check back and finds he's been "bumped", that would certainly suck...

True, but my PM from 8/14 is still in my outbox. I suppose he wouldn't be too surprised.


Heck, your team hasn't even done the 25/25 yet!

You can be assured that we will have it by Sunday. :)


Oh, and I managed to get a better score on Surfing myself: 10,130

Should I be afraid of my gold medal? ;)

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Today, I received the following in an email:


I have invested some time into the code of CG Surfing...


The scoring works like this:

There are six major moves, with different base scores:

1. jump: 200

2. turn: 200

3. in/out the tube: 400

4. "hang 10": 800

5. up/down the wave: 100

6. turn during jump: 300 (added to jump points)


After each move, the score value is reduced by 10% of the base score,

thus you can e.g. 200, 180, 160, ...20 points for turns.


So maximum scores for each event are:


1. 1,100

2. 1,100

3. 2,200

4. 4,400

5.   550

6. 1,650




There are a few other opportunities for scoring (In fact, the email also lists them, but I'm avoiding posting an absolute number for these for the moment), but suffice to say, it's certainly NOT possible to get a score even half as high as Rocko has claimed. The only possibilities I can fall back on, are 1) Rocko has discovered a trick or bug in the game that has somehow gone unnoticed for 20 years by everyone else, or 2) the screenshot has been altered.


In light of this, I'll have to disqualify Rocko's score for surfing. I'll allow a few days for Rocko to explain his actions (in case there IS a bug in the game, I'd certainly like to hear it!). If no such explanation is posted, or I am unsatisfied with it, I'll have no choice but to remove him from the Atarilympics entirely.




Are these score reductions reset if a surfer falls?

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I have to report a very severe problem for team Xype. Even though we're doing reasonably well in the competition so far, one will notice that we have only have score submissions from four out of five team members.


We tried several times to contact our fifth member, Luigi30, asking him what's up and when/if he's participating in the olympics, but no reply so far.

You're not the only one... Todd has also had trouble contacting some of the members of his team too, so he's in the same boat...


The way I figure it, there are two ways to resolve this in the end:

    Anyone who hasn't reached their 4-event minimum could theoretically just enter "zero" scores for events until the minimum is reached... by this I mean that you could enter a time of 99:99.99 for some event that would count as his score. This would help for players who only need maybe one or two scores, and you could just enter them in events where the rest of your team has been unable to reach the top 3 anyways. If the person isn't around at all, I'll accept zero score submissions from teammates on their behalf.

    [*]In the event that the person doesn't enter ANY event, and is completely unreachable, I could simply remove them from the team entirely, and the other people on the team could just submit scores for whatever events his absense leaves.

      In any case, don't worry... I won't let any whole teams be disqualified unless something really weird or stupid happens. In case you assigned events to someone and they haven't posted anything, you might want to give that event a run though so that you at least have a score to submit by the end, just in case.


      It would be very helpful if anyone who hasn't submitted a score, but still plans to, to at least post a message here letting us know that you're still alive and haven't decided to quit or something like that.


      Maybe a lot of people are busy. Maybe a lot of people are waiting until the last moment to upload their scores. I have to say, though, I'll be pretty pissed off if some players appear on the last day and knock everyone else's scores out of the water.

      Yeah, I'm really not looking forward to that last day when I have to sort through 5 pages of posts, especially since it'll be ending on a sunday along with a normal High Score Club :roll: Please guys, submit your scores as you get them, if at all possible. It really will make things a lot easier and smoother for everyone...


      Oh well, I guess this is one aspect where it sort of helps that a lot of the events are already maxed out... hard to snipe out T&F Hammer Throw now!




      PS - Note to self. You were too lazy to do the updates last night, so there are scores ABOVE this post that you still need to add into the list.




In order to make this a bit more fair to the teams with 5 members could you change the rule that 16 scores need to be from different members of a team vs 4 each? That way every team will have an equal opportunity to have their best players compete in as many games as possible? Right now our team is looking at 8 games with 0's............

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Hi there!


In order to make this a bit more fair to the teams with 5 members could you change the rule that 16 scores need to be from different members of a team vs 4 each?  That way every team will have an equal opportunity to have their best players compete in as many games as possible?  Right now our team is looking at 8 games with 0's............


Uhm... you mean 6, not 16 or? So that each member has to submit at least 6 different scores? I also thought of this. It'd equalize the chances for the teams-with-no-todd-rogers some more.




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Hi there!


In order to make this a bit more fair to the teams with 5 members could you change the rule that 16 scores need to be from different members of a team vs 4 each?  That way every team will have an equal opportunity to have their best players compete in as many games as possible?  Right now our team is looking at 8 games with 0's............


Uhm... you mean 6, not 16 or? So that each member has to submit at least 6 different scores? I also thought of this. It'd equalize the chances for the teams-with-no-todd-rogers some more.





I meant 16 - Look at JediJeff before Todd :)


The average team size is 4 players x 4 scores each = 16 games from individual contributers. That way all teams will have the same amount of games from individual players.


Just my $0.02

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Why limit the amount of events or change the rules in mid contest?


If a rule in particular has determined to be not so good, it can always be excluded next year.


For example, I don't agree with California Games being included as they are more X-games than Olympics but to take them out in the middle is unfair.

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Hi there!


The average team size is 4 players x 4 scores each = 16 games from individual contributers.  That way all teams will have the same amount of games from individual players.


I see. Well, basically you'd get the desired the effect, like TJ already said, by setting a maximum as well.




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Are these score reductions reset if a surfer falls?

Nope, but the time bonus is starting from zero again.




I the word 'busted' comes to mind here :(


Sad to see in a friendly competition.


Really? My surfing resets after the falls.


I am using a rom in which I hacked the BMX into Snoboarding (I had to cancel it, couldnt hack the colors). Could that have done it? I only touched the BMX rider and the cow skull sprites, so I dont think that could have change the surfing, or screwed up the scoring.


I am not cheating, If people dont like the fact that I have scored this much, please remove me from the compition, and the lime smilies, so I dont disqualify the team.


Thank you.

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If I remember correctly, Zero said to submit all your scores as you get them to promote competition, so that's what I'm doing. :) There is at least one HSC member that always waits until the end to post their scores. Some people are just born snipers I guess. :P :lolblue:


This past weekend I won a couple auctions for Decathlon and California Games cartridges. Hopefully they will arrive soon and I can post even more scores. Every score I submit won't count in the final standings, but how can you find out what you are capable of if no-one is pushing you to improve?


Remember, this is supposed to be for FUN!

Albert's offer of the $10 credit was a nice gesture but it will be difficult to verify a lot of the scores, and it appears as if one cheater has been caught already.


Zero is the one doing all the work so it's pretty much up to him how to sort it all out.



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My scores for summer games:

Hurdles - 21.2 sec

100Y dash - 11.3 sec


My scores for winter games:

Bobsled - 32.8 sec

Ski jump - 177.6

Speed skating 26.0 sec

luge - 30.6 sec


My score for T & F:

Long jump - 10.43 m


All of these are for team commodore.

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Really? My surfing resets after the falls.

Why don't you just post the ROM? :ponder:


I am not cheating, If people dont like the fact that I have scored this much...

Nice try, but accusing people to be biased against you just because they found out that you are cheating is a tactic from stone age.

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There is at least one HSC member that always waits until the end to post their scores. Some people are just born snipers I guess.  :P  :lolblue:

While I can understand using these tactics on eBay, where it saves you money, I absolutely cannot understand using them here. IMO this competition should be for fun first. Sniping ruins a lot of the fun and will leave a bad taste, especially if that member will win (or just take away somebodies medals) in the end. :thumbsdown:


We had a discussion in our team about sniping our scores too, but we came to the conclusion that it would be quite unfair to do so (well, maybe except for Todd's scores ;)).

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Really? My surfing resets after the falls.

Even if this were the case, I still don't believe such a score is possible. Falling costs you a LOT of time in Surfing, and in order to break 10k, you pretty much have to play through the entire time period without falling at all. Assuming for a minute that the score DOES reset when you fall, and you made each trick 4 times before intentionally falling and resetting the scores, you'd still have to fall at least 5 or 6 times in order for the combined score to reach 40k... and those 5 or 6 falls would likely sap out so much time that you'd never make it past 20k. Not to mention that if you're falling that many times, you completely lose the time bonus you get from NOT falling.


As for rule changes, I don't plan on making any at the moment. Once this is all over with, I'll start a whole thread for sugguestions or comments for future Atarilympics. Aside from a few snags, I think things have worked out fairly well so far, and I'd love to do this at least every 2 years when the winter/summer olympics show up (assuming I still have time to devote to it 2 years from now). Since this is the first time for this event, there are bound to be some things that don't work well, so hopefully they can be worked out for next time.


I fully expect that the last couple of days will be a bit hectic trying to sort out who takes which event and so forth... heck, there might not even be a final score from this for a few days after it ends. One change that you can almost certainly expect to see next time around is that there will be various "periods", rather than having all events simultaneously... seems like it would greatly simplify and organize things. As for minimum/maximum on entries, I probably should have set a maximum... when I initially thought up most of the rules, I had hoped teams of 6 or 7 would be the norm, so a maximum would have been mostly implied (since on a team of 7, you wouldn't be able to enter more than 10 events or so without screwing your teammates out of their minimums). However, I still think the current rules can work, as long as people don't take undue advantage of them (ie, forcing less skilled teammates to only enter the minimum number of events). Remember, this rule was not intended as a restriction, but rather as a way to encourage everyone to take an equal part of the action regardless of their skill or experience.


Yeah, California and Winter Games don't really fit in, but they're my favorites out of the available games, so I included them anyways :) Besides, I'm not sure Winter Games on it's own is enough to warrant a whole winter Atarilympics (although I suppose Ice Hockey and Skiing and such could be shoehorned in as well), so it seemed more appropriate to just lump everything together into one excessively large and complicated event :P



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