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Dysfunctional Family Circus Contest

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Let's face it, The Family Circus IS NOT THAT FUNNY!


Until now...


The concept is simple: a panel of the comic strip Family Circus is put up

with the caption removed and entrants will supply what they think Bil Keane should have said.



1. Post your captions to this thread/post. No photo manipulations will be accepted

2. A jury of your peers will decide whose post is the funniest. If a tie should occur, I'll decide who the winner is so....

3. Post your votes under the 'Vote' section (should be my second post under this topic).

4. The contest will run for one week, beginning Sept. 1 and ending Sept. 7 After which I will tally up the votes and...

5. Give the prize away: Xbox/Outlaw Golf Nine More Holes of Xmas* (you pay only shipping)


See my example:


Mommy, do you think 'Lil' Red Devil No. 9' lipstick

goes well with my ensemble?



*Yes, I'm an idiot. I already have a copy of this game and mistakenly bought it again. Does this say something about me as a person - probably but I don't have enough time (or space) to conjecture as to what exactly this might be.




Here's the CONTEST PIC (you add the caption)


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Since this contest is coming to an end (not a lot of people entered perhaps because of Labor Day wekend) to show my thanks for those who did I'll pay for the shipping (U.S. only). It looks like I may have to pick a winner as well because no one person has received more than a single vote...


One last full day to go...



Ragging on Family Circus is really a lot more fun when you can alter the picture. For years on the notice board at one of my houses back at school we had a FC to which someone had added the Grim Reaper and the caption, "That's apple juice, that's orange juice, and that's mommy juice. And that's Death, come to take this shitty cartoon away forever and ever."


When I did Death a few years ago for Halloween, that's what I was going for :D

Not an overwhelming turn-out for this but I am very pleased with all of the captions (which makes it harder for me to pick a winner). I had hoped that the choice would not be up to me as I am wishy-washy when it comes to picking a favorite - partial to one caption, then turn around and like another...this is how I spent yesterday (did a little work, too) going back and forth trying to decide.


My Choice:



Billy! Jeffy! Spread out! You know it's gay when the balls touch! - Raijin Z


If the winner will contact me (PM or email) with all the important info - I'll get the game mailed off as early as tomorrow (Fri. 09/10).


Thanks again to everyone who entered!!!!



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