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Killer Cosmic Space Mutants


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...well... Killer Cosmic Space Mutants is the working title until I can think of a good real title.


This is my first homebrew game which I've been working on for a while, and I just am looking for some feedback on whether or not this is a good idea, how the gameplay could work, etc.


I just finished the early playfield code... attached is a Z26 screenshot. As you can see, the playfield consists of five levels. In the finished (or at least playable) versions, the floor of each level will be divided into six sections, some of which are colored differently and can be shot out, allowing Phred to move to the next (lower) level.


Basically in this game, you are Phred. Phred is on the top floor of this five-level playfield, accompanied by two bad guys, who I will call "Cosmic Space Mutants" for the time being. Phred must kill the two Cosmic Space Mutants and then move to a "breakable" section of the floor, and shoot it out. Phred must time his shot so that when he drops down, he will be able to shoot the two Cosmic Space Mutants on that floor before they kill him.


Phred keeps moving down, and as he does, there are fewer and fewer sections of floor which can be shot out. Perhaps I will use asymmetrical playfield code so that only one of the six sections can be shot out... I haven't gotten that far in the tutorials yet :P :D


Anyway... as Phred moves farther down, there will be more Cosmic Space Mutants per floor and/or they'll get faster and harder to kill...


Score is kept by a four-digit hex counter that increments each time Phred reaches a new floor.


Perhaps I'll call it Phred. Anyway... is that a good idea? I notice a lot of "going down" type games (not like Custer's Revenge :P) and I guess this is my take on it. The blue-playfield-on-black is inspired by Berserk and Pac-Man :)

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Being the author of one of the many other "going down" type games, I guess I'll have to say something....


It seems like a decent concept. You might run into problems trying to put a player, 2 enemies, and bullets all on the same level though... There are plenty of ways to make it work, just do make sure you know what you're getting into. :)


I assume you'll have it scroll or something once Phred finishes the bottom level? Otherwise it seems like it'd be over pretty fast...

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I assume you'll have it scroll or something once Phred finishes the bottom level?  Otherwise it seems like it'd be over pretty fast...


Yeah, when Phred clears the bottom level, he starts back at the top again... he's starting a new screen but the top of the second screen is the sixth level, and the "score" will be 6, make sense? kinda like how in your game each new platform is a point...


I was thinking i might have some problems with that much stuff on one level, but... I'm sure I'll be able to handle it.


Thanks for the input :D

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just a small update: I've perfected all my code, I had to majorly rewrite all of it because Z26 was tricking me and my code was really producing about 205 "visible" scanlines... needless to say that's not good and I went and rewrote all my loops and such so now its the optimal 192.


I've got next week off of school, and so I'll be using the really late nights to get an alpha version of this game working for everybody to mess around with... I really wish I had a Cuttle Cart now that I finally have a VCS, but I'm broke so oh well.


Anyway... a playable demo of this game will definitely be out by the end of next week, I just need to work on horizontal positioning code (can't really make much sense out of that apparently Uber-short code ifound in [ stella ] but I'll figure something out) and i guess on some flicker or sprites like Video Chess or something like that to get everything in working order.


The game will be called Phred with the subtitle Killer Cosmic Space Mutants. Coming soon to a Z26 and/or Cuttle Cart near me, and then near you :D

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