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lda #NUMBER in three cycles?


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Can someone tell me if there is a way to load A with an absolute value in three cycles instead of two?


I need to set A to zero and use three cycles, so right now I have a variable that is always set to zero, so I do this:

lda Zero ;+3

But it burns me up to waste a variable like this. Is there another way?

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Hi there!


Can you post some more of the surrounding code?



	ldx #BAND1HEIGHT;+2	72

jmp BeginBand1	;+3	75

;---Draw Second Band (Band1):


lda Zero  ;+3	63

bcc ReturnFromSkipDrawP0Band1;+3	66


nop  ;+2	73

nop  ;+2	75


sta GRP0	;+3  2

lda (P0DataColorPtr),Y;+5  7

sta COLUP0	;+3	10	

dey  ;+2	12	decrement absolute scanline value by one here

sec  ;+2	14

;---Next 12 lines (machine cycles 15-50) draw an asymmetrical playfield---

lda PF0Data+1;+3	17

sta PF0	;+3	20	PF0 drawn to screen at machine cycle (MC) 22.7

lda PF1Data+1;+3	23

sta PF1	;+3	26	PF1 drawn to screen at MC 28

lda PF2Data+1;+3	29

sta PF2	;+3	32	PF2 drawn to screen at MC 38.7

lda PF3Data+1;+3	35

sta PF0	;+3	38	PF0 finished at MC 28, drawn to screen again at MC 49.3

lda PF4Data+1;+3	41

sta PF1	;+3	44	PF1 finished at MC 38, drawn to screen again at MC 54.7	

lda PF5Data+1;+3	47

sta PF2	;+3	50	PF2 finished at MC 49.3, drawn to screen again at MC 65.3

;---End draw of asym playfield---

;------!!carry must be set!!---

tya  ;+2	52

sbc P0Top	;+3	55

adc #P0HEIGHT	;+2	57	

bcc SkipDrawP0Band1;+2/3	59/60	Branch to SkipDraw must not cross page boundary.

lda (P0DataPtr),Y;+5	64

nop  ;+2	66	Draw at beginning of next line.


dex  ;+2	68

bne LoopBand1	;+2/3	70/71	

;---Initialization between bands:

ldx #BAND2HEIGHT;+2	72

jmp BeginBand2	;+3	75

It isn't really "wasting" a variable, since I only need it to equal zero during the Kernel, so I could reuse it for something else when I'm not drawing the screen...but I'd still prefer not to use any RAM. This is one of 10 "bands" in my kernel - so my program is already pretty RAM-intensive (60 bytes for the playfield data).

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Hi there!


Well, if you'd use the illegal opcade version of skipdraw, your problem would go away:


lda #C_P0_HEIGHT-1; 2 

dcp P0_Y; 5 (DEC and CMP) 

bcs .doDraw0; 2/3 

lda #0; 2 

.byte $2c;-1 (BIT ABS to skip next 2 bytes) 


lda (P0_Ptr),y; 5 

sta GRP0; 3 = 18 cycles (constant, if drawing or not!)




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