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pal rarety....

Haydn Jones

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when is the pal rarity list to be made available.




ps, i just got a pal telematch pro wrestleing that is not activision, but absolute entertainment(1987). any info?

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when is the pal rarity list to be made available.


When it's finished :roll:


I think you could already see the work in progress but i'm not sure about the link. Spirantho would be the person to ask....




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prety good


are you doing boxes too, i would to help all i can (not much but every little helps) can it be viewed as alphabetical list form (ie pages of "a" "b" etc)




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prety good


are you doing boxes too, i would to help all i can (not much but every little helps) can it be viewed as alphabetical list form (ie pages of "a" "b" etc)




Well... I'm not the adminstrator for this database, Spirantho is (sorry, sorry, I know there are more of you out there..). I have sent him a few mails last week, but it seems he's out of office for the moment.


I would like to propose some additions to the interface also, but I'm not exactly sure where to post them. A new topic/thread maybe? Separate PAL forum? Anyone with ideas?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well... I'm not the adminstrator for this database, Spirantho is (sorry, sorry, I know there are more of you out there..). I have sent him a few mails last week, but it seems he's out of office for the moment.


More like "out to lunch" really. :) I'm not always the best at responding to emails, particularly if I get them when I'm busy doing something else.


I would like to propose some additions to the interface also, but I'm not exactly sure where to post them. A new topic/thread maybe? Separate PAL forum? Anyone with ideas?


The main "Who wants to help build..." thread in the Rarity Forum is a good place as it will mail anyone who's asked to be notified by a follow-up post. Stick ideas up there and we'll see what people say. Any emails you send to me do get read, it's just occasionally I'll leave replying until I get time, by which point I've usually forgotten. Sorry. :)


A dedicated PAL forum would be good though.

What we really need is for everybody to look at the list and say what they agree with and disagree with in a forum posting, and we can all pass judgement then.


For instance (as a partially made-up example! :) ), an Australian person may say:

"Here, hang on, you've got Mangia down as Rarity 8 but I've seen 3 in the past 3 months! Make it a 7!"

to which a German may reply:

"Don't be silly! I've only seen 1 in yeeears! It should be a 9!"


The two best ways to remedy this are a fight to the death, or else a vote from the contributors to say what they think bearing in mind regional differences. Personally I favour the latter option. This is why it's so hard to measure PAL rarity, it varies massively according to location, and why we need frequent comments on the rarity.


If anybody has a good idea for implementing this easily let me know. :)

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The best remedy to end rarity fights is to skip the 1-10 scale :)


I use the simple system of (1) belongs to the 95% of games that every player or collector can own and (2) belongs to the 5% of games that are near impossible to find.


Works like a charm :D




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I use the simple system of (1) belongs to the 95% of games that every player or collector can own and (2) belongs to the 5% of games that are near impossible to find.


So you mean common/rare system. kind of defeats the object, but it would end arguments.


The two best ways to remedy this are a fight to the death, or else a vote from the contributors to say what they think bearing in mind regional differences. Personally I favour the latter option. This is why it's so hard to measure PAL rarity, it varies massively according to location, and why we need frequent comments on the rarity.


If anybody has a good idea for implementing this easily let me know.


How about just checking rarity using a completed listing search in the pal regions of ebay, ie, ebay.com.au .co.uk etc. you only need the one account and can rate how common the cart realy is.



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How about just checking rarity using a completed listing search in the pal regions of ebay, ie, ebay.com.au .co.uk etc. you only need the one account and can rate how common the cart realy is.


eBay only stores the last month or so's auctions, so it's not a useful guide. Plus it would be distorted because rarer items are more likely to be auctioned on their own than common items. Then there's the point that certain countries have a larger eBay presence than others (i.e. Germany much larger than Italy), but both countries have PAL carts in them. eBay is just too much of a variable, intrinsically.


Then there's the fact that wading through pages and pages of old auctions is mind-numbingly dull. :) When the PAL rarity list is done - and it's not far off, now - it'll be far easier than any other method.

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so what about boxes and cart variations from the same manufacture.



Title Match Pro Wrestling


Absolute Entertainment






H.E.S. (as above with video tape lables stuck on)



below is my cart and box




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Boxes are outside the scope of the rarity guide at the moment (just like they're outside the scope of the AA list), cart variations are definitely covered.


I'd not noticed before that someone had put up a photo of the HES as an Activision but with VCR labels on! Anyone got an accurate photo? :)

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my cart is a variation is for you to add, but it proberly isnt to significant.

mine has 1988 instead of 87 and has been re-aranged a bit


i also have

q*bert red atari, same as your pic but taiwan instead of hong kong

millipede same but less copyright and 1987 not 84


what do you think of includeing notes like these where a image may be a waste of bandwidth





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I know what you're saying... but I have to draw the line somewhere, so I drew it at minor label variations.. the various label variation lists which have taken people years to make are a better guide for them.


We can always add such variations on later, but we need to make the original task as completable as is possible; nothing to stop us moving the goalposts when we get closer to the goal. :)

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I use the simple system of (1) belongs to the 95% of games that every player or collector can own and (2) belongs to the 5% of games that are near impossible to find.


So you mean common/rare system. kind of defeats the object, but it would end arguments.


Yep, that's it! There's (really) rare and not rare :)


In stead of bragging about finding a (supposed) rarity, you brag about finding a game in pristine condition, a strange label that, or funky packaging. It seems like we are sometimes more obsessed with the numbers and ratings than with the games / collectibles.


A 10-point scale just seems a bit much. I mean, a 3 or a 6, doesn't mean a lot, especially when you take into account the vast regional differences. Most of the stuff that I add to my collection these days (South American) has no rarity rating at all, and it does not take away any of the fun, I must say.


All my respect goes to you guys working on these lists though! I've been working on the DPG 2600 import section myself for years, so I know that it's hard work.


Being involved for so long made me re-think the value of rarity systems. As long as you see the relativity in it all, I think you're fine and building these lists can be a lot of fun (and not a source of tension and frustrated debate). I now care more for the picture database that goes with the list you guys are making - very cool stuff! :)




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Being involved with a similar project at atarimania.com, I can see that it's a very difficult task to provide accurate rarity values for so many games, especially if you must include label variations.


As far as my own collecting goes, something is pretty rare if I don't have it, and very rare if I've never heard of it. And, of course, rarity and value have only a partial correlation.


However, PAL stuff is ignored far too often, and everyone involved with this project gets a :thumbsup: from me.

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Being involved with a similar project at atarimania.com, I can see that it's a very difficult task to provide accurate rarity values for so many games, especially if you must include label variations.


As far as my own collecting goes, something is pretty rare if I don't have it, and very rare if I've never heard of it. And, of course, rarity and value have only a partial correlation.


However, PAL stuff is ignored far too often, and everyone involved with this project gets a  :thumbsup:  from me.


Here, here! :)




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