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Atari 1986 Pic labels - rarity 3??


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Hi all,


I'm this close to finishing my Atari-branded collection now, just having a horrible time in getting the last Picture label. I finally got Flag Capture, and now I need Fun with Numbers.


So here's a question: how come I see about 3 Waterworlds for every Flag Capture pic label I see, and about 4 or 5 WWs for every Fun with Numbers?


Yet WW is rarity 9, Flag Capture is 5, and FwN is 3???


I get alerted whenever I see a FC or FwN (or WW for that matter) on eBay and yet they're almost impossible to get, it seems.


I'm sure other '86 pic labels releases should be scarcer too, but I've not really looked.


Any comment?

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Remember, rarity doesn't equal availability. If it did, then games like RH/SL, Mr. Do's Castle, CTCW and the rest of the Spectravision rarities, and many others would all be considered 4's.


The Atari re-release picture labels and the Sears picture labels aren't in high demand, and, consequently, they are rarely auctioned as single cartridges on ebay. However, all can routinely be found within larger lots. The extra effort and patience required to obtain these carts makes them seem rarer than they really are.


IMO, none of the Atari re-release or Sears picture labels are rare. Maybe one or two are a 6.* Fun With Numbers is one of the more common re-releases picture labels. I see it frequently on ebay. I'm still looking for the Concentration re-release picture label. It was available in two lots last week, but I passed on both because they were going higher than I was willing to pay and I didn't want the hassle of re-selling a bunch of common carts.


I don't believe the rarities assigned to these carts are so out-of-whack that they require revision. The only cartridge that I think could be looked at is Sears picture label Asteroids. IMO, that cartridge is rarer than the 2 it is currently assigned.


Flag Capture, Fun With Numbers, A Game of Concentration, and Black Jack are definitely harder to come by than their rarity suggests.

Black Jack is missing from the rarity database and, currently, has no rarity designation.


*I don't believe in picture label Superman

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In that case... next time you see a pic label Fun with Numbers could you let us know please? :)


I've had similar feelings before about certain carts.. for instance, I passed on red label Vanguard for ages because I figured it would be easier to get, but now I'm actually looking I haven't seen one in months - and I have been looking (in large lots as well as single carts).


For some reason, very often you can have an impression of the rarity of a cart and actually be way out. Well, when I say "you" I actually mean "I" but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has that happen.


I bet you a Combat that you can't find a picture label Fun with Numbers for sale within the next week! :)

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In that case... next time you see a pic label Fun with Numbers could you let us know please? :)


I've had similar feelings before about certain carts.. for instance, I passed on red label Vanguard for ages because I figured it would be easier to get, but now I'm actually looking I haven't seen one in months - and I have been looking (in large lots as well as single carts).


For some reason, very often you can have an impression of the rarity of a cart and actually be way out. Well, when I say "you" I actually mean "I" but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has that happen.


I bet you a Combat that you can't find a picture label Fun with Numbers for sale within the next week! :)


Now that you've challenged me, I probably won't see it for months. :D


But, honestly, I've seen Fun With Numbers and Concentration fairly often in larger lots. I will keep my eyes open and let you know the next time I see Fun With Numbers. :)

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If a picture label Fun With Numbers or Blackjack were easy to come by, I would have had one by now. Five years of collecting, not a damn one in my collection. Same goes for a Sears picture label Gunslinger. And speaking of "large lots" I paid almost $90 for one just to get the Cannon Man out of it. I hated it like hell but it's never sold seperately so I bit the bullet. Even in large lots though, it almost never comes up. I did auction title & description combined searches for weeks and weeks before I finally came across one in a lot.

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If a picture label Fun With Numbers or Blackjack were easy to come by, I would have had one by now.  Five years of collecting, not a damn one in my collection.  Same goes for a Sears picture label Gunslinger.  And speaking of "large lots" I paid almost $90 for one just to get the Cannon Man out of it.  


I've been collecting about as long as you and picked up all those without much difficulty. The only label variation or game that's NTSC with a rarity under a 9 I'm still missing (including minor label variations like different copyright dates and text and border color variations) are Sears Picture Label Basketball and the B&W label/standard cart version of Stargunner and that's only because I'm not really collecting anymore. I'm sure if I followed Ebay daily, I'd come across one of each within a few weeks. :wink:

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I've been searching for a complete Fun With Numbers for months now.


I'm curious about the boxes available for it, if they were colored & grey boxes issued or if both text & picture labels were included in the grey boxes?


Or were text labels sold in Basic Math boxes?




I picked up a CIB copies of Flag Capture & Concentration Pic labels from online dealers for $18 & $16 respectively. I was happy with those prices. :)


Pic label Black Jack & Fun With Numbers are next on the hit list!

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