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Wall Defender By Bomb


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I'd say its higher then that. It's pretty rare here as I haven't seen any around @ all.


The 'problem' with PAL carts is that they have been distributed to a large geographical area. Alhtough Bomb carts might be rare in Australia, they are commonly found in Germany for example. Same goes for PAL Obelix, which is very common in France, but not so easy to find anywhere else. This makes it a little harder to have a single rarity for a cart and it usually is averaged somehow.


(But trust me, Bomb carts are not hard to get. I recently paid EUR 9,99 for a boxed Z-Tack)

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I'd say its higher then that. It's pretty rare here as I haven't seen any around @ all.


I guess you know more than us lowly collectors. Why ask at all?


ask what? How much it's worth??


The value and rarity. YOK-dfa just gave a good explanation on PAL rarity. The cart you're selling comes up on Ebay Germany several times a week. Guaging PAL rarity on its availability in Australia is never a good idea. All Quelle carts would be rarity 10s by that line of reasoning.

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