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This is a hack of freeway. I changed the chickens into spaceships, and the cars into asteroids. The colors were changed to fit the theme of the hack, and the patterns of the asteroids were also changed from the original pattern of the cars in Freeway.


I didn't change any of the sounds yet, so the asteroid field still sounds like a highway. I'm doing this at work, and I don't want anyone to hear me playing games. :) Hopefully I can get to that at home sometime soon.


Have Fun! :cool:




EDIT: Added a link for the 2nd version of this hack "Sadistic Space Race". The asteroid patterns were changed and made faster. :evil:




Edited by Atarius Maximus
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Cool idea!

Thanks! I had fun making this one. :D I may play around with it a little more and make it a little harder (with faster asteroids). It could be a while before I find time at home to mess with the audio, though.



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Cool idea!

Thanks! I had fun making this one. :D I may play around with it a little more and make it a little harder (with faster asteroids). It could be a while before I find time at home to mess with the audio, though.




I remember playing this game in the arcade a looooooong time ago, around 1977 at the local 7-11. I think it was the first video game I ever played! It looks pretty good... The only real difference is the so-called "asteroids" were just dots... But having real asteroids is probably better.


Here's a screenshot of the real game.


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Here's another version of the hack that's faster and more difficult than the previous. I guess you could call this one "Sadistic Space Race". :D I also changed the colors to a more monochromatic theme. I still haven't had the opportunity to change the sounds. :(




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  • 2 weeks later...
Cool idea!

Thanks! I had fun making this one. :D I may play around with it a little more and make it a little harder (with faster asteroids). It could be a while before I find time at home to mess with the audio, though.




I remember playing this game in the arcade a looooooong time ago, around 1977 at the local 7-11. I think it was the first video game I ever played! It looks pretty good... The only real difference is the so-called "asteroids" were just dots... But having real asteroids is probably better.


Here's a screenshot of the real game.



Wow... there's a game I haven't thought about in 20+ years... I remember the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center had it as part of one of their exhibits, along with Lunar Lander. LL is still there, but I'm pretty sure Space Race is long gone...

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On my CC2, the background appears light grey, not black.

Hmmm... It looks black when running it in z26, which is what I used to test the color. I have no way to test it on real hardware.


Here's the section of code that includes the color of the pavement in freeway, I changed it from $8B to $00. I can post my entire modified source code this weekend, I'm out of the office this week and it's on my PC at work.


I used the color chart I created for my "Create Your Own Adventure" program (http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=47441&hl=), which I attached below.


      LDA    ($D9),Y;5
      STA    GRP1   ;3
      JSR    LF615  ;6
      LDA    ($DB),Y;5
      STA    GRP1   ;3
      DEY           ;2
      BNE    LF0B3  ;2
      STA    WSYNC  ;3
      STA    HMOVE  ;3
      LDA    $00    ;3; Was $8B - (Pavement Color)


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Here's the section of code that includes the color of the pavement in freeway, I changed it from $8B to $00.  I can post my entire modified source code this weekend, I'm out of the office this week and it's on my PC at work.

      LDA    ($D9),Y;5
      STA    GRP1  ;3
      JSR    LF615 ;6
      LDA    ($DB),Y;5
      STA    GRP1  ;3
      DEY          ;2
      BNE    LF0B3 ;2
      STA    WSYNC ;3
      STA    HMOVE ;3
      LDA    $00   ;3; Was $8B - (Pavement Color)


:!: lda $00 is loading from zero page location $00; it is not loading the value $00! Loading from the TIA registers will get weird values. What you should do is either change the lda $00 to lda #$00 or find where RAM location $8B is modified and load it with #$00. If that makes sense.


I thought that z26 emulated loads from the TIA registers correctly, though I wouldn't count on it, and it is very likely that this is why it looks differently on hardware vs emulation.

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:!: lda $00 is loading from zero page location $00; it is not loading the value $00!  Loading from the TIA registers will get weird values.  What you should do is either change the lda $00 to lda #$00 or find where RAM location $8B is modified and load it with #$00.  If that makes sense.


I thought that z26 emulated loads from the TIA registers correctly, though I wouldn't count on it, and it is very likely that this is why it looks differently on hardware vs emulation.

Thanks for the info, vdub_bobby, I should have time to look at it again this weekend. What you said does make sense, although I don't think I would have figured that out myself. If you or anyone else would like to make that quick change ($00 to #$00) and see if it works (someone with a Cuttle or a Krokodile Cart, perhaps) that would be great. :)



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I tried to revise this tonight, and it appears I accidently deleted my modified source code. :( When attempting to disassemble the bin I posted here with distella, I'm getting an error "unable to load spacerace.bin". I'm a little stuck. If someone else would volunteer to see if you can disassemble the game and post the source here, it would be much appreciated. I'm not sure why I can't get it to work.



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I tried to revise this tonight, and it appears I accidently deleted my modified source code.  :(    When attempting to disassemble the bin I posted here with distella, I'm getting an error "unable to load spacerace.bin".  I'm a little stuck.  If someone else would volunteer to see if you can disassemble the game and post the source here, it would be much appreciated.  I'm not sure why I can't get it to work.




:!: Distella can only handle file names up to 8 characters in length. It will break on anything longer.

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Ah, that makes sense...I know about DOS application 8.3 filename restrictions, I guess I was just trying to work to fast the last time I looked at it. Sometimes you just need someone else to point out the obvious. :) I'll get back to this soon.





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  • 18 years later...
4 minutes ago, Living Room Arcade said:

19 years later


Hello @Atarius Maximus, I love this Space Race hack!  Did you ever find the source code?  Any chance of changing the sounds?  

Wow, yeah, 19 years later. :)


No, the original modified source is long gone, but the binary could be disassembled again.   All I did with this one was disassemble the file with distella and search for the color entries, then using a trial and error process I changed colors.  The graphics were probably changed by directly modifying the binary with a hex editor.


Changing the sounds in an uncommented disassembled game is beyond my skill level.  I've never really attempted that, and I don't think I'll be going back to this one to try. 


Glad you're enjoying it!

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