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Compiling lists of Atari, Corp. (re-release) label variants

Christophero Sly

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I'm attempting to compile lists of all the known Atari, Corp. label variants from 1985-1991. This includes picture labels (black background), gray( silver) labels, and red labels. I've attached lists (html) of all the Atari, Corp. variants that I am able to verify from a scan or photo. If anyone has any additional Atari, Corp variants they can add to these lists, please post them in this thread. Please include as much detail as possible about the label--the copyright date, what appears on the controller info line, the size and color of the Atari logo, and whether or not the label illustration is drawn outside the frame. Scans would be cool. I'll keep the list updated and posted in this thread. Thanks. :)







Edited by Christophero Sly
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Offhand, I know Star Ship was re-released- see the "picture" label with the large yellow text. I'm not exactly sure when though.


That was a lot earlier... my own copy of that particular variant has "452" stamped on the end label, which means it was produced in the 45th week of 1982.


The '85-'88 rereleases don't even have these number stamps, IIRC.

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I have a 1986 Basic Programming cartridge with black tape over the controller information. It has a small white Atari logo and has art outside the frame. The end label has yellow letters on black. TM appears to the upper right of Programming on both labels.

Edited by froggger2
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I have these to add:


'86 3-D Tic Tac Toe (paddle misprint) - or did you mean to already have this one in the list? (you have the omitted '86 listed twice)

'88 Canyon Bomber (omitted)

'86 Defender (light blue background - PAL only)

'86 Night Driver (correct - red text)

'88 Super Breakout (omitted)


I'm glad you're doing this - I didn't know there was an omitted Yars' Revenge.


Planning to do the gray re-releases as well?

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Yay! I've been trying to collect this info for a while now.


You might add a column for how to quickly tell which is which for the ones that aren't obviously missing text...


Air-Sea Battle has a little dot hyphen on the later releases.

Home Run is all one word.


For the ones where the easiest way to tell is the picture running out:

Casino, the woman's hand is complete

Backgammon, one of the pieces is outside the pic on the left

Othello, the squares continue at the bottom


And definitely add a column for which of these came in gray boxes.

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Thank you to all the recent contributors. :)


'86 3-D Tic Tac Toe (paddle misprint) - or did you mean to already have this one in the list? (you have the omitted '86 listed twice)

Whoops! Thanks for catching that. Yes, that was supposed to be the error label.


Planning to do the gray re-releases as well

Yes. There are many interesting variants among the gray labels. However, I haven't been collecting the gray re-releases as actively as the black labels, so I don't have as big a foundation to start a list with. Plus, many of the gray label variants are unique, so it might be hard to identify the common elements to base a list on. I need to do a little research to familiarize myself with the distinguishing characteristics of the gray re-releases before I can begin constructing a list, but I'll try to find some time this week to put together a framework.


Yay!  I've been trying to collect this info for a while now.

Me too. I know there are several of us who are actively collecting these variants. Hopefully, everyone will contribute and we can put together something approaching a definitive list.


You might add a column for how to quickly tell which is which for the ones that aren't obviously missing text...


Air-Sea Battle has a little dot hyphen on the later releases.

Home Run is all one word.

I've been adding that sort of information to the 'Remarks' column. I'll add these two remarks to the list.


And definitely add a column for which of these came in gray boxes.

That's a good idea. I confess, I know very little about re-release boxes. I was under the impression that all the re-releases came in gray boxes. If anyone has any info on re-release boxed, please let me know. Also, what about re-release instruction manuals? Were these all B&W?


I've attached an updated list. Titles in italics are those with incomplete information. I'm sure most of the missing information for a specific variant can be inferred from other variants for that title, but I'd rather get direct verification for these things rather than risk adding inaccurate information to the list, so if you can fill in any of the blanks, please do so.

Edited by Christophero Sly
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Doesn't Defender blue background belong in this list, or was it PAL only?



Indeed, do you want PAL carts? 'cos if so I've a few that you probably don't have.


And when you say black re-releases from 85-88, what about the post '88 black picture labels? I've got a '91 Missile Command in black picture label style...

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Air-Sea Battle: 1986, black tape, sm. white Atari logo, picture outside box


Berzerk: 1987, ommitted, sm. black Atari logo, picture inside box



I've got a '91 Missile Command in black picture label style...

Very interesting. I assume it's PAL? Regardless, please post a photo of that bad boy. :D


Regarding PAL carts in general: I originally intended to construct an NTSC-only list, but I see no reason not to include a section for PAL carts, especially when there seem to be many interesting PAL variants, like that blue Defender and Pengo. If anyone has black-label PAL re-releases they would like included in the list, please post them here.


As crunchy said, the Giant LVAR is incomplete and, by all indications, future updates will not be forthcoming. Nevertheless, the Giant LVAR contains a wealth of valuable information and I am actively cross-referencing it. I would like to construct a list that supplements the Giant LVAR, not a list that supplants the Giant LVAR. I'm hoping that the variables and the format of this new list might reveal some patterns that provide insight into the re-releases beyond just being label variants.


Here are a few intriguing re-release variants from the Giant LVAR.


1987 Basketball with an orange background similar to Breakout.

1986 Flag Capture and Fun with Numbers with controller info on the END labels.


Can anyone confirm these?


Also, all the Air-Sea battle re-releases have slightly enlarged text on the end label, but I seem to recall seeing a re-release variant of Air-Sea battle which had enormous end label text. The Giant LVAR confirms this and the variation listed is the 1987 omitted, but my copy of that variant has normal size text on the end label. Can anyone clear this up?


Here is the most recent update to the list.

Edited by Christophero Sly
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I have a dodge em reprint without the controller info line. I read on here that it was rare, then saw about 10 in a row on ebay. Seems Atari might have done a double pack with Pele's soccer.



ARGH should have mentioned it's PAL. Sorry..... keep forgetting this is a mainly NTSC place :P

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1987 Basketball with an orange background similar to Breakout.

1986 Flag Capture and Fun with Numbers with controller info on the END labels.


Ok, that's just wierd! I'd like to see 'em though.



I think it is possible that "E: use with paddle controllers" meant that this was an "Error". Some of the notation in the LVAR was that T: meant typo, and E: meant end label. But in this case, I think it was a typo to use E: instead of T:. The black label Pengo is also listed as "E: use with paddle...", but if you look at the picture on AA, this "error" is on the main label.


That listing for basketball in the LVAR may be my fault?!? I had sent John Earney a bunch of updates at one point. Later when looking through my own inventory, I noticed I had listed that version of basketball as one I owned. I think I had cut/pasted the entry for orange Breakout down into the entry for the re-release of Basketball I had. I never did find an orange label basketball, and I always wondered if that entry in the LVAR had come from me.


That is why it is so nice to have picture proof of these entries archived somewhere. The atariguide site is done really well that way.


I see several new ones already on this list you are making that I do not have. I never realized that there were multiple versions with the same copyright year(controller info present/error/omitted). Some days my want list gets shorter :) , some days it grows :( .

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I think it is possible that "E: use with paddle controllers" meant that this was an "Error".  Some of the notation in the LVAR was that T: meant typo, and E: meant end label.  But in this case, I think it was a typo to use E: instead of T:.  The black label Pengo is also listed as "E: use with paddle...", but if you look at the picture on AA, this "error" is on the main label.

Yes, that notation makes better sense. Thanks for clearing that up.


That listing for basketball in the LVAR may be my fault?!?  I had sent John Earney a bunch of updates at one point.  Later when looking through my own inventory, I noticed I had listed that version of basketball as one I owned.  I think I had cut/pasted the entry for orange Breakout down into the entry for the re-release of Basketball I had.  I never did find an orange label basketball, and I always wondered if that entry in the LVAR had come from me.

Interesting. I've never seen that variant either and I haven't heard it mentioned beyond the LVAR. Could it be PAL? The Giant LVAR doesn't list the blue background Defender as PAL, but we now know that it is.

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