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5 Million Copies of ET


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Repeat to yourself.

"E.T. is my friend"


FYI: I was in Toys Are Us this past week-end and they had new. E.T. Action figures and a big stuffed E.T. for sale. Hopefully the Atari version can be "unlocked" in the new versions that are coming out....That would be cool!!!!

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Originally posted by liveinabin:

Nah, ET is definitely NOT the worst game of all time, there are LOADS worse than that. Anyone played Street Fighter the Movie??


Ohhh God! I did!!!! What a pile of crap!

There's alot of games that are alot worse then the 2600 ET.

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Hey there *is* a pattern to this insane ET auction. The 20th anniversary is coming up. Many new ET stuff and games are coming back. This makes some people feel a bit nogastalia and they start grabbing older collectable stuff no matter the price.


This plus the upcoming Christmas time might make a good time to finally unload that pile of ET dups that no one wanted to take for free before.

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So with this 'new' version of the film getting released, does this mean that the only DVD we're ever going to be able to buy of it is the 'special edition' - dammit! I'm sick of this - I just want Star Wars back - as is!!!

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Originally posted by liveinabin:

So with this 'new' version of the film getting released, does this mean that the only DVD we're ever going to be able to buy of it is the 'special edition' - dammit! I'm sick of this - I just want Star Wars back - as is!!!


Agreed regarding Star Wars. As for E.T. DVDs, recently DVDFile.com conducted an interview

with Steven Spielberg's publicist, Martin Levy. Here's what DVDFile had to say:

But unlike George Lucas' tinkering with the Star Wars films, according to Levy the original 1982 theatrical version of E.T. was never meant to be "replaced," and the original cut will continue to be made available, including any DVD release(s) of the film. "It was always everybody's intention to have the original version (of E.T.) remain available," Levy revealed, though both versions may not all be packaged on one DVD. "A decision hasn't been made yet on whether the original version will be included (on one DVD) or as a separate release," he continued, though remained firm on the Spielberg's camp commitment to preserving cinematic history. "There will be a release of the original version of E.T. on DVD."


A recent press release also indicated the intent to release both the "special" and original editions in 2002. I hope the true original cut is released—some later home video editions apparently cut out a line about a "terrorist" costume because of changing sensitivities.


So, now the real question is: Will the original E.T. video game see a 20th anniversary release?

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The word is out. Yes the new special edition E.T. will have existing scenes digitaly enhanced as well as entire new sequences created via computer animation. I know this because Mr. Spielberg himself contacted me a few months back. It seems he got word of the hack I made and wanted to create a more adult oriented E.T. for the new millennium. I think the new title is ET Mo D Pimp Daddy SuperFly but Im not positive on that. Also they were somewhat secretive about the digital enhancement to existing scenes, but the sketches I saw will ensure that the new ET will be VERY popular with the ladies... and yes a new game will be released on all the new platforms but will only be sold to people over 17 years old.


(ITS ALL A LIE, Sorry I'm bored!!)

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This may have been stated in an earlier post, but I don't have the heart to read through this mammonth thread...



Anyway, I'm reading the book "The Ultimate History of Video Games" by Steven Kent and came across the section where he explains the E.T. situation:



"Atari was stuck with enormous inventories of worthless game cartridges. With no hope of selling them, Atari dumped millions of cartridges in a landfill in the New Mexico desert. When reports came out that people had discovered the landfill, Atari sent steamrollers to crush the cartridges, then poured cement over the rubble."


I personally never knew that they destroyed them. It goes on:



"This was not the first time Atari destroyed unwanted cartridges. The practice had gone on for years. According to several sources, the concrete slab under Atari's Borregas Street warehouse is filled with crushed cartridges."


Pretty interesting stuff! Hopefully this will keep the thread alive & kicking until 200!

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The new Electronic Gaming Monthy #150 Has an article on the 20 worst games of all time. There are 2 Atari 2600 games on the list.

#9 is Custers Revenge and the top honor of the worst game of all time goes to....E.T. What the F*** do they know!!??? They probably didnt even play the game!



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Originally posted by moycon:

The new Electronic Gaming Monthy #150 Has an article on the 20 worst games of all time. There are 2 Atari 2600 games on the list.

#9 is Custers Revenge and the top honor of the worst game of all time goes to....E.T. What the F*** do they know!!??? They probably didnt even play the game!




heh i think Pac-man should get that title as #1 that game totally sucks


I would rather play E.T. then pac-man anyday

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