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New Atari Port - Venus Express


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ok... don't ask my why but it now gets compiled again... (but wasted 2 hours of my time...)


miker...the superpacker does copy the stuff but it seems i have to put a small init routine at the beginning to switch off rom before i enter $f000...


but thanks! great help!



heaven, why you don't test your game on the real thing? The large player sprite appears in the emulation only. on the atari the game itself runs fine, but is not showing "intro screen". (just black)



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miker: superpacker works thanks for the tip...


lizard: i just need a packed exe file for the guys who dont want to write a complete 5,25 disc for this little game... ;) so the pucrunch method is good for Boinxx etc but in Boinxx i am using the packer which Fox&Eru used in Numen... ;)


twh: simply because my real machine is in my basement and not connected... (only my xbox + c64 are...)... i wasn't aware of that the damned sprite is not visible on real machine... but i have more emulation stuff... attachted 2 files which are made by superpacker...they run by loading them with ALT+X but they are not running from a game dos... so i do not expect that they will run on real either...


still issues to solve...



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ok...esp. for Charly Chaplin (Andreas) here is the file version... which should work under game dos... i have attachted a game dos... in emulator you can test it...put the cube menu disc into drive 1 and put the venusver.atr into drive 2...now boot and you can start the game by pressing D (this is the packed version (FlashPack2.1)).



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it looks like you treat my question for a file version as a complaint ?!? Well, this was not meant to be... just a question (or a wish)... anyway, thanks for the file-version that I have now.


The (packed) Venus version I got by using the Code Cruncher 2.2D now works fine under any tested DOS 2 type DOS (DOS 2.0, DOs 2.5, BibDOs, TurboDOS, MyDOS) and with all my favorite gamedos versions (NanoDOS, MicroDOS, PicoDOS). I only added two short utils in front of the packed version: a) a Basic off switcher and b) a reboot (coldstart) routine... this is the version I use now. And finally I got an idea...


what if... well, what if you find a better packer and compress your game <= 4kbytes ?!? If so, you could send it in for the mini-game compo (as a 4k entry)... And err, if packing of the current version does not give you less than 4k, maybe you can just remove the music (use a shorter one or remove it completely) to get a 4k result. ok, the music is good, but if you wanna have an entry to the minigame-compo, then 4kbytes is the allowed maximum afaik... just a silly idea...


If interested I can post the different Venus versions (4a, 4b, 4c, the one packed with Code Cruncher 2.2D + music and another one without music) here. All on one single density ATR image... (zipped)...


greetings, Andreas Magenheimer.

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wrote two replies to your question, alas only the last appeared (don`t know why)...

so here is the first reply again...


Well, I downloaded and tested all your Venus 4 versions at home. If I remember correctly you posted 3 different versions here:


1) Venus4a (which I call it now): seems to be a completely unpacked version, with some copy routines included. This version works fine, except for the title bug (and some screen garbage during loading)... I like it !!


2) Venus4b: same as 4a, but packed with Super Packer (and thus also a title bug and some screen garbage during load)... nice, but... (see Code Cruncher...)


3) Venus4c: packed with Flash Packer. alas, this version does not work with most gamedos and DOs 2 versions. With most versions means, that there were a few DOs`ses or gamedosses (forgot which ones) where you had to press RESET to get the game running, but with most loaders you simply ended in a system crash (no matter how often you pressed Reset then, the computer was locked up). So, I don`t use this version any longer...


Later I used the unpacked version (4a) to pack it with *Code Cruncher 2.2D* and it worked !! It packed the game and in the end the (packed) game did run fine... Why did I use CC 2.2D?!? Simply, because CC packed programs run fine under almost any DOS 2 and/or gamedos. Also, because CC switches off the screen when loading (so no garbage appears) and switches it on again, when the program has completely unpacked... All I had to do then, was to add two small utils in front of the packed game for some more comfort: a) a Basic off switcher and b) a reboot (coldstart) routine that sets RESET to coldstart...


Well, thats the version I use now and I like it, because it is packed, there is no garbage while loading, it switches off Basic automatically and it does a reboot when pressing Reset... greetings, Andreas Magenheimer.

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Thanks Andreas for the informations... the new version 5 does not work anymore with FP21... i have no clue what the f... the problem is... same memory usage etc...


the new version 5 will be exclusivly available for ABBUC for 3 months... so i'll not gonna post any new binaries here... i am afraid.

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but I will post something here (if you don`t mind)... Attached you will find the 3 mentioned Venus4 versions (4a, 4b and 4c). You will also find a version packed with Code3 Cruncher 2.2D including music (VenusMus.COM) and a shortened game version *without* music (VenusGam.COM)... Both Code3 Cruncher versions work perfectly under DOS and gamedos...


I have also added an ATR image that contains some extremely small utils, I have used with Venus, like BasicOff.COM, ColdSTA.COM, etc. (as well as some Image-Converters for the A8 and some Basic to ML "fake-converters"...)


greetings, Andreas Magenheimer.

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oooer, that looks really nifty! keep up the awesome work!



Yeah, you are right, the game is very cute and fun. It is already in my database which will be used in updating my Atari site very soon.


Keep up the good work, Heaven/TQA.

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