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... Never wear Activision patches when a Veitnam Veteran is

Opa Opa

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I have a jacket that has all of my Activision Patches on it, and I was out eating when an old man, apparently a Veteran, had to make a smart ass remark about it.


"Well, If the Space Invaders ever attack we'll call on you Mr. 100,000 points."


Damn. Dont arrange the patches that look like awards in award style. Old people can really suck.

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man **** him. fought for america yet is insulting your rights to be human and to express yourself. I had an old man gripe at me for how i looked once, lets just say he wanted to get smartass with me, and I think I kinda remind him of a drill seargant cuz he shut, what the call, the **** up.


Just because I had on a shirt that had a celtic cross on it (a dropkick murphys shirt) he was like, I was in the gulf war, you little punk ass kids dont know what the hell that cross means.. Well.. it was a celtic cross for eons before the nazis bastardised it.


**** those who want to act better than you, yet drop down to low levels.

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Originally posted by ATARIPITBULL:

Just because he was in a war, that gives him the right to say something smart ass about your jacket? You should have told him to kiss your butt.


Well, it should earn him a little respect. But there are some real jerks out there I must agree. Kind of like having a tough life doesn't give you a license to go postal and kill a bunch of folks.... I would have probably come back with some intelligent response like.. F*** OFF!

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Bitter old smart ass. He's just mad because his generation just missed all the cool stuff. I served my country in the USN during the Gulf War and will play videogames instead of firing up the victrola thank you. But out of respect for the elderly you let him slide.

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Maybe he was thinking the same as me ...


What in the wide,wide world of sports are you doing wearing Activision patches in the year 2002? Are you trying to impress 30 year olds that you kick ass at Pitall!


Please retire your patches to your collection (where it belongs) before you get you butt kicked by the Xbox gang.


I'm finding it really hard to imagine a snazzy come back from someone wearing Activision patches.

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Yeah, and whatever happened to people being entitled to their own opinions without being attacked by people with different opinions?


All of you need to chill out and relax a little bit. Since when are things so tense on the AA MB? Sheesh.


voice of reason Stan

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Maybe he was thinking the same as me ...


What in the wide,wide world of sports are you doing wearing Activision patches in the year 2002? Are you trying to impress 30 year olds that you kick ass at Pitall!


Please retire your patches to your collection (where it belongs) before you get you butt kicked by the Xbox gang.


I'm finding it really hard to imagine a snazzy come back from someone wearing Activision patches.


Who the **** are you to judge? People are going to be who they are going to be. In your case, an asshole. What gives you the right to try to act better than someone else? Let me guess, you are an XBOX fanboy, arnt you? I guess I need to quit playing atari now too because your "holy decree" tells me to?


Telling someone how to live their life only brings one thing to mind in your case, you obvisouly enjoy living lives for other people because the people around you in your life are probally sick and tired of jackass remarks like that.

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Originally posted by liquid_sky:

Who the **** are you to judge? People are going to be who they are going to be. In your case, an asshole. What gives you the right to try to act better than someone else? Let me guess, you are an XBOX fanboy, arnt you? I guess I need to quit playing atari now too because your "holy decree" tells me to?


Telling someone how to live their life only brings one thing to mind in your case, you obvisouly enjoy living lives for other people because the people around you in your life are probally sick and tired of jackass remarks like that.


YES! I agree with Liquid all the way! Remember how I said I was a lurker for about 2 months? Well, I lurked long enough to remember Adrian, and I hope this isn't him.

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Sorry, cool dudes ... just my opinion. I agree with the Vet.


Agree with what? That only veterns can wear patches on their jackets? That because you fought in a war you have the right to look down on people who didn't? Or that you can't wear what you want where you want?


I have nothing but respect for our nations veterns, but just because you did a great service for our country doesn't give you the right to badger people who didn't. If I want to wear a jacket with all my video game patches on it, it's my right to do so and I shouldn't be looked down upon by someone who was obviously trying to start something.


If you had been wearing some kind of anti-war shirt or some kind of pro Nazi shirt I can see a ventern getting upset, but to go pick on someone because you think their patches look like millitary awards is just plain stupid. Obviously this guy had some kind of chip on his shoulder.



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I don't believe the Vet said you don't have the right to wear your patches. I wouldn't call his comment badgering. I don't see anywhere that he wanted to fight.


The Vet made an observation and I agree with it.


BTW, I'm writing this in my sport coat made from hundreds of combat carts. Any you cyber punks make fun of me, I have the ALCU on you faster than you can find the easter egg in Adventure.

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You win. Wearing Activision patches is really cool.


Me and the commie, a-hole Vet are going to the P Diddy concert wearing our "New Kids on the Block" T-shirts. Don't worry about us. I've printed out this thread so I can convince all those ingnorant, geeks about the 1st amendment.


Thanks everyone for saving me!

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