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... Never wear Activision patches when a Veitnam Veteran is

Opa Opa

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Well, I think maybe the old man just make a joke or something like that. Of course, I'd rather wear a WWII patch on a jacket than a Activision Patch, remeber that generation of people didn't have video games to play, instead they had to fight for the world in wich we live now, otherwise, thanks to then we don't live under the Nazi flag or the comunism ideoligy. I personally know WWII veterans, and I think they really are the good generation, we should be thankfull to them instead to criticize them. Just my two cents




[ 05-20-2002: Message edited by: osbo ]

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Originally posted by osbo:

Well, I think maybe the old man just make a joke or something like that. Of course, I'd rather wear a WWII patch on a jacket than a Activision Patch, remeber that generation of people didn't have video games to play, instead they had to fight for the world in wich we live now, otherwise, thanks to then we don't live under the Nazi flag or the comunism ideoligy. I personally know WWII veterans, and I think they really are the good generation, we should be thankfull to them instead to criticize them. Just my two cents




[ 05-20-2002: Message edited by: osbo ]



Those were some nice two cents.



But still, that was uncalled for, I mean, You faught in Veitnam, THANK YOU FOR WINNING! but they ARE JUST ACTIVISION PATCHES! JEEZ! Ah, just wait till the space invaders come, just wait...

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Dude, I think it's ok, but remember, those old guys out there, they wanted to trow baseballs instead of grenades, shoot a .22 instead of an M1, go out in dates instead of going out in patrols, and like I said, he probably made a joke, plain and simple, and so far, he knows what's Space Invaders



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Originally posted by osbo:

Dude, I think it's ok, but remember, those old guys out there, they wanted to trow baseballs instead of grenades, shoot a .22 instead of an M1, go out in dates instead of going out in patrols, and like I said, he probably made a joke, plain and simple, and so far, he knows what's Space Invaders




I'll tell the Space Invaders that old people taste good

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guys, chill.

opa, you have to stop taking this so seriously. First off, at least what he said had some humour to it. Secondly, when you think about it, he may have found your patches offensive because they kinda mock the things that he stood for (ie: when he called you mr 10,000 points, he was pointing out the fact that while your game is easy, and you're good at it, the real thing is much harder, and should be given a little more respect.).

Frankly, I'd laugh a bit, then forget about it - your never going to see him again anyway, so what's the use of being bitter about the fact that he made a good joke & you had no comeback?

thirdly, Adrian is quite nice.....

*starts running*


[ 05-20-2002: Message edited by: Noble Kale ]

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I don't believe the Vet said you don't have the right to wear your patches. I wouldn't call his comment badgering. I don't see anywhere that he wanted to fight.

The Vet made an observation and I agree with


I disagree. Had the vet said something like "I think wearing your patches like that is disrespectful" or something along those lines that would be making an observation, but by making a smart alec remark like that he was obviously trying to make Opa Opa feel guilty about the badges or trying to start something. I call that badgering.



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I agree with the laugh it off comments.


The guy has probably been through a whole lotta shit you or I have never seen. Does this make it right for him to be a smartass.


NO, but if we let every smartass out there get to us then we are gonna have problems.


Just shrug it off. There are way more important things to worry about than small stuff like this.

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Originally posted by liquid_sky:


Just because I had on a shirt that had a celtic cross on it (a dropkick murphys shirt) he was like, I was in the gulf war, you little punk ass kids dont know what the hell that cross means.. Well.. it was a celtic cross for eons before the nazis bastardised it.



If you are talking about the swastika, I think that's a special case. You'll have a hard time justifying wearing it, regardless of any other meanings (celtic, navaho, whatever).


BTW, I take issue with your avatar image.


From what I've read about him, Che Guevera was little more than a more handsome and more idealistic version of Fidel Castro who had a nack for propaganda speeches that pushed buttons with the disenfranchised in the third world. Hardly a fit role model for anyone. He was just as much a ruthless killer as any other guerilla dictator. His writings have been used to rationalize just about every guerilla movement in latin america, causing endless violence in the region.

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Glenn.. look closer at his hat. Its a satire of him. See the nike check?

Its kind of a personal statement of mine.. Its mocking those people whop try to stand up for a change, but are nothing else than an everyday human.. nothing different except for the front they put up.


As for the celtic cross, its also known as the iron cross.

Heres a pic of the shirt. I mistyped dropkick murphys, it was a rancid shirt. m apologies.





[ 05-21-2002: Message edited by: liquid_sky ]

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