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... Never wear Activision patches when a Veitnam Veteran is

Opa Opa

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This is totally off topic but the situation with the old man making fun of your activision patches reminded me about a run in I had with an old lady.


I drive a '76 VW bus and one day I had just filled up with gas and ran inside to pay (no pay at the pump). So I come back and this old lady (like 80-85) has opened the door to my car! I say "excuse me can I help you" and she turns around and yells "I was tryin' to figure out how to move you GD Nazi mobile so I could get some GD gas!". Man that made me mad, mad that she opened my car, and mad that she had the nerve to yell. I just smiled, got in the car and drove away. Of course by the time I got home I was even more mad because I relized she was driving a Honda. Nazi Mobile? The Japanese were in the war too.....bitch.



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I would have just said. "Yep, the Space Invaders, River Raiders, and whoever else can bring it on." :)


One also has to figure that professional bass fishermen receive some serious sarcasm from this guy, also . . . :)


And, seriously, you're still wearing them in 2004? That jacket = serious eBay swag . . . :) And how many did you actually earn and not have to snag in a auction, anyway . . .

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Hey, I'm comfortable enough with myself to admit that as a girl, Adrian is quite hot, I reserve the right to have no opinion on how he looks as a dude.


Wow, was I out of the loop back then... :D  :D  :D  :D


Hey, it took you two years to figure that out?

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As far as the patches go... wear what ya like. I mean after all, that's what they were originally intended for, right?


And as for this guy's comment to you. I'd have ran with it and carried the joke further. Maybe said something like, "There are coming you know. :D I'm ready for 'em." You could've thrown in a few choice Space Invaders sounds too for good measure. :D

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What in the wide,wide world of sports are you doing wearing Activision patches in the year 2002?  Are you trying to impress 30 year olds that you kick ass at Pitall!


Please retire your patches to your collection (where it belongs) before you get you butt kicked by the Xbox gang.


I agree with Trey. Running around sporting your Activision patches these days is lame


If Activision released 'Pitfall Underpants' would you be wearing those today too? (Probably on the outside of your silver lycra skin tight 'Dragster' suit)



I think the ol' dudes comment was pretty sharp.

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If this guy was a veteran, and he fought in a war, YOU ALL need to learn some respect for people who risked their LIVES so that you can play video games in the comfort of your own home. Having fought in a war protecting ALL OF YOU trumps any accomplishment you have, period.


Even if he wasn't a veteran - You need to lighten up. You wore Activision patches on your jacket in public, in 2004. That's not exactly a "fashion statement". It's a cry for help. There's nothing wrong with being a video game, or Atari, or Activision entusiast, but when you sew them onto your jacket and you're a grown adult, you CANNOT expect people to not make jokes about and laugh at you. You wouldn't be wearing them in public if you weren't subconsciously begging for attention.


That's how life is. You're entitled to your opinion of Activision games. So is everyone else. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

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Originally posted by osbo:

Well, I think maybe the old man just make a joke or something like that. Of course, I'd rather wear a WWII patch on a jacket than a Activision Patch, remeber that generation of people didn't have video games to play, instead they had to fight for the world in wich we live now, otherwise, thanks to then we don't live under the Nazi flag or the comunism ideoligy. I personally know WWII veterans, and I think they really are the good generation, we should be thankfull to them instead to criticize them. Just my two cents




[ 05-20-2002: Message edited by: osbo ]



Those were some nice two cents.



But still, that was uncalled for, I mean, You faught in Veitnam, THANK YOU FOR WINNING! but they ARE JUST ACTIVISION PATCHES! JEEZ! Ah, just wait till the space invaders come, just wait...


This has got to be the most ungrateful, idiotic thing I've ever read on this forum.


55,000+ American Soldiers DIED in Vietnam. Their families think you're a douche bag for making fun of them.

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The blame lies with the person who willingly wears out of date, attention causing clothing in public and then pretends they aren't aware that they cause people to point and laugh. Screaming for attention and then complaining that you get negative attention instead of positive reactions is childish.


Get a sense of humor, and learn to laugh at yourself first.

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reminds me of the time...


One of my teachers, insisted that we all say the pledge evry day before the class began. Well on this particular day I felt like crap and not being able to summon a parent I was stuck at school. I remained seated while the others stood. About one stanza in to the pledge he goes bezerk, and starts yelling at me about how I'm unpatriotic and have thanks for his service to the military.


Well that did it. I'm the first male in my family that wasn't drafted to server in the military largely in part to my relatives going to war for our freedoms. My Grand father server in WW1 and WW2, and my father in Vietnam. I stood up, looked him square in the eye and loudly told him that he was currently infringing on my rights, the ones he so proudly served and fought for. Taking away my choice to pursue happiness, my choice to say what I want, when I want.


At this point I threw-up on his shoes. I was out for two days.


When I returned, he didn't say anything to me when I walked in the room. He then asked that those who wished to, to please stand and say the pledge with him.


We all stood, and we all spoke the words.

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This forum really needs a board like "Monster Island" over on the Survivor Sucks forums, which is basically a place to keep all the legendary rambling urban-legend threads . . .


Let's see:


This one, Knight Rider, the Great Joystick Debate, Turbo, The longest of the many ET landfill threads . . .


And that's just from the 2600 section . . .

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I have a jacket that has all of my Activision Patches on it, and I was out eating when an old man, apparently a Veteran, had to make a smart ass remark about it.


"Well, If the Space Invaders ever attack we'll call on you Mr. 100,000 points."


Damn. Dont arrange the patches that look like awards in award style. Old people can really suck.


first off.. LOL.. second off.. I would of responded after the 'Mr. 100,000' comment with this.. "They now call me Mr. 100,001 points after I finished with your 'ol lady' :)

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